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PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:57 pm 
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Mr.GoldGames wrote:
Terminator wrote:
Roaxes wrote:
Why not just revoke access to the specific people supposedly giving retired rank the bad name instead of punishing them all. Sure they'll cry favoritism but they should know better then to act like how it sounds like they're acting anyway.

Like for example, I wouldn't give it to someone like fitzgerald who based off his LOA would come back to troll, but I would give it to Mootinie who we know has been in the clan and dedicated staff time and multiple hours in playing and still comes on to provide advice and serious input.

Who would decide who will keep it and who won't?
If it's only staff you're going to get the discussions of not letting members vote, or that friends will be locked out and people get angry.
If it's member vote u will have personal issues come up, like sarge, that will greatly affect the voting.
Curious how u would do it

No, no no no, no, and more no. It will be time based like if they have been here for a year or so. Anyone voting on who gets retired is kind of stupid. Who ever has been dedicated to the community will get it. If they leave on bad terms, then they dont get it. Dont make this more complicated than it needs to be.

Was just wondering how he would do it, if that were the case.
I'm all for your idea



rebeler since february 2016

we all have different lifes, different problems and different paths to take.....
but what we all wonder is: would they be proud of who i am today?

Princess Strawberry: "HEY, i know everything about Denmark , OK?
Princess Strawberry: "what kind of waffles do they eat in Denmark?"
Princess Strawberry: "OH WAIT SHIT THAT'S BELGIUM"

<16:59:31> "Eclipzx_" was banned for 10 minutes from the server by "GoopSauce" (pussy much?)

*warden*: There's 1 rebeler in garage please get him
*INBREADCATS*: It's only 1 rebeler,what can he do......oh shit it's terminator i'm coming

reboobalar: "term this is your warning because i know you're just gonna rebel"
reboobalar: "fuck this, im not going to be Ct with Term on their team"

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:39 pm 
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Link wrote:
What if we just remove chatbox access and call it a day? Still stand with removal of the rank but if people believe it’s gonna hurt the community then we should hold off for now until we figure out a better solution. It’s sad because I don’t want to push our friends away but the rank is still filled with toxicity.

I would like to apologize to Goop also. I’m sorry I came off being harsh. You’re not a toxic person, I just got annoyed with the comment at the time.


PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 12:14 am 
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Link wrote:
the rank is still filled with toxicity.

So get rid of the people who are being toxic.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 12:24 am 
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Caboose wrote:
Link wrote:
the rank is still filled with toxicity.

So get rid of the people who are being toxic.

that's been my entire sentiment while watching this thread.

you guys are taking what individuals are doing, and instead of just punishing them for it...
... are instead taking it out on the rank they have.
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 2:06 am 
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Honestly the best thing I've read on this post is Matt saying someone made a thread with pictures of locks. Damn wish I woulda thought of that.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 2:41 am 
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Before this thread closes and / or has no further replies, thought I'd add this with respect to the retired rank. While I am not convinced that the retired rank (to put it in simpler terms, members who remove themselves from the clan) should be given additional forum access, or any added access in that case, apart from a regular forum member as the when you become a member of the CLAN you're (should be) given additional permissions and / or privileges that simply put, make you (them) want to become a member of the clan. Allowing for the same, or similar access, when a member LEAVES reverses that process.

While I am NOT making a reference to the "retired has access to chat box", and etc, this is more of a general statement that ideally there should be a difference between someone who is a member of the clan, to someone who left the clan.

And it's fairly under debate to say otherwise if you want an increase in the member count.

Which then brings me to the purpose of the member rank. Always had this in the back of my head when the member rank was created but never found an appropriate time to mention it. But from the time the new ranking system was introduced with the intent that member didn't have to wear tags, so we could perhaps increase our amount of members to those who weren't necessarily for wearing the EgN| tag yet wanted to be remain part of the community / clan. Which is where I find the MERMBER rank to be more of a community rank, rather than a clan rank. Does that make sense? That is, there should be a modest separation between the community and the clan without driving away community members.

To put it into simpler, and more general, terms

Community Members
Registered user > someone who registers to the forums, a guest of EGN
Member rank / community member > same expectations as a clan member yet they aren't apart of the clan. No tag requirement.
    a.) different / simplified application process(?) possibly an immediate acceptance after they chat with a Staff+
      - no need to go through recruit considering they already have no attachments to the clan
      - partially resolves the "wears tags as a recruit while doesn't need to wear tags as a member"
    b.) have full access to the website as equal to an Elite member of the clan
      - i.e would include open chat box, and LOA access (maybe an addition to the new website could be two seperate chatboxes, first being a community chat box and secondly, a clan chatbox, consideration)
    c.) cannot become an admin, neither join teams as they are now

    Members already don't have a wide set of privileges when they become a member of the clan, which has practically made them as equal to the retired rank except they can post on LOA's, and are well, considered a clan member

Clan Members
Recruit rank > an application process to become a MEMBER of the CLAN beginning at the rank of Elite which requires a tag agreement
    a.) make an application wearing the EgN-R| tag until accepted / denied
      - pls just bring back the voting booth. Was one of the few ways members directly got to know the recruits. Now Staff+ make the FULL decision with members making slight comments on the side
    b.) once accepted, goes to Elite and must continue to wear tags.
      - now considered a member of the clan
      - can join teams and / or become an admin
      - continue to climb ranks

Elite+ ranks > needs no explanation, as written (still suggest something between Elder and Legend, large gap between the two ranks, little to nothing to work from)

Strictly speaking ranks, and not users of each rank, this is why I was FOR to remove the retired rank. Less of those a part of the rank. And more of how the current rank system should be readjusted.

Does this makes sense to most? Was quickly written, that is to say this isn't perfectly well adjusted, but rather a general basis of what I mean by the rank(s) which surround the retired rank and member rank.
To all the the ladies, peace, and humptiness.


ask me about film, novels, fashion, cinematography, and/or music & you'll have my ear for hours

Doldol 🐾: I'm a Hyper Nova
Doldol 🐾: Kharn can be a
Doldol 🐾: Super Massive Black Hole
EgN-S| Needy: lmao
Doldol 🐾: xD
EgN-S| Needy: dude idk why, but i thought you were going to say super massive black cocc
Doldol 🐾: You can be a
Doldol 🐾: LOL
Doldol 🐾: nono thatd then be micro astroid
Doldol 🐾: or so ive heard
EgN-S| Needy: Like he's just one big degenerate penus
Doldol 🐾: ROFL
Doldol 🐾: IK
Doldol 🐾: xd

her favourite colour was yellow

Smiley: yes, I have a job now so I can be the breadwinner of the household and you can just relax to Rex all day :)


life goals
[  ] become legend before mootinie
[  ] get 10,000 post before mutiny
[  ] marry smiley

Tricky: i don't think any of the staff+ are here to slap their e-penis on you

Last edited by Needy on Sun Jan 27, 2019 3:30 pm, edited 4 times in total.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 6:11 am 
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Despite being a non-member of this community I'm gonna put my honest opinion and thoughts out here anyways as after everything I've read I believe this community really is in desperate need of a huge turnaround. I'm gonna put my points out one by one so this is easier to break out down for each giving major problem this community has.

Problem one - Toxicity ruining a potential good community - The first major problem I see with EGN is how toxic this community has become over the past year or so. All I've seen people doing constantly not just in this thread but over time is none other than attacking one another views without being civilized or having any respect for others. It honestly is disgusting to see the way I've seen some people treat others in here and to be honest the way ya'll going on about this makes you all act like it's some childish playground. What I can't comprehend is why so many people here seem to lack respect and that they can't for one be civilized. The thing is though it never stops and to be honest I don't see much effort from the higher ranks in dealing with this and by not dealing with this how it should be it will just rip and tear straight down the middle of this community shattering all it's love and great potential. I was willing to personally give this community a chance in actually joining for a member rank but after everything I've watched and seen it throws me off completely and that's something I don't want to be apart of. EGN really needs to change itself up and I mean change up big time because right now I see this community in a state of crises and it's clear that this thread created was a cry for help.

If you guys actually wanna make this place a great community for all types of gamers to hang out and come into ya'll need to learn the defined the meaning of respect. This isn't targeted at everyone as I know I've seen some great people in here being civilized with there points and opinions but as for the rest of you, you really need to rethink your attitude. Toxicity isn't healthy for this community and perhaps maybe if people abided by the rules better and others started pulling there weight a bit more around here then yes perhaps this community could actually be saved. For all of the communities I have ever leaded in my life over my past 4 years of running gaming communities I have never seen such destruction and such an out of control community. It pains me so much to see this happen so often so if you actually care and want EGN in a better light ya'll gonna have to crack down and be not only more firm and strict with your rules but also start respecting one another otherwise the future of this community is very much just gonna be dangling from a thread. Sometimes I wish people would just chill out in here and just have fun because you can still have fun in a community as long as everyone plays nice.

Problem Two - Higher ranks potentially letting the power go over their heads - This one seems to be one of the most I've seen thrown around going off what I've read but one thing I feel here is that many of those who get promoted new ranks seem to get way carried over there head with the amount of power that comes with any new rank. Ya'll need to stop taking ranks so seriously as it doesn't define the person you are. Ranks are nothing more than labels and while they are nice to have and play a partial importance they do not represent your personalty and I feel that sometimes in here the higher ranks let that power go to there head just because they think they have so much control well let me tell you all that building great communities is not about who has the greatest power or most control it's about what people can bring to the table. When people think of ranks in here they thing it's the key to how much power and control they have and if you let the power get to your head and don't use it the right way you only ruin not only yourself but the people around you as well. People in here need to realize that we are all equally apart of a community and that everyone in here should matter and that nobody should be using power to get an unfair advantage over others who are maybe recruits or members.

To me what truly defines an excellent person behind a role in the community is the skills and passion they have to wanting to build a great community and right now from what I've seen it seems nobody has any passion or care in wanting to expand and build this community into something far more bigger and better. Believe me over the course of my time running gaming communities myself I've had my fair share of run in's with people who abuse there privileges by letting the power change them into an entirely different person and power yes can be a good and bad thing but if you use it wrong you'll end up a total wreck because power changes everything ranging from a person's attitude to even there values. I've seen some people who I had on my team over the past years who let power get to them and that they thought it was alright to go around taking advantage of members but I know and we all know that is all wrong in many ways. I've even dealt with a group leader myself at one point who wrecked an entire community because power changed them and made them become a dictator, nasty and vile person who I ended up cutting ties with. To the point though you've all got to pull yourselves back and realize that a rank doesn't define everything about you because if that's the mindset you go around then believe me you'll soon realize that the ending outcome isn't all happy families.

Problem Three - The marketing and advertising behind EGN - I think I've touched on this one many times before in the past but if there's one thing EGN hasn't done right it's the marketing and advertising behind this community. You all have to think to yourselves who are staff and higher ranks what does a new member expect from this community when they walk into it for the very first time and what is the defining purpose behind EGN that will make it appealing to newcomers ? For me personally when one of my close friends invited me into this community I expected EGN to be a warm welcoming gaming community that had a lot of good stuff to offer and while at the time of joining it felt like that now a days that's just completely been a hit and miss.

I see a lot of you all keep talking about why you are such a small community lacking numbers and it's probably because EGN isn't marketed well like other communities are and the fact there isn't enough care and effort put behind the advertising of EGN at all. If you actually want this community to go somewhere and hit big milestones then ya'll are really going to have to start thinking outside the box a little and being a lot more creative and passionate about this community otherwise if you don't EGN will eventually rot away like expired food. What you all need to get right is that numbers and quality are both equal things that shape a community and I think some people in here think numbers are the answer to all there problems when in fact there not. How you can expect to build such a great community of members in here when you guys don't even have any good quality to offer ? If one thing doesn't work the whole connection won't work and that's exactly the problem why EGN is so lacking in numbers. There are many ways you guys can change this community around but it's gonna take everyone to make an effort if you actually want to start growing.

Problem Four - No good variety on offer - This one again is another I have touched on and I think variety plays a vital and important part in any community because without variety people will only get bored and end up leaving. It happens believe me but if there's no effort from the staff or higher ranks making changes to implement new things then in the long run EGN is going to suffer a far lot more than it is now. I get that guys you have a passion and care for games like Counter Strike Source but to me it seems to be the only thing that I see played out here. There's nothing wrong with stepping out there and exploring new opportunities because new opportunities open new doors that could potentially really help turn a community around and believe me I'm always exploring new opportunities with my team and gaming communities. Something my team does right is that we always put the members first because they are the ones at the heart of the community who shape it and we always ask what new things people like to see and believe we always receive a lot of great feedback.

I see that here a lot to but I don't think it gets quite through and again I think the team puts themselves first before the members in here whereas people should realize that isn't all just about you guys on what you think it's about the members to because without members you wouldn't even have a community. I can see you guys have already taken great steps by starting up Minecraft servers which is a great start and a step in the right direction however you guys need to expand beyond that and keep that momentum going. There are many great games that I think would be a perfect fit for this community and it would not only help bring in new members but it would also introduce a great level of variety and let's be honest you guys are in need of variety. Games like Rainbow Six Sixge, Overwatch and Rocket League would be a great hitters but it all depends if you guys are willing to stretch yourselves out that far and willing to make that effort because expanding is your key to growing more better and effectively. I mean there's no better time to invest in these titles since most of these titles have cross play and again I think perhaps you guys should reach out to console players more as again it would bring in so many new players here and with cross play everyone in here can play together regardless of the platform. You can still keep your classic format going of course with jailbreak and all but just something to bare in mind as it would open a lot of doors for EGN.

Problem Five - Troubled team that's falling - My last biggest problem is probably the fact that I don't think EGN has a passionate or quality team behind itself which raises great concerns for this community's future. I have a built so many great teams in m time that we are always so passionate about wanting to explore new opportunities and how we can make this community better but I feel half of the time half of the stuff that is said here isn't taken seriously nor do I see any of the feedback being picked up on. If EGN has ant chance of succeeding and getting out the current state it's in it's gonna need a great team of people behind, people who are passionate and who actually want to help build something.

Whenever I hire new team members to my team I always look for the three most important values in any new team person coming on board which is loyalty, trust and care. If you have even one or more of those missing then it greatly tells you that you either need to rethink your team members or become strict on the current one. I mean you can still be a great team of people and have a barrel of laughs and I know for one my teams always have a laugh because we all get a long very well and have zero tolerance. We are all very honest, trustworthy, warm hearted and friendly team of people who have been always passionate about wanting to help people and build a great community for people to enjoy and it's times like this when I wish I could just see this side to EGN more. There are actually 2 or 3 people who generally are passionate and have done so well here but others just think it's all for the crack by not taking the role seriously so just realize that whoever you bring on board with you that responsibility and those values are vital to having a fantastic team of members running behind this community. People shouldn't be bitching about one another behind each others back nor should they be backstabbing because ask yourselves where is this gonna get any of you ? Nowhere is it, it will lead you nowhere and lead EGN nowhere. I think what I really want to see is a lot more passion and care from people and people who actually generally care about wanting to be apart of something. We shouldn't be fighting we should be looking to back one another up and support one another so that together we can maintain control of this community. If none of you have those required values which in all honesty I think half of you don't then it really makes me question the future of EGN.

On closing thoughts I've said all I needed to say. I hope feedback helps but personally I won't ever probably join this community until I see great changes made to it.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 2:10 pm 
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Great post Dazza mate, don't think many here are going to read it because it is very long but you raised some points you obviously feel are valid. One criticism I would like to extend to you is that EgN isn't ran like typical communities and that's a large positive in its favour. I've been in for-profit gaming communities and found them soulless. I've been a small fish in a big pond too, I'm glad this place is small enough to let you be somebody of note if that is your intention. We always wanted people to come here and feel like part of a family.

With regards your criticism of Staff, EgN strikes a fine balance between community management and community participation. The intention is for the people to run it and define the communities greater purpose. Perhaps that's where management could come in and offer some clarity but if the people want a range of populated servers then that's the direction EgN moves in. In this sense, the people in charge try to be flexible and move with the tide so to speak. It can come across as inaction at times but really, everybody here needs to set out what they wish for and be candid about it. If you want anything whilst a Member of EgN, you are usually just a question away from getting it. Whether people are asking the questions and communicating efficiently is another issue entirely that I have no information on.

Good thread up to this point. Very happy that the Staff+ didn't lock it after 5 pages as may have been the case years ago.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 4:20 am 
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I prefer playing on GP, no useless admins that just sit around and do nothing, no higher ups abusing their powers, no constant drama, no deleting comments of evidence of you being a shit admin on the forums, and also the owner not being a lying weirdo is a plus.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 5:30 am 
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Roscoes wrote:
I prefer playing on GP, no useless admins that just sit around and do nothing, no higher ups abusing their powers, no constant drama, no deleting comments of evidence of you being a shit admin on the forums, and also the owner not being a lying weirdo is a plus.

Evidence being removed? We never delete any evidence? At best we move them if its not related to the actual report but can you provide one substantial evidence to suggest that we do?

*DEAD* EgN|s BEST ADMIN TITTYSPRINKLES: i thought today was rulebreaking day my bad :-(
*DEAD* EgN| Terminator #Fishy Guy: yup, ma dick to long :)

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