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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 1:23 am 
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Yiggles Moto wrote:
The admins are players as well. They are not paid by the community or by Kharn directly, they paid and we gave them the privilege and responsibility to be an admin. While they are under the expectation to try and help any complaint they can, they under no obligation and cannot help every single situation. We can't force them to help you every time you or any other player has a complaint.

Yiggles Moto wrote:
Admins don't just go by the people's word to slay everyone that they believed was freekilled. Admins must see/witness the freekill themselves before they can just go slaying every time "freekill" is spammed in chat or over mic. As I said earlier, the admins are players just as you are. They don't sit in spectate and watch every CT to make sure they follow the rules and play nicely. If anything the admins made note that the player allegedly freekilled that round and they will be on the watch for him next time.

Okay so they paid to get admin, everything makes sense now. But no, each time there was no other issues currently happening in the game, and multiple people mentioned the freekill that happened to me. If they were paying attention to the game in the examples I mentioned then it would have been obvious it was a freekill given the situation. Obviously I don't expect them to know what happened instantly each time but I tried to communicate to them for minutes with radio silence, while there were multiple admins on.

Yiggles Moto wrote:
I'm not sure if you've ever been an admin for a server before, but trying to focus on everybody saying "pay attention to me and my problem!!" at the same time isn't as easy as it seems. Taking care of what the admin is currently witnessing (mic spam, calming the server down) takes a priority over your complaint over a player that may have freekilled you, whereas they can watch the player later on and take action as necessary. I assure you if the admin saw the freekill happen they would have done something.

Yiggles Moto wrote:
Like I said before, this is not their job. Our admins donate and offer their services to help the server out when they can. Nobody is getting paid or forced to go in the server and take care of your complaints. They do it out of their own generosity. They help when they can, and if they can't help you then there is nothing that can be done. I guess you'll have to be virtually dead for the last 4 minutes of a game and wait until next round.

Why do you give people that donate admin? Why not just accept donations and not give them power if they don't know how to use it? Why not have people apply to be admin and give the community a say on their opinion on the person's legitimacy for the position and have meetings with current staff to go over the applications that have received notable community acceptance to be your moderators to see if they're suitable, then train them? It just gives people false hope for trying to get help to resolve a situation. If you guys are having an issue with donations that aren't projected towards people being given power, maybe create a store in game where you can earn credits by playing X amount of minutes to get skins and give the donators credits for donating so that there is still an incentive but not one that can make or break players' experience on the server.

Yiggles Moto wrote:
I guess you'll have to be virtually dead for the last 4 minutes of a game and wait until next round.

Like I said, I don't care if I get freekilled, I have an issue with people that should be able to help people not help people. Clearly there is an issue if people are complaining about the admins on the server, but nice one playing it off casually that you don't really care about people's concerns for trying to have fun playing the game my man.

Yiggles Moto wrote:
If you have issues with the admins, then make a complaint or ask them politely. Don't tell them (the people you are asking help from) that they don't know what they're doing. That isn't how you get people to help you. You aren't going to get help from anybody when you complain and insult them. Don't try to be sarcastic or pretend like you were being nicer than you were "saying that they do not give help to people and do not pay attention/do their job", "then stated that 90% of them were incompetent", " followed by informing them that this was the reason they get so much complaints about how poor their admins are." Give respect, get respect.

If I was trying to pretend then I wouldn't have mentioned that I wasn't talking shit and I would have cried about the temp ban that I got, I knew I was being a cunt after multiple admins weren't doing their job. Wasn't acting like I did nothing wrong towards the end. I give respect where it's due.

Yiggles Moto wrote:
If this is true, then you make a complaint on the forums or tell a higher so it can be dealt with. By not doing anything, you are saying it's not a big enough problem to bother you and you don't care that they do it. But instead, you hold it in and let the admin abuse their power and subsequently tell that admin it's okay to do this by not reporting it.

Lmao there were other admins on that were popping off about how he "told him" clearly the other admins jerk each other off. Once again, this wouldn't be an issue if you did not have a poor system to decide who get's admin. The best measure to fix a problem is to prevent it.

Yiggles Moto wrote:
There is some training that goes into the new admins when they initially get their privileges. Otherwise, it is all community based and they should be learning from the higher admins, who should also be trying to guide the lower ones to become better admins. Like I've said a couple times already, it is not their job to help you. They do what they can, when they can do it. Not every complaint at every moment can be taken care of when you want it to be. They try their best when they can when they take time out of their day to try and help the server out.

Refer to my suggestion for not letting people that are unqualified to have powers to permanently remove someone from the game by throwing a few bucks at your server. Believe it or not, it actually should be an admins job to help the community.

Yiggles Moto wrote:
If you are upset about missing out on 3 minutes of a game before respawning again, then take it out on them by calling them incompetent for not being able to witness what happens to every single player, then maybe you should take some time out to relax and understand they try to do their best when they can. You shouldn't be insulting them outright and then complain when they warn you to quit being abusive in your messages.

Once again, I called them incompetent after they were being incompetent. Are we not allowed to be honest on the server? Nothing negative can ever be said to the admins eh? It's not like I got freekilled then immediately started popping off.

Yiggles Moto wrote:
If there are legitimate complaints against admins, then create the evidence for it and post it. We can't help weed out the bad admins if you let them continue doing what they're doing and then say every admin is awful because of the bad seeds.

Wouldn't have to weed out the badmins if unqualified people weren't given the position to begin with.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 1:24 am 
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whens shitposting

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 1:28 am 
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ArturoLevi wrote:
1. We are humans, not robots. Please have some patience because we can also go AFK just like you.
2. Use @ in team chat to contact admins directly. In my case I will do nothing to help you if you just write it in chat.
3. If you see someone doing something wrong and you can't reach for an admin to help, then report them on the forums. We have a forum section set up just for that.
4. Going to add what I said in 1: We might be dealing with someone else's situation. We can't do 2 things at once.

1. Understandable but there were a handful of admins actively playing at the time.
2. I used it multiple times, to no response.
3. I shouldn't have to make a forum post for a minor slay when there are multiple admins on at the time.
4. Nothing else was really happening, other people mentioned my issue, so if anything that should have been the most abundant and obvious concern.

SemiAutoNoobHave wrote:
Have you tried screaming really fucking loud into the mic. That usually helps.

Nah, I don't really talk on mic, that's the thing I mentioned in my post. Really the only people that get help are the ones that are constantly ear raping the mic with "FREEKILL!!!!". Probably because it's impossible for the admins to ignore that. But it shouldn't have to come to that, really.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:03 am 
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Ok yea so don't really want to break down points in this giant ass reply but, allow me to point out a few things:

- Yea, we donate to get admin. But that's not all there is to it. Say that you, right now, a player, wanted to get admin. So first, you'd have to apply to be a recruit, which is basically guaranteed by the way. The recruitment process lasts about a month before you get voted upon to become a member. Provided that you even get voted in by the community, you have to wait a full month before you are allowed to even apply for admin. Most admin applications take about 2 weeks to be accepted, all the meanwhile for other admins to see and review, to post whether or not they think that person would be a good admin. Staff+ determine from that and observed behavior whether or not the member gets admin, after they donate of course. So at best, it would take you 2 and a half months to get admin, all the while ensuring you are well liked by both other members and staff+. Not an easy rodeo for some. So people don't just come in here and get admin because they paid for it. There's a process, and tons of guides and rules we are expected to follow. And if you look through the forums, it's honestly not that hard to lose your admin, at least temporarily. Just like admins can't watch all the players, the higher ups can't watch all the admins, so it's up to community to inform them through a complaint.

- Can you honestly name some server or network or community where people actually say that community has "good" admins? (Don't actually name it) I'm not trying to say EgN's admins are perfect, but never in my gaming life have I seen a community where people say that the admins are "good." People find any way possible to blame admins for anything that could've gone wrong, anywhere. It's what people do. Exhibit A would be this thread.

- Just cause you don't see admins handling a situation doesn't mean they aren't. I handle situations by privately messaging a player to resolve the problem, so it doesn't get broadcast to the entire server, because there's no need for that in my opinion. Sorry if we don't instantly tell you we're on it, as Yiggles said, we are players too. So following/giving orders, privately messaging a player about their actions, and telling someone we're handling it doesn't tend to happen in the span of 7 seconds as people seem to expect it should. Not to mention some of my fellow admins are slow ass typers :P

- So yea, if you think an admin is doing something wrong, complain about it. Worst thing that will happen to you is somebody will tell you "no that didn't happen" while the admin could potentially be kicked out of the clan and perm banned. (It's happened!)

And personally, if somebody spams admin chat and floods it with insulting messages about how I'm not doing my job, I won't help them, sorry. That's probably not right, but I have no desire to help someone who can't even respect basically everything that I just said above or me. Having admin can be fun but it's not always easy. Just ask once nicely, and I'll see what I can do about it, simple.


Star Citizen Reference Code: STAR-GK4C-BYF5

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:50 am 
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mattlikespie10 wrote:
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Ok yea so don't really want to break down points in this giant ass reply but, allow me to point out a few things:

- Yea, we donate to get admin. But that's not all there is to it. Say that you, right now, a player, wanted to get admin. So first, you'd have to apply to be a recruit, which is basically guaranteed by the way. The recruitment process lasts about a month before you get voted upon to become a member. Provided that you even get voted in by the community, you have to wait a full month before you are allowed to even apply for admin. Most admin applications take about 2 weeks to be accepted, all the meanwhile for other admins to see and review, to post whether or not they think that person would be a good admin. Staff+ determine from that and observed behavior whether or not the member gets admin, after they donate of course. So at best, it would take you 2 and a half months to get admin, all the while ensuring you are well liked by both other members and staff+. Not an easy rodeo for some. So people don't just come in here and get admin because they paid for it. There's a process, and tons of guides and rules we are expected to follow. And if you look through the forums, it's honestly not that hard to lose your admin, at least temporarily. Just like admins can't watch all the players, the higher ups can't watch all the admins, so it's up to community to inform them through a complaint.

- Can you honestly name some server or network or community where people actually say that community has "good" admins? (Don't actually name it) I'm not trying to say EgN's admins are perfect, but never in my gaming life have I seen a community where people say that the admins are "good." People find any way possible to blame admins for anything that could've gone wrong, anywhere. It's what people do. Exhibit A would be this thread.

- Just cause you don't see admins handling a situation doesn't mean they aren't. I handle situations by privately messaging a player to resolve the problem, so it doesn't get broadcast to the entire server, because there's no need for that in my opinion. Sorry if we don't instantly tell you we're on it, as Yiggles said, we are players too. So following/giving orders, privately messaging a player about their actions, and telling someone we're handling it doesn't tend to happen in the span of 7 seconds as people seem to expect it should. Not to mention some of my fellow admins are slow ass typers :P

- So yea, if you think an admin is doing something wrong, complain about it. Worst thing that will happen to you is somebody will tell you "no that didn't happen" while the admin could potentially be kicked out of the clan and perm banned. (It's happened!)

And personally, if somebody spams admin chat and floods it with insulting messages about how I'm not doing my job, I won't help them, sorry. That's probably not right, but I have no desire to help someone who can't even respect basically everything that I just said above or me. Having admin can be fun but it's not always easy. Just ask once nicely, and I'll see what I can do about it, simple.

Not to be the devil's advocate here but I think the jailbreak community is thoroughly different than most of EgN. Most of the randoms are the people consistantly making it fun, sometimes by breaking a minor rule. The "unqualified" admins are so disconnected from the flow of the server they put their foot down over minor things and punish without hesitation, ruining other players experiences. When people confront higher up staff about not keeping a close enough eye on the servers they just fall behind excuses as to why they're too busy. Which is not a problem but maybe promote a few members to higher up positions? Not tighten the rules and ban more of the population, because we certainly dont have enough active members to fill the server. Not to insult EgN but I think this whole issue is dumb, you need admins who can stay laid back and enjoy the jailbreak community for what it is while it lasts.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 3:03 am 
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We don't give everyone who donates admin. Everyone who has has applied, then they have a 2 week period where members/current admins give their say on the applicant and then we as the higher ups accept or deny based on those responses by the current admins if they should have admin.
-No Pity For A Coward-
"im srry, i din mean it massta, lil simple is gone be a good boy massta" -Mr. Simplistic
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 3:22 am 
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Young Lean wrote:
mattlikespie10 wrote:
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Ok yea so don't really want to break down points in this giant ass reply but, allow me to point out a few things:

- Yea, we donate to get admin. But that's not all there is to it. Say that you, right now, a player, wanted to get admin. So first, you'd have to apply to be a recruit, which is basically guaranteed by the way. The recruitment process lasts about a month before you get voted upon to become a member. Provided that you even get voted in by the community, you have to wait a full month before you are allowed to even apply for admin. Most admin applications take about 2 weeks to be accepted, all the meanwhile for other admins to see and review, to post whether or not they think that person would be a good admin. Staff+ determine from that and observed behavior whether or not the member gets admin, after they donate of course. So at best, it would take you 2 and a half months to get admin, all the while ensuring you are well liked by both other members and staff+. Not an easy rodeo for some. So people don't just come in here and get admin because they paid for it. There's a process, and tons of guides and rules we are expected to follow. And if you look through the forums, it's honestly not that hard to lose your admin, at least temporarily. Just like admins can't watch all the players, the higher ups can't watch all the admins, so it's up to community to inform them through a complaint.

- Can you honestly name some server or network or community where people actually say that community has "good" admins? (Don't actually name it) I'm not trying to say EgN's admins are perfect, but never in my gaming life have I seen a community where people say that the admins are "good." People find any way possible to blame admins for anything that could've gone wrong, anywhere. It's what people do. Exhibit A would be this thread.

- Just cause you don't see admins handling a situation doesn't mean they aren't. I handle situations by privately messaging a player to resolve the problem, so it doesn't get broadcast to the entire server, because there's no need for that in my opinion. Sorry if we don't instantly tell you we're on it, as Yiggles said, we are players too. So following/giving orders, privately messaging a player about their actions, and telling someone we're handling it doesn't tend to happen in the span of 7 seconds as people seem to expect it should. Not to mention some of my fellow admins are slow ass typers :P

- So yea, if you think an admin is doing something wrong, complain about it. Worst thing that will happen to you is somebody will tell you "no that didn't happen" while the admin could potentially be kicked out of the clan and perm banned. (It's happened!)

And personally, if somebody spams admin chat and floods it with insulting messages about how I'm not doing my job, I won't help them, sorry. That's probably not right, but I have no desire to help someone who can't even respect basically everything that I just said above or me. Having admin can be fun but it's not always easy. Just ask once nicely, and I'll see what I can do about it, simple.

Not to be the devil's advocate here but I think the jailbreak community is thoroughly different than most of EgN. Most of the randoms are the people consistantly making it fun, sometimes by breaking a minor rule. The "unqualified" admins are so disconnected from the flow of the server they put their foot down over minor things and punish without hesitation, ruining other players experiences. When people confront higher up staff about not keeping a close enough eye on the servers they just fall behind excuses as to why they're too busy. Which is not a problem but maybe promote a few members to higher up positions? Not tighten the rules and ban more of the population, because we certainly dont have enough active members to fill the server. Not to insult EgN but I think this whole issue is dumb, you need admins who can stay laid back and enjoy the jailbreak community for what it is while it lasts.

Well admins aren't made they're Bourne :P

But in all seriousness, yea, I get that the idea is to have fun. But I don't make the rules, neither do the other admins (not directly anyway), we enforce them. So if you feel that being strict on the rules on the problem, well, can't really help you there. EgN has always tried to make its servers playable and open to anyone and everyone, and that's something as an admin I like to uphold. I get rules can be annoying, and often they are, but yea, still rules. If somebody's being too hard/potentially taking away "fun," I recommend just talking to them. Just add em on steam or find them on TeamSpeak and let them know how you feel. If one things for sure, nothing can be solved behind anyone else's back. Going along with what I said in my first reply, communication is important. Make complaints as needed and talk it out. Heading into it respectful and mature will likely get the problem resolved. After all, this is a community.


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 3:38 am 
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mattlikespie10 wrote:
Young Lean wrote:
mattlikespie10 wrote:
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Ok yea so don't really want to break down points in this giant ass reply but, allow me to point out a few things:

- Yea, we donate to get admin. But that's not all there is to it. Say that you, right now, a player, wanted to get admin. So first, you'd have to apply to be a recruit, which is basically guaranteed by the way. The recruitment process lasts about a month before you get voted upon to become a member. Provided that you even get voted in by the community, you have to wait a full month before you are allowed to even apply for admin. Most admin applications take about 2 weeks to be accepted, all the meanwhile for other admins to see and review, to post whether or not they think that person would be a good admin. Staff+ determine from that and observed behavior whether or not the member gets admin, after they donate of course. So at best, it would take you 2 and a half months to get admin, all the while ensuring you are well liked by both other members and staff+. Not an easy rodeo for some. So people don't just come in here and get admin because they paid for it. There's a process, and tons of guides and rules we are expected to follow. And if you look through the forums, it's honestly not that hard to lose your admin, at least temporarily. Just like admins can't watch all the players, the higher ups can't watch all the admins, so it's up to community to inform them through a complaint.

- Can you honestly name some server or network or community where people actually say that community has "good" admins? (Don't actually name it) I'm not trying to say EgN's admins are perfect, but never in my gaming life have I seen a community where people say that the admins are "good." People find any way possible to blame admins for anything that could've gone wrong, anywhere. It's what people do. Exhibit A would be this thread.

- Just cause you don't see admins handling a situation doesn't mean they aren't. I handle situations by privately messaging a player to resolve the problem, so it doesn't get broadcast to the entire server, because there's no need for that in my opinion. Sorry if we don't instantly tell you we're on it, as Yiggles said, we are players too. So following/giving orders, privately messaging a player about their actions, and telling someone we're handling it doesn't tend to happen in the span of 7 seconds as people seem to expect it should. Not to mention some of my fellow admins are slow ass typers :P

- So yea, if you think an admin is doing something wrong, complain about it. Worst thing that will happen to you is somebody will tell you "no that didn't happen" while the admin could potentially be kicked out of the clan and perm banned. (It's happened!)

And personally, if somebody spams admin chat and floods it with insulting messages about how I'm not doing my job, I won't help them, sorry. That's probably not right, but I have no desire to help someone who can't even respect basically everything that I just said above or me. Having admin can be fun but it's not always easy. Just ask once nicely, and I'll see what I can do about it, simple.

Not to be the devil's advocate here but I think the jailbreak community is thoroughly different than most of EgN. Most of the randoms are the people consistantly making it fun, sometimes by breaking a minor rule. The "unqualified" admins are so disconnected from the flow of the server they put their foot down over minor things and punish without hesitation, ruining other players experiences. When people confront higher up staff about not keeping a close enough eye on the servers they just fall behind excuses as to why they're too busy. Which is not a problem but maybe promote a few members to higher up positions? Not tighten the rules and ban more of the population, because we certainly dont have enough active members to fill the server. Not to insult EgN but I think this whole issue is dumb, you need admins who can stay laid back and enjoy the jailbreak community for what it is while it lasts.

Well admins aren't made they're Bourne :P

But in all seriousness, yea, I get that the idea is to have fun. But I don't make the rules, neither do the other admins (not directly anyway), we enforce them. So if you feel that being strict on the rules on the problem, well, can't really help you there. EgN has always tried to make its servers playable and open to anyone and everyone, and that's something as an admin I like to uphold. I get rules can be annoying, and often they are, but yea, still rules. If somebody's being too hard/potentially taking away "fun," I recommend just talking to them. Just add em on steam or find them on TeamSpeak and let them know how you feel. If one things for sure, nothing can be solved behind anyone else's back. Going along with what I said in my first reply, communication is important. Make complaints as needed and talk it out. Heading into it respectful and mature will likely get the problem resolved. After all, this is a community.

I agree with you, but the community as a whole shaped the rules of the jailbreak server. It's not any one persons fault really, I think everyone just needs to tone it down and stop looking for conflict.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 3:53 am 
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Not to mention most of our current admins are new since almost all of our seasoned admins derail from the server after playing so much.

To all the the ladies, peace, and humptiness.


ask me about film, novels, fashion, cinematography, and/or music & you'll have my ear for hours

Doldol 🐾: I'm a Hyper Nova
Doldol 🐾: Kharn can be a
Doldol 🐾: Super Massive Black Hole
EgN-S| Needy: lmao
Doldol 🐾: xD
EgN-S| Needy: dude idk why, but i thought you were going to say super massive black cocc
Doldol 🐾: You can be a
Doldol 🐾: LOL
Doldol 🐾: nono thatd then be micro astroid
Doldol 🐾: or so ive heard
EgN-S| Needy: Like he's just one big degenerate penus
Doldol 🐾: ROFL
Doldol 🐾: IK
Doldol 🐾: xd

her favourite colour was yellow

Smiley: yes, I have a job now so I can be the breadwinner of the household and you can just relax to Rex all day :)


life goals
[  ] become legend before mootinie
[  ] get 10,000 post before mutiny
[  ] marry smiley

Tricky: i don't think any of the staff+ are here to slap their e-penis on you

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 4:49 am 
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Yiggles Moto wrote:
We don't give everyone who donates admin. Everyone who has has applied, then they have a 2 week period where members/current admins give their say on the applicant and then we as the higher ups accept or deny based on those responses by the current admins if they should have admin.

Clearly this system needs some work if you keep getting admins that don't know what they're doing. Or you should put some more effort into teaching them how and when to use their admin.

Needy wrote:
Not to mention most of our current admins are new since almost all of our seasoned admins derail from the server after playing so much.


Can confirm, admin school needed.

Many admins I've seen in JB recently have been really bad. Surprisingly they're not all new admins though I've seen elites and veterans do this shit too.
And it seems that a lot of the current admins are unaware of the "Order Of Operations" you should take before banning someone (e.g mute, warn, kick and then ban for a short amount of time). I've seen admins use the kick as a warning and then ban for a second offence, which is not what is supposed to happen.
(Don't worry your pretty little head about it, I tell them what they're doing wrong and what to do in the future.)

CSS is already a dying game, and if you want to keep population in the server maybe you should try not to ban them for the most trivial shit you can find.
For example Geeza banning someone (aka Timmy) for having the name "Bourne Jason" because EgN has an advisor called Bourne.

And can someone change the colour or transparency or fucking anything of this fucking box so I can actually see what i'm typing over this stupid fucking picture background?

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