EgN Knowledge Base
Game Servers
Jailbreak |
Where can I find a full list of the rules?
What do I do if I get freekilled?
If you are freekilled, and know for a fact that it was a freekill, resort to the latter.
What not to do: Scream over the mic, yelling "HEY, FREEKILL!" This just causes disruption and will more then likely get you muted.
What to do: Send the admins a message in admin chat. They will more than likely investigate the issue, and slay the player.
What do I do if there's a mass freekiller in the Jailbreak server?
First action is to get an admin on the server if that person is still there. This can be accomplished by simply sending a Steam message or asking someone in the TeamSpeak server. This does not mean go straight to Kharn. DO NOT SPAM THE FORUM CHATBOX! If no one can be found, simply to the the 'Submit a Ban' section and follow the template for filling out a complaint. One of the higher-ups will go in and manually ban the freekiller. It is not the end of the world if somebody freekills in the JailBreak server, so don't make a big deal out of it.
Why doesn't the server display my current rank?
The server needs to restart in order to reload everything, including ranks. Give it one or two days. The server automatically restarts every day.
Why do the CTs (Guards) have 115hp, can this be changed to 100hp?
The CT team has 115hp to even out the 2T to 1CT ratio the server runs, it allows a CT to be stabbed twice and survive this, which adds a strategic element to gameplay since CTs can still be backstabbed for a one hit kill. And so encourages the T team to be cunning and plan their moves strategically.
Since our server runs a lot of maps which are easy to rebel on, and since our rule set welcomes and encourages rebelling this makes a more even win/loss ratio for CT/T, while also differentiating our server from others and so this won't be changed.
Why do AWPs do so much damage?
Mainly because the CT's don't die by a single shot body shot, unless at point blank range, because of their 115 health. It also adds a realism factor.
Minigames |
Does the server use noblock?
Yes, the minigames server has noblock installed. This is to make the maps much easier, and to avoid problems with players getting stuck.
Can admins use their powers to their advantage? (Low gravity, setting health)
No. If it's possible to do it without admin, then do not use admin. If an admin is continually using his powers to an unfair advantage, report him/her.
What happens if a player keeps picking the same minigame on a multigames map?
If the same minigame keeps getting picked every single round to the point where people are getting annoyed, then all the players should be slayed until a different minigame is being picked. This is to keep the gameplay variated instead of repetitive.
Trouble in Terrorist Town |
Am I allowed to claim rooms?
No, you may not claim a room. This makes it unfair for other players on the server.
Am I allowed to prop surf?
No, prop surfing is not allowed. It gives you an unfair advantage.
Where can I find a full list of the INNOCENT and DETECTIVE rules?
No RDM No false KoS Don't kill on suspicion *Have a real reason to kill another player, seeing them kill another player etc.* You can only kill AFK players in overtime
Where can I find a full list of the TRAITOR rules?
No killing other traitors Don't call out traitor teammates
What's considered TRAITOR Baiting?
Traitor Baiting activity's (Acts similar to a traitor that would make innocents killable.)
Telling everyone you're a traitor. Shooting towards players as an innocent Throwing frag, incendiary, or discombobulators near other places espically in dangerous situations (example: A discombob while near a cliff) Running by unindentified bodies. KOSing other innocents Planting a dropped C4 or wielding another T weapon *Unless Detective since detectives are always innocent) Apporaching another player with an explosive prop (Explosive barrels, etc) Entering/leaving traitor only areas (Traitor Rooms) Destroying detective equipment (Health Stations,Security Turrets, etc)
General |
Can I get my personal server sponsored by EgN?
What do I do if there's a hacker in the server?
The Community
Community Guidelines |
- Keep your critiques of anything, but especially of private figures and online communities constructive.
- Tolerate a person’s identity. Don’t discriminate or harass people, no character assassination. Do not condone any of this.
- Only creative insults that keep in line with all other rules are allowed
- Do not make malicious or duplicitous statements
- Do not disclose private information of anyone, except for your own social media, name and pictures of yourself. Do not force or attempt to persuade anyone to disclose even this.
- Do not reference malicious webpages in any way.
- Do not post the URL or IP or mention with the primary goal the advertisement of anything that competes with this community.
- Only one account per person per service is allowed within this community. (e.g. Jack may use 1 Discord, 1 Steam and 1 forum account. Jack may not use 2 Discord accounts)
- Don’t spam.
- Do not attempt to bypass text filters.
- Media consisting of the display of intimate body parts or graphic violence are not allowed to be posted or referenced.
- Animated media may not contain excessive flickering.
- Your nickname must comply with these rules
- Don’t do or reference anything considered illegal under federal law in the EU, the USA or Canada.
- (Assisting in) purposefully gaining unauthorised access, or gaining unauthorised access without immediately notifying Staff and not using this access is a permanent, never unban ban.
- We ordain cats are cute, you may not disagree.
Please explain the community ranks and groups |
The Leadership are the people with moderation/administrative power over the entire community. Additionally in-game admin is handed out to people based on merit but being an admin in-game doesn't grant a rank or power to resolve complaints outside of in-game, that's The Leadership's job. The Leadership:  : The owner of the community, BDFL, only person with access to all the financials. Hi!  : the leader when The Leader isn't here.  : The people in who are the 1st line of forum moderation, dispute resolution, and advisors to the rest of The Leadership. Community Members:  : All you guys! Making an account on our website gives you this, we'll only remove this from you if we want to disavow you, which will like "never" happen. HypeSquad: Future group for community organizers, people who want to organize events and twitch streamers who want to associate with the community. It's a group so The Leadership can work closely together with these people (or androids, we don't judge!).
Regarding Community Meetings |
- Community Meetings are held the first Saturday of every month, with the exact time posted on the calendar.
- All members and guests are invited and encouraged to attend.
- We will discuss the current state of the community, recent changes, and answer questions.
- Do not spam the chat during a meeting.
- Please RSVP on the calendar for meetings.
- If you'd like to speak over mic during a meeting, please type *raise hand* and you will be permitted to speak.
- Everything discussed is important in one way or another, so please pay attention!
What are the ranks' functions? |
Leadership: Leader: Leads the clan and manages it's finances, holds final say in decisions and is tasked with always improving upon the clan, building a path to a better future, as there is always room for improvement!
Co-Leader: Assists the Leader in their task, holds the responsibility of substituting for the Leader whenever necessary.
Advisor: While also holding many high administrative privileges, are tasked with advising the leadership in their decisions, and as such they have a heavy influence towards the clan's future. Has the EgN-A| tag.
Executive: Staff: Are tasked with administrating the clan's daily business, ranging from resolving issues between people, teaching new clan members to answering your questions, while they are the lowest higher-up rank, they are EgN's workhorse and are of vital importance towards keeping EgN running smooth. These people should be your first and main point of contact with EgN and it's leadership. Has the EgN-S| tag.
Representative: Ideally represent the wants, needs, and ideas of the community, bringing them to the table. They are elected on a monthly basis and participate in many Staff+ discussions. Wears the EgN-P tag.
Members: Legend: Older, experienced, and valued members of the community. Have been in the community for over 2 years. The definition of an ideal EgN Member. Must be a near unanimous vote by the Staff+
Elder: Valued and trusted clan members dedicated to EgN and mature above the level of that of a Veteran.
Veteran: Clan members who are active, showing dedication and maturity to EgN to above the level of an elite.
Elite: Basic, dedicated members of EgN. These are the baseline admins and eligible to join teams. Wear the EgN| tag
Member: Those that have been accepted into the clan, basic members of EgN. They are unable to become admin or join teams. They are not required to wear clan tags, but can wear them to be promoted to Elite.
You must be Elite + to be apart of any of the following specials
Dev Team: Additional rank given to the people currently running the servers. They manage and garner support for the different servers they run.
Retired: Former members of EgN. They were once part of the community, but for any reason are no longer with us. Now they are regarded just as registered users.
Recruit: Have applied to be a part of the clan. They await a two week period in which they will be judged by the community before ultimately becoming a Member. Wear the EgN-R| tag
Game Admin: The admins of the EgN servers. Have admin on at least one server.
News Team: Keep the community up to date on server events, EgN news, and hot topics in the real world.
Events Team: Coordinate fun events on the forums, servers, and teamspeak.
Social Media Team: Manage the social media of EgN - Twitter, Facebook, Twitch, Facebook, and Tinychat
Anime Club: They watch anime together
What is expected of me? |
These are your expectations.
Rank expectations:
Dev Team: - Keep your servers running smooth and to a good standard. - You are responsible for the servers you are running. - Are accountable for populating the servers and generating new ideas
Representative: - Participates in Staff+ discussions - Helps to approve recruitment and admin applications - Can collaboratively submit promotions - Active on forums, servers, and Teamspeak - Have the same forum, Teamspeak, and server name
Recruit: - Expected to follow the rules of the community - Become familiar with how to use the forums, Teamspeak, and all of the servers - Get to know the members of the community - Remain active on the servers, forums, and Teamspeak - Have the same forum, Teamspeak, and server name - Receive recommendation from at least one Staff+ - Wear the EgN-R| tag
Member: - Represent EgN in a positive manner at all times. - Provide feedback on new recruits - Have the same forum, Teamspeak, and server name - Eligible to be promoted to elite by wearing the clan tags (EgN| ) after 4 weeks.
Elite: - Responsible for guiding new members & reporting poor behavior when observed. - Accountable for reporting all bans. - Be active on the forums, servers and team speak. - Provide feedback on new recruits - Wear EgN tags at all times. - Have the same forum, Teamspeak, and server name
Veteran: - Accountable for behavior of elite and member ranks. - Permitted to use admin on lower ranked members to enforce sever rules (excluding ban) - Be active on the forums, servers and teamspeak. - Accountable for reporting all bans > 1 hour - Provide feedback on new Recruits. - Wear EgN tags at all times. - Have the same forum, Teamspeak, and server name
Elder: - Trusted members of the community - Accountable for behavior of veterans and below - Permitted to use admin on lower ranked members to enforce sever rules (excluding ban) - Be active on the forums, servers, and teamspeak - Accountable for reporting all bans > 12 hours - Provide feedback on new Recruits. - Wear EgN tags at all times. - Have the same forum, Teamspeak, and server name
Legend: - Experienced, trusted members of the community - Accountable for behavior of lower ranks - Granted extra permissions to help with Staff if needed - Be active on the forums, servers, and teamspeak - Accountable for reporting all bans > 24 hours - Provide feedback on new Recruits. - Wear EgN tags at all times. - Have the same forum, Teamspeak, and server name
Staff: - Responsible for reviewing ban reports. Ensuring that evidence is posted. - Responsible for insuring veterans carry out their duties. - Responsible for moderating the forums, removing spammers etc. - Responsible for endorsing promotions (up to Legend) - First in line to review ban appeals. - First in line to approve admin applications. - First in line for recruit-acceptance / denial. - Be active on the forums, servers and team speak. - Review applications every Sunday
Advisor: - Responsible for ensuring staff carry out their duties as expected. - Responsible for assisting staff with their duties when needed. - Assist leader and co-leader on strategic direction of the clan. - Accountable for behavior of all members, elites, veterans, elders, legends, and staff - Responsible for endorsing promotions (up to staff) - Be active on the forums, servers and team speak.
Co-Leader / Leader: - Responsible for behavior of all community members. - Responsible for driving the strategic direction of the community. - Accountable for promotions of all ranks. - Be active on the forums, servers and team speak.
How do I get promoted? |
As long as you are active, mature, and helpful, you'll succeed in this community. Asking for a promotion just reverses the process.
How do I get elected to Representative? |
After every monthly meeting, the runnings open. Make a post on the respective thread following the format. At the monthly meeting, we'll open up a poll to vote for everyone who's in the running. Candidates can campaign, lobby, whatever they want to do to win (in line with the rules). The number of Representatives we will elect will be equal to about 2% of the clan (Members+), which is max 4 with the numbers we have now.
Rules: - A Representative's term is 1 month - There is no limit on the amount of terms a Representative can serve - The only restriction to running for Representative is you must be an Elite + - Voters for Representative must be Member+ - Staff+ reserve the right to demote any Representative on the basis of unacceptable behavior, but Representatives can still be re-elected - A candidate must have at least 3 votes to become Representative - Voters will be able to vote for 1 or 2 candidates - Elections will open at the start of the monthly meeting and end 24 hours later.
Clan Applications |
Where do I apply to become a clan member?
What are the requirements to apply?
Below are the minimum requirements for you to be accepted as a recruit: - Must talk to a Staff+ if you are below the age of 15. - You must have been and stay active on this clan's game servers, Teamspeak, and on these forums. - You must act mature and respectful. - You may not be affiliated with any other clan, on Steam or for any of the games that this clan owns servers for. - You are required to have the same name for Teamspeak, Steam and these forums. - You must have a Staff+ [List of Staff] added to your Steam friends list. - Your submitted application must only contain valid and true information. In certain special and/or unique cases exceptions may be granted to these general requirements.
How do I become a clan member?
EgN has a specific process which is virtually always followed by new recruits and the clan when someone is interested in becoming a member, this allows us to regulate fairly who actually ends up becoming a member. This aforementioned process is outlined below in individual steps. 1. To indicate that a person is interested in joining us they must submit an application here To be able to do this they must:
- Have an EgN forum account, EgN Teamspeak account and a Steam Account. - Have their Steam ID registered on the forums. - Conform to the application requirements, listed here.
2. You must then talk to someone ranked Staff or higher [List of Staff], this person will then review your application, have a short conversation with you, and decide whether to accept you into EgN as a recruit or not.
3. As a recruit you are on a probationary period to be evaluated by everyone already in EgN whether you should become an actual member.
4. Each recruitment application will be opened to members to comment on for two weeks, once those two weeks are over they will be either accepted or denied based off the given comments from current members.
Teamspeak 3 Server
Teamspeak 3 |
What is the IP of the TeamSpeak server?
What are the rules?
Full list of the rules
1. Do not spam.
2. Don't stay in the lobby, join a channel!
3. Don't impersonate another member.
4. Do not discriminate and do not condone it.
5. Accept one's individuality.
6. Don't join channels with malicious intent.
7. Be nice and respectful to everyone.
8. Recording people's voice without permission is illegal in most countries. For this reason we don't allow people to record our TS3's audio without permission from a Staff (or higher) member. If you ignore this rule you do not only face a punishment by EgN, someone may also choose to take legal action against you.
9. Avatars consisting of intimate body parts or graphic violence are not allowed.
10. Channels under the "Private Channels" are administred at the owner's discretion. (But still in-line with these rules.)
11. You may not be connected to the server multiple times without permission from a Staff+ member.
12. No ghosting in teamspeak channels.
Can I donate get a private channel?
Yes, private channels cost an initial price of $30. Upon the initial donation, you will receive 1 months of channel access. Each month after that will incur a $10 per/month surcharge.
Are gore and porn pictures and links allowed?
No, it's not. Any avatars with gore or porn in them will be deleted, and the person will be warned, and maybe even banned. Same goes for links.
How do I install Teamspeak 3?
1. Go to the "Downloads" tab at http://www.teamspeak.com 2. Download the correct version of Teamspeak 3 for your system (Remember to choose client, not server). 3. Start Teamspeak 3 from your desktop or start menu 4. At the top, click connections > Connect 5. Enter the server info: voice.elevatedgaming.net or
Website usage
What are the basic forum rules? |
- No Discussion of, Advertising for Servers, Websites, etc. No Posting of URLs or Server IP Addresses that are related to other clans or servers. This includes Names.
- Only one forum account per person is allowed.
- No discrimination. No character assassination.
- Swearing should never be directed at people. Occasional slip ups are acceptable. Warnings will be given out based on Member's discretion.
- Any language describing sexual acts will be keep to a reasonable level, again at Member's discretion.
- Keep it friendly. Treat others how you expect to be treated. Fair and Respected!
- Images must be kept to a mature level, no spam or racist Images are to be posted. If posting a pornographic image please put NSFW in the title, and put it in a spoiler with appropriate explanation. This includes links to porn sites.
- No Thread bumping. Threads may only be bumped if the post is relevant towards the direction of the thread.
- No spamming. Showing you're active is one thing, but spamming will do you no favours. Make your posts meaningful!
- No Luring of Minors – (Depending on Instance, Referral to Police)
First Offense – Warning/edit, Second Offense – Deletion of thread, Third Offense – Ban.
Admins/Moderators May at random edit/move/delete/close/sticky/ban any post.viewtopic.php?f=2&t=944
What are the signature guidelines? |
- Do not embed videos in your signature.
- The only exception is with videos in spoilers, they are allowed.
- Animated images may not contain excessive flickering.
- No pornographic/NSFW material is allowed. (No nudity of intimate parts of the body.)
- No HTML tables are allowed in the signature.
Any signatures not complying with these guidelines will be edited so they do.The maximum dimensions for a signature are 275x800 pixels. You are allowed to have as many signatures as you want, as long as they meet these dimensions.
How do I link my TeamSpeak 3 account to the forums? |
To link your TeamSpeak 3 account to our forums, click here. Please ensure you are logged in on your forum account first! You will see a page like this:  Click the "Create your permissions" button to generate permissions based of your forum account. Now that you have generated your permissions, right click the "Click here to connect to TS3" button" and hit "Copy Link Address". Take the copied link and paste it to a document, removing the section after the "token=" section, as shown below:  Click the "Validate forum-TS3 link" to verify the link. In your TS3 client, on the top menu, click Permissions > Use Privilege Key, paste your copied key. You have now linked your TeamSpeak 3 to your forums account!
Section specific rules |
Rules regarding ban reports, complaints and (un)ban requests
- Only post a new topic if it is relevant to the section, not a joke and in accordance to the stickies in the section.
- Only post a reply on these topics if (either or):
- You are directly involved and have evidence or you are directly involved and an objective statement to add.
- You are asked for a reply by an involved admin or a Staff+ member.
- These topics are strongly moderated and offending any rules will result in appropriate punishment!
Donations and admin
How do I donate? |
You can donate here: donations.phpThanks for Helping Us! Donations are not refundable
Where can I find a list of all admins? |
You can find a list of all of the server admins here.
How do I get admin? |
Admin is a special privilege reserved for Members only. This is set up this way in order to make it easier for us to track the admins in our servers. Usually a member has been accepted by the community which shows that they can be trusted with the responsibility. Admin is usually gifted upon a donation to this community. You do not "buy" admin. As a gift, this can be revoked at any time if the member is abusing or is involved in an incident regarding use of his admin..
You have to apply for admin in the Game Application section.
Recruits will be unable to receive admin through a donation unless it has been approved by multiple Staff members or higher.
I have donated, how do I request admin? |
After donating a sufficient amount, contact a Staff member to get your admin set up. You'll first need to be an Elite and submit an application.
What admin rules and regulations exist? |
The Admin Rules V1.2A list of rules that all admins must follow or lose their privileges; Please remember that your given admin to help EgN keep its servers free and clear of rule breakers and hackers. Your donations are welcomed but your not "buying" admin, your donating and your showing that you have the desire to help us. Thanks again! Basic Admin Rules!These are the default rules that govern your actions in any EgN Server - Admins should never ban themselves from the server. - Always remember to act mature in the server, and set an example for other members to follow. - Always approach every situation without bias and malice. Never take your anger out in server. - Always be courteous and helpful, never try to push someone to rash action so you can ban/kick them. - Also follow the steps lined out in this guide-line BEFORE resorting to using admin. - When in a server you must follow the same rules as every other player. - Sometimes as a Admin you have to detach yourself from game-play so as to ensure rules are being followed. This means joining Spectator if necessary. - Depending on your rank within EgN you may need to allow a higher up to take action within the servers. A Veteran member should not intervene if a Staff+ is present in the server and is already working on the situation. - Admins are not allowed to Ban/Kick/Slay a Member+, only Staff+ may take action against an EgN Member+. Veterans+ are permitted to use admin on lower ranking members of the clan up to and excluding ban in order to enforce the rules. - Use the correct ban topic prefix and format.
- Admin is granted to so that the rules of the sever may be enforced. It is not granted for personal enjoyment or amusement. Is not granted so that you can make the game more enjoyable for others. If no one is breaking the rules, there is no reason to use admin. Example of how NOT to use admin. 1) Slapping other people excessively. 2) Using admin chat to convey non admin related messages. 3) Changing the map. 4) Giving other people "item_xxxx".
Order of Operations for Administrating players
These are the steps admins must take. 1.) Ask other EgN members present what they saw or who broke what rules. Understand what occurred. 2.) Maturely ask why the offender is breaking the rules. Understand what occurred. If they are unresponsive - Slap/freeze/slay. 3.) Proceed to step a. If the player continues, go to step b, only after repeating Steps 1-2. Still continues? Repeat steps 1-2 and go to step c, and so forth.
a.) Warn the player to not break the rules again. b.) Take administrative action and inform them what they did wrong. -Mute/gag people yelling or trolling in mic or chat. -Slay for freekills or poor CT behavior. c.) Kick the player breaking the rules with a relevant kick reason, or swap CTs not playing their role. d.) Still breaking the rules? Ban them following the outline below. Be sure to report the bans you make according to the ban report guidelines. Make your ban reports! We can see every ban that is posted and we will punish those who do not submit a ban report. Submit reports to viewforum.php?f=115
Admins are expected to make a report based on the following criteria: Elite: All bans Veteran: 1 hour or greater Elder: 12 hours or greater Legend: 24 hours or greater
Order of Operations for Administrating (All Servers)
Mic/Chat Spamming/Talking over warden 1st offense - Warn 2nd offense – Comm ban 1 – 5 minutes 3rd offense – Comm ban 5 – 15 minutes 4th offense – Comm ban 10 – 30 minutes. You may silence ban 5th offense – Comm ban 15 – 60 minutes. You may silence ban 6th+ offense – Comm ban 60 minutes. Be sure to make a ban report with a note for Staff+ to review.
Harassment/Disrespect/Discrimination 1st offense - Warn 2nd offense - Kick 3rd offense - Ban 30 minutes - 2 hours 4th offense - Ban 4 hours - 2 days 5th offense - Ban 1 - 3 days 6th+ offense - Ban 1 week/Make a ban request for Staff+ to determine further action
Trolling i.e Smartass, Asshole, Ignoring Admins 1st offense - Warn 2nd offense - Kick 3rd offense - Ban 30 minutes - 2 hours 4th offense - Ban 4 hours - 1 day 5th offense - Ban 12 hours - 3 days 6th offense - Ban 1 - 7 days 7th+ offense - Ban 1 week/Make a ban request for Staff+ to determine further action
Breaking CT Rules (excluding MFK) 1st offense - Warn 2nd offense - Slay + Warn (Start here with freekilling, freenading, gunplanting) 3rd offense - Swap (Start here with numerous freekills (but not MFK)) 4th offense - CT ban 30 minutes - 1 hour 5th offense - CT ban 4 hours - 1 day 6th offense - CT ban 12 hours - 3 days 7th offense - CT ban 1 week/Make a ban request for Staff+ to determine further action
Order of Operations for Administrating specific TTT issues
RDM 1st time - Slay* 2nd time - Slay 2 rounds* 3rd time - Ban 24 hours 4+ times - Ban 5 days
RDM & leave 1st time - Ban 5 days 2nd time - Ban 2 weeks 3rd time - Ban 4 weeks
Mini-Games Server Specific Rules
These are special rules that apply in Mini-Games only. -While some fun is allowed with admin's using admin, we don't want to scare away public players with excessive use. -Do not use admin as a helping hand. If you can't do something without it then don't use admin to help. -If a player is disrupting game-play and has been warned then a slay/freeze is permissible only when its a last resort. -Your admin doesn't make you a god. You must follow the same rules as stated on the server.
Jailbreak Server Specific Rules
These are special rules that apply in Prison Break only. -If a player is having a high Kill/Death Ratio on either team then warn them and switch them teams. This is so game-play is kept at a fair pace. -If T's are excessively talking and not allowing CT's to give orders then !mute T's till orders are given and you can warn them to quiet down. Don't be afraid to go Spectator to observe. -If a CT is purposely freekilling he should be switched to the other team and given a warning not to join back. If he does the player should be ctbanned. -A MFK should always result in a perm ban. Submit the bank and request an extension if required. -Free kills should result in 1) Slay then a proportionate CT ban for further - Full list of rules for JB is here: jbrules.php
Rotation Server Specific Rules
These are special rules that apply in the Rotation Server only. -Try to keep the teams balanced (players with a good k/d should be evenly distributed). -If a player is disrupting game-play and has been warned then a slay/freeze is permissible only when its a last resort.
Above all please remember to be mature about any situation you may come across. Never use admin unless you must, unless you need to. Don't abuse it... Its so very important that we all work together to keep EgN servers fun and safe for everyone to play in.
Any admin who is caught breaking the trust placed upon them will lose their admin rights and may even lose their membership. This post counts as your one and only warning, do not act ignorant of this.
Thank you all again for helping EgN!
How do I use my admin? (tips and tricks) |
The Admin Guide V1Admin CommandsA list of commands you might need;
With their syntax (= the order you type your variables in). Replace what is inbetween and inclusive the <> or [] what is between [] is optional. These can also be use with the ! or / in chat instead of sm_
sm_admin - brings up the main admin menu sm_slay - kill a player sm_mute - make a player unable to talk over mic sm_unmute - undo the mute sm_gag - make a player unable to chat ingame sm_ungag - undo the gag sm_silence - gag + mute sm_unsilence - ungag + unmute sm_kick [reason] - kicks a player from the server sm_ban [reason] - 0 minutes for permanent - bans players on currently the server sm_cancelvote - cancels the vote in progress sm_map - changes the map to the one specified sm_who [target] - lists a player's access rights, or all player's if no target was specified sm_beacon - beacon a player sm_burn [time] - burn a player for 100 DoT or for the time specified sm_slap [damage] - slap a player and substract do specified damage sm_vote [answer] [answer] .... - Start a vote with specified question and answers if no answers were specified the answers will be Yes and No sm_sethealth - sets the health to the specified amount sm_csay - send a message to everyone's center of their screen sm_rcon - execute an RCON command on the server
Doldol's mods !wg - brings up the give menu About Commands
Every commands has 3 variants you will need: - Console Prefix: sm_ - In chat Prefix: ! - Silent in chat Prefix: /
Additionally most commands can be found in the main admin menu.
All commands availible in the admin menu can be used with all 3 variant, however some commands are powered by plugins, and aren't availible in some form.
These are: - sm_sethealth - not in the menu - !team (ex. !team Shen 2 will switch Shen to the Terrorist team)
TargetingYou can use partial names, full names, target flags or userids (prefixed with a #, ex. #2 an userids are visible in the status console command) to target player(groups). Be careful with players having names like or one with numbers only, since Source Mod checks for names last you'll end up targetting the wrong player(group). If you are inexpierienced use the admin menu to take care of these players. There are advanced ways of dealing with this, but I won't cover these here. Target flags
Everyone in the server Every alive player, including players in spectator Every dead player Every ct Every t Every spectator Every bot Every human player You Everyone but you (especially handy for silencing everyone but you.) Admin chat@ - send a message to everyone as an admin - this in teamchat will send a message to every admin @target - sends a message to 1 player (also works for non-admins) @@@ - sends a message in the center of the screen Binding keysIn your console or autoconfig.cfg file (again replace everything and inclusive the <>): bind "" "" (Use say to emulate saying something in chat.)
Useful Examples: bind "F10" "sm_slay ; bind "F8" "sm_admin" bind "F9" "sm_sethealth 100" bind "F11" "say !wg" bind "F12" "sm_csay "
A little extra (in autoconfig.cfg): alias adm_micmute "micmute" alias micmute "sm_unsilence ; wait; sm_silence ; wait; alias adm_micmute unmicmute" alias unmicmute "sm_unsilence ; wait; alias adm_micmute micmute" bind "F7" "adm_micmute"
This will mute everyone but you on first press, and will unmute everyone on the second press (now you won't have to bind 2 keys xD).
Help, I got banned!
Getting unbanned from one of our gameservers. |
You should post an unban request when you feel like you have been banned without a valid reason, that your ban was disproportionate to your misdoings, or that you deserve a second chance. After checking the banlist here and making sure your ban still lasts for more than a day. Post an unban request here. A high-ranking member will then handle your situation.
I feel like an admin acted wrongly. |
In this case, additionally to getting unbanned you probably want to submit an admin complaint here. However, make sure that you know the rules yourself.
Getting unbanned from our Teamspeak server |
You should post an unban request when you feel like you have been banned without a valid reason, that your ban was disproportionate to your misdoings, or that you deserve a second chance. Please take note that most people with ban permissions in TS3 are high ranking members, and so would not ban you without a valid reason. Post an unban request here. A high-ranking member will then handle your situation.
My account got banned while I didn't have control over it. |
Sadly for you our policy is "Your account, your responsibility.", you can submit an unban request, but it will be handled as if you were in control of your account at that time.
This is because you should make sure nothing happens to your account, especially when we give your account certain permissions. As such, if you fail to do this, we cannot trust that your account is controlled by you.
The only exception to this is when your account gets hacked. In which case, if you are able to provide proof, your ban will be revoked.