Why is this here?
Order of Operations for Administrating specific TTT issues <--- Are all the rules going down for JB
1st time - Slay*
2nd time - Slay 2 rounds*
3rd time - Ban 24 hours
4+ times - Ban 5 days
RDM & leave <--are we implenting this into JB
1st time - Ban 5 days
2nd time - Ban 2 weeks
3rd time - Ban 4 weeks
1st time - Gag/mute + warning.
2nd time - Gag/mute for a round*
3rd time - Ban 8 hours
1st time - Warning
2nd time - Kick
3rd time - Ban 24 hours
4th time - Ban 5 days
Ghosting, Hacking & Cheating <--- Were not alllowed to ban unless a staff bans it (Hack/Cheats)
1st time - Ban 4 weeks
2nd time - Ban 8 weeks
Porn/Gore Sprays <--- JB Server rules changed on that
1st time - Warn
2nd time - Kick
3rd time - Ban 5 days
Jailbreak Server Specific Rules << --- this doesn't even link to
jbrules.phpThese are special rules that apply in Prison Break only.
-If a player is having a high Kill/Death Ratio on either team then warn them and switch them teams. This is so game-play is kept at a fair pace.
-If T's are excessively talking and not allowing CT's to give orders then !mute T's till orders are given and you can warn them to quiet down. Don't be afraid to go Spectator to observe.
-If a CT is purposely freekilling he should be switched to the other team and given a warning not to join back. If he does the player should be ctbanned.
-A MFK should always result in a perm ban. Submit the bank and request an extension if required.