Central wrote:
There's many ways you can interpret this into factors, but indeed so CT's specifically shouldn't be breaking vents, nevertheless chasing a T.
It's not a matter of fact where they shouldn't know where the secret is, because it's clearly visible, but CT's shouldn't be exposing secrets (breaking vents) as it is not playing their role. If you're going to chase a T down a vent, use the vent they broke, then you wouldn't be breaking this part of your CT role.
indi is just trying to make it so its impossible to kill him, your still playing your role even if you chase to the same place but using a different vent so he wont know where your coming from.
unless new rules have been added then the only rule about secrets is dont camp them and obviously dont actively try and help them escape. (i.e. play your role)
there is know rule saying ct's are supposed to pretend they dont know what a secret is either, its just a word used to describe areas new people might not know about and has nothing to do with game play.
But hey im just some guy on the internet let the yellow ppl give their final say on it, people dont always go by whats written down and use their own interpretation instead so :/