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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 5:48 pm 
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Terminator wrote:
Link wrote:
GoopSauce wrote:
Blitzkrieg wrote:
Link wrote:
So Um.. back to removing that retired rank? I think it would straighten things out a bit more.

IKR, they retire yet they still post and shit...i dont get it

Yes remove a pointless rank that'll show them. Plus are you just wanting this place to be an all exclusive club? You do realize to have a good community you need like outside people to join/rejoin?

You guys actually have a lot more permissions than you think. Again already said it but it’s the same as supporter and not needed at this point. It’s been ruined like supporter as well thanks to the toxic people of the group (Again not saying all of the people are in the rank). Surprised you actually have some input this time Goop. A lot more constructive than your last couple comments. Appreciate it now besides the sarcasm you typed out =)

Either way like Needy said in her post before, be a member or be a registered user basically. There should be no middle ground. If you left then you left.

Isn't it possible to just remove the trolls? Like... U would "punish" the ones trying to be cool aswell. Although I do also acknowledge that it is pretty useless. But what permissions come with retired then?

Chat box, and the ability to view LOA’s

That’s practically all the more you’re able to see as a retired IIRC which is particularly why the rank isn’t needed

Followed by the fact that it’s really just a supporter rank hidden around member
To all the the ladies, peace, and humptiness.


ask me about film, novels, fashion, cinematography, and/or music & you'll have my ear for hours

Doldol 🐾: I'm a Hyper Nova
Doldol 🐾: Kharn can be a
Doldol 🐾: Super Massive Black Hole
EgN-S| Needy: lmao
Doldol 🐾: xD
EgN-S| Needy: dude idk why, but i thought you were going to say super massive black cocc
Doldol 🐾: You can be a
Doldol 🐾: LOL
Doldol 🐾: nono thatd then be micro astroid
Doldol 🐾: or so ive heard
EgN-S| Needy: Like he's just one big degenerate penus
Doldol 🐾: ROFL
Doldol 🐾: IK
Doldol 🐾: xd

her favourite colour was yellow

Smiley: yes, I have a job now so I can be the breadwinner of the household and you can just relax to Rex all day :)


life goals
[  ] become legend before mootinie
[  ] get 10,000 post before mutiny
[  ] marry smiley

Tricky: i don't think any of the staff+ are here to slap their e-penis on you

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:58 pm 
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Terminator wrote:
Link wrote:
GoopSauce wrote:
Blitzkrieg wrote:
Link wrote:
So Um.. back to removing that retired rank? I think it would straighten things out a bit more.

IKR, they retire yet they still post and shit...i dont get it

Yes remove a pointless rank that'll show them. Plus are you just wanting this place to be an all exclusive club? You do realize to have a good community you need like outside people to join/rejoin?

You guys actually have a lot more permissions than you think. Again already said it but it’s the same as supporter and not needed at this point. It’s been ruined like supporter as well thanks to the toxic people of the group (Again not saying all of the people are in the rank). Surprised you actually have some input this time Goop. A lot more constructive than your last couple comments. Appreciate it now besides the sarcasm you typed out =)

Either way like Needy said in her post before, be a member or be a registered user basically. There should be no middle ground. If you left then you left.

Isn't it possible to just remove the trolls? Like... U would "punish" the ones trying to be cool aswell. Although I do also acknowledge that it is pretty useless. But what permissions come with retired then?

From my pov removing the trolls/toxic people would be singling them out basically. I feel there would be more animosity against the community then. Not to mention upsetting other players of the community as well. People are friends with some of them and they may deem that unfair from their perspectives. I never was a fan of the supporter rank because of how they treated newer members. They complained how the clan use to be better back then yet didn’t want to join back or offer help. We only made the retired rank so we didn’t push off some of the main people who made the community such as Sloppy.

Ignorance is bliss

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 8:11 pm 
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Terminator wrote:
So from the first part I get that advertising is against rules and is banable if they continue.... let's keep that in mind.
A little after that u say u screenshot evidence and sent it to advisors... then why isn't he banned if it was against the rules what he did? Oh ye it's not in the servers.

The fact you clearly didn't read the post that Matt had made that I was referring to makes me not want to respond to you at all, but he made it clear that Steam and Discord would also be acceptable evidence. I'm not sure why Matt didn't do anything based off my evidence, I recall he was busy IRL at the time and didn't look to far into my PM since he was already aware of the situation. I'm assuming you won't actually go back and read the post since you didn't read it the first time but here it is.
Spoiler: Show

U can't blame anybody for inviting their friends and people they know to their server. Maybe u get your facts right there.

So let's look at the definition of advertising why don't we?
Spoiler: Show

Just because he is messaging his "friends" or "people they know", doesn't change the fact that he is advertising to them. He is "publicizing his service/product to get people to use it", which is by definition advertising. My facts are right and what he did was objectively advertising.

Terminator wrote:
And who doesn't jab the server? I jabbed the server all the time because the knifing was fucked up.
So what did he do exactly to be guilty? Invite friends trough steam? Lol ban all the regulars aswell then because everybody has invited people to other servers from a different community. And don't come with the bullshit of "it's different because it is his comunity and he wants to steal population from us" because no advertising in egn server so no stealing population(not even possible population because I don't see any of them on egn jb)
But if u propose to screenshot every invite from everybody and get them banned....sure man see what happens. It will just drive people away even more.

This was a hard read which once again made me hesitant to respond, but here I go.

For one I wasn't trying to criticize him for taking indirect jabs, I was just saying he wasn't bashing like people were claiming and if anything I was defending him here. I hate to pull this card, but I think you might be misunderstanding.
I've already addressed the rest of this point aside from "not even possible population because I don't see any of them on egn jb". I'm not sure what you are trying to say here but if you are trying to say there is no population to steal because EgN JB is dead I don't think you understand how population works. If he advertises his server to our regulars and the core of our player base and they switch, obviously our server is going to take a hit because our main demographic is gone. The server was still pulling on average ~15 players before this and was starting to recover from the IP change and the visibility issues. If the server is 0/32 because all of the regulars are gone, nobody is going to join the server over a populated one.

Terminator wrote:
Then, If u meant that THIS topic is about GP....U are horribly wrong. Read it again and you can see this is about what people think is wrong here and what should change.
Primarily focusing on GP while ignoring other "problems" or issues that other people have brought up aswell is indeed blaming GP for basically everything. Get your facts straight.
Sure maybe they were saying GP is a problem but if they only focus on GP they only blame them.

I never said this topic was strictly about GP, but the conversation you and multiple others were engaging in at the time was specifically focused on GP which is what I was referring to. Read what I said again, I never once said (or implied) this entire thread/post is specifically about GP, only the current conversation and discussion (which you were engaging in and were well aware of).

Terminator wrote:
And yes it is their own choice to play a server, and I honestly have no fucking clue as to what u mean with "that being said that doesn't mean how the "choice" was presented to them was okay. The original people given the "choice" to play on the GP server were the ones from our community and server that Indi approached. Yes, they CHOSE to play on the server, but that doesn't mean Indi advertising the server to them was okay in any way"

Just to clear things up again: THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ADVERTISING. Egn made a rule against it for their servers ,teamspeak and forum. Sure, it's wrong in those places.
But who are u to say it's wrong to invite people on your server via steam or discord or whatever? Just because u claim it's wrong doesn't mean it's wrong.

See above. It's not me "claiming it's wrong" Matt specifically said there would be zero tolerance for it, including other platforms like on Steam and Discord. I can just combat this with the same logic "just cause you think it's not wrong doesn't mean it's not wrong". Matt, the leader of this community, said it is wrong, so it is.

Terminator wrote:
And for your "analogy" I'm almost speechless. How can u even compare those 2? Like....I can't be the only person who realised that that is the worst analogy ever.
First:directing minors to porn is just immoral and is retarded.
Inviting people to your server isn't.
Second:breaking real life ,nation-wide laws.... or "breaking" a rule from a gaming comunity, while the rule isn't even broken since its all in steam and private chat.

Don't compare egn to a country in the real world. And especially not with offences involving minors. That's just beyond stupid.

Now lets go and look at the definition of analogy
Spoiler: Show

My point was it's still illegal to solicit porn to minors even if it is their choice to watch it in the same way that it's still against the community rules and the word of the leader to advertise, even if they decide to follow the advertisement. Just because they chose to play on the server doesn't justify advertising the server and breaking the rules.

Both of the things that I am comparing can be boiled down to "Individual A breaks the rules by telling Individual B about a choice that Individual B can make. Individual A still did something wrong regardless how Individual B responded to the choice". The whole point of the analogy is that just because it's their choice doesn't mean the person giving them the choice isn't doing something wrong.

I don't think you necessarily understand how analogies work but here's an example from my source "Life is like a box of chocolates." Now obviously life isn't actually a fucking box of chocolates, but the analogy is being used to compare the two and draw similarities to present a point in the same way I used my analogy. In an analogy, it's a given that the two things being compared aren't the exact same, but they still can be similarized or compared to a degree. EgN doesn't have to actually be a country to be compared to a country, the same way life doesn't have to be an actual box of chocolates to compare the two.

Terminator wrote:
And for what Matt said in his post, I support the "don't advertise on our stuff" but on steam? That's not really your "jurisdiction". Also, what will banning do if it's trough steam? Nothing. Also you (matt) claim they are just competing and that they aren't and enemy as if this was a war......
The "any advertising even trough steam may result in a ban" sound alot like war tho. And as I said it wouldn't even do much if u banned them from forums/servers/teamspeak as they still have steam. If u ask people to not be friends with indi (I'm not saying you are asking) then u break your own statement saying "not a war". Not to ruin what u said and meant. It was good but that part is kinda contradictionary.

Now you have me confused if you actually read Matt's post or not. You went through your entire post saying one thing and now you are saying the complete opposite?

Matt has the authority as leader to decide what is and isn't allowed. It's his choice whether or not he wants to allow someone who has done something he deemed against the rules to be able to participate in our community and servers or not. The point of banning them isn't to stop them from advertising, it's a consequence. If they are doing something to hurt the community or against its rules, they shouldn't be welcome here. For example, if you mass disrespect and attack a large number of the community's members, you probably aren't going to be welcome here anymore because of what you did. It's not "war", it's holding people accountable. I'm also not sure if you are aware but Indi is also banning people for what they say here and on Steam, so if you have a problem with that you have a problem with what he is doing as well.

Terminator wrote:
Lastly... Read your own advice....
U tell people to not repost stuff that has been said and yet u give your opinion, which is exactly what multiple people have already said before.... G fucking G

Copying other people's opinions when I already had briefly gave mine in less detail on page 2 before the entire conversation started? Also, show me what I copied? I would say 99% of what I said was unique and added something new to the conversation.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 8:16 pm 
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Link wrote:
Terminator wrote:
Link wrote:
GoopSauce wrote:
Blitzkrieg wrote:
Link wrote:
So Um.. back to removing that retired rank? I think it would straighten things out a bit more.

IKR, they retire yet they still post and shit...i dont get it

Yes remove a pointless rank that'll show them. Plus are you just wanting this place to be an all exclusive club? You do realize to have a good community you need like outside people to join/rejoin?

You guys actually have a lot more permissions than you think. Again already said it but it’s the same as supporter and not needed at this point. It’s been ruined like supporter as well thanks to the toxic people of the group (Again not saying all of the people are in the rank). Surprised you actually have some input this time Goop. A lot more constructive than your last couple comments. Appreciate it now besides the sarcasm you typed out =)

Either way like Needy said in her post before, be a member or be a registered user basically. There should be no middle ground. If you left then you left.

Isn't it possible to just remove the trolls? Like... U would "punish" the ones trying to be cool aswell. Although I do also acknowledge that it is pretty useless. But what permissions come with retired then?

From my pov removing the trolls/toxic people would be singling them out basically. I feel there would be more animosity against the community then. Not to mention upsetting other players of the community as well. People are friends with some of them and they may deem that unfair from their perspectives. I never was a fan of the supporter rank because of how they treated newer members. They complained how the clan use to be better back then yet didn’t want to join back or offer help. We only made the retired rank so we didn’t push off some of the main people who made the community such as Sloppy.

If people are being dipshits get rid of them, if someone was being a twat on the servers you wouldn't say "Oh we can't ban him he might get upset" why the fuck does it change just because it's on the forums?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 9:19 pm 
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Terminator wrote:
Spoiler: Show

He was not like that at all. I remember him saying he could help fix the lr plug in and then admitted that he didn't want to do it because of how poorly he thought of our server. It is stealing members when you share it with a community after talking a bunch of shit about it. Prodigy went out of his way to disrespect people and steal members. I don't care if you are friends with him or not. That is irrelevant. He should be banned. I never said ban any GP members. I said to ban HIM. I didn't say the whole community. Back in the day when I played 1.6 jb people ddosed servers all the time because of stuff like this. Something needs to be done.


Indi expressed his disagreement with rules and stuff for all I know. Mostly in private chats. I have never seen him blatantly bash in on something. Post proof or have witnesses. Otherwise u are just stating false claims and indi is innocent

Do you know how to read? Link was in there when he was disrespecting me and staff members. I love all the defending on non egn members by non egn members. Makes perfect sense why you would stick up for him.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 11:42 pm 
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this is pretty spicy

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 4:00 am 
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Sarge wrote:
Terminator wrote:
Spoiler: Show

He was not like that at all. I remember him saying he could help fix the lr plug in and then admitted that he didn't want to do it because of how poorly he thought of our server. It is stealing members when you share it with a community after talking a bunch of shit about it. Prodigy went out of his way to disrespect people and steal members. I don't care if you are friends with him or not. That is irrelevant. He should be banned. I never said ban any GP members. I said to ban HIM. I didn't say the whole community. Back in the day when I played 1.6 jb people ddosed servers all the time because of stuff like this. Something needs to be done.


Indi expressed his disagreement with rules and stuff for all I know. Mostly in private chats. I have never seen him blatantly bash in on something. Post proof or have witnesses. Otherwise u are just stating false claims and indi is innocent

Do you know how to read? Link was in there when he was disrespecting me and staff members. I love all the defending on non egn members by non egn members. Makes perfect sense why you would stick up for him.

I talk from personal experience. I couldn't give a shit who's side I'm on. If I think it's right or wrong I'll say so. So don't try and pass me the card of "makes sense u chose his side" because u don't even know me well enough to claim shit like that.

Also from what I read from links response is that u both went at each other? So ye in that case I will stand up for him when u try to paint him like a bitch.

Maybe u should check your own ability to read first



rebeler since february 2016

we all have different lifes, different problems and different paths to take.....
but what we all wonder is: would they be proud of who i am today?

Princess Strawberry: "HEY, i know everything about Denmark , OK?
Princess Strawberry: "what kind of waffles do they eat in Denmark?"
Princess Strawberry: "OH WAIT SHIT THAT'S BELGIUM"

<16:59:31> "Eclipzx_" was banned for 10 minutes from the server by "GoopSauce" (pussy much?)

*warden*: There's 1 rebeler in garage please get him
*INBREADCATS*: It's only 1 rebeler,what can he do......oh shit it's terminator i'm coming

reboobalar: "term this is your warning because i know you're just gonna rebel"
reboobalar: "fuck this, im not going to be Ct with Term on their team"

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:11 am 
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The fact you clearly didn't read the post that Matt had made that I was referring to makes me not want to respond to you at all, but he made it clear that Steam and Discord would also be acceptable evidence. I'm not sure why Matt didn't do anything based off my evidence, I recall he was busy IRL at the time and didn't look to far into my PM since he was already aware of the situation. I'm assuming you won't actually go back and read the post since you didn't read it the first time but here it is.

I read the post, but let me go back to the end of mine...
What is Matt's jurisdiction to say what is and isn't allowed OUTSIDE of egn? He leads egn, he doesn't have anything to say outside of that. Sure he could ban if they break rules in or on egn services. Or even not allow people in for it but think how that looks on u lol.

To understand that u need to go to your advertisement definition. Sure advertisement is what it said there:

"The verb advertise means to publicize a service or product in order to try to get you to buy or use it"

But there are different degrees in your advertisement. U have advertisement like big companies do it (tv,YouTube,newspapers,...) U got it like small companies( flyers,maybe small newspapers) and u just got mouth to mouth advertisement. Which barely is advertisement.
Mouth to mouth goes because people like something and will then spread the word to other people. Indi likes his server better and is passing the word that he thinks his server is better. It is his server so his opinion is hugely influenced.
But I guess others think it's better aswell. But back to the advertisement. U got different degrees in advertisement, and what indi and his players would be doing is barely advertising and more like just inviting their friends to have fun.

In which i already stated that inviting your friends for fun is not wrong.

I've already addressed the rest of this point aside from "not even possible population because I don't see any of them on egn jb". I'm not sure what you are trying to say here but if you are trying to say there is no population to steal because EgN JB is dead I don't think you understand how population works. If he advertises his server to our regulars and the core of our player base and they switch, obviously our server is going to take a hit because our main demographic is gone. The server was still pulling on average ~15 players before this and was starting to recover from the IP change and the visibility issues. If the server is 0/32 because all of the regulars are gone, nobody is going to join the server over a populated one.

That is population,right there. The inhabitants/players of egn, if u putt it in context here. Now, egn doesn't have any players on JB anymore or very few. Which means there is almost 0 population to steal with "advertising". And no it's not because of indi, this is mostly because of the events before that.

I never said this topic was strictly about GP, but the conversation you and multiple others were engaging in at the time was specifically focused on GP which is what I was referring to. Read what I said again, I never once said (or implied) this entire thread/post is specifically about GP, only the current conversation and discussion (which you were engaging in and were well aware of).

So my point of them only blaming GP still stands. That what I said there was more of a question with an answer alrdy added if u actually meant the whole topic.

See above. It's not me "claiming it's wrong" Matt specifically said there would be zero tolerance for it, including other platforms like on Steam and Discord. I can just combat this with the same logic "just cause you think it's not wrong doesn't mean it's not wrong". Matt, the leader of this community, said it is wrong, so it is.

My logic stands by a worldwide acceptance for any civilized form of advertisement.
Matt is leader of egn, and his power is restricted to egn alone.
Which I alrdy covered.

Both of the things that I am comparing can be boiled down to "Individual A breaks the rules by telling Individual B about a choice that Individual B can make. Individual A still did something wrong regardless how Individual B responded to the choice". The whole point of the analogy is that just because it's their choice doesn't mean the person giving them the choice isn't doing something wrong.

So u mean individual A breaks rules from somebody,in a place where that person/authority doesn't even have the power/right to putt rules? Great analogy.
Let me give u a better one. Even tho I don't like comparing egn to a country,but let's do it now.

Egn is Saudi Arabia, and no advertisement is the law in which is stated that woman can't drive a car.

Let's say indi is a woman that drives a car in America,Europe or anywhere else in the world. And then Saudi Arabia would say "no we don't allow that,u will be putt up for execution" or "we do not allow u in our country anymore"

I am certain that if something like that would happen majority of u would be like "wtf is their problem they can't do that" yet now u people say u will do the exact same.

The woman is given a choice aswell, she didn't have to drive the car. Is the government at fault because they let her have a choice?

Then later , I didn't say the complete opposite at the end.
I support the "dont advertise " rule, but I also believe that the "power" of that rules and consequences as u say it are limited to egn stuff alone. U can't bank or punish somebody for offences commuted outside of egn unless they are part of the membership in which u would be able to sanction them for breaking community rules.

Then especially this sentence is interesting.
If they are doing something to hurt the community or against its rules, they shouldn't be welcome here.

If u want to follow up on that, ban everybody. Because everybody has used the n word atleast once (from the mature members) but u don't? Everybody has shit talked egn before.
Yio even fucking mfked, which hurts the reputation of egn. Yet I don't see u standing up to ban him or remove him.

It will always be a matter of how severe is the damage and if u really care. This time it's "really bad and harmful for egn" just because egn servers are dead atm (css that is) and because people make a drama about it. In other occasions, when egn would do rlly well,nobody would make a problem about being invited there

And if indi is also banning people for saying stuff here and on steam I disagree with that aswell. I think it's bad in any way and bad no matter who does it. I don't know why u would even bring that up. As if u think I would say I agree with it if he did it. And even if he does it ,doesn't mean egn should do it aswell.

And what part of your thing was 99% original?
The part where u say that egn needs to go to other games aswell?
The part where u say css is dying?
Not like anynody has said that we need to support the servers more,right?
No I get it now. It's the part where u call everybody up to screenshot evidence of GP trying to "steal" people away from egn and report it. Ye that has to be it. Not like Matt claimed it's against the rules of egn, and not like every staff always tells people to report rule breakers.

What u said is only what other people say/or have been saying for years just worded slightly different and then posted here to make it look like u would have an original opinion.
Let me pop your bubble right there: most people have the same opinion on things. When it comes to problems this counts even more since ussualy people who play together they experience the same stuff



rebeler since february 2016

we all have different lifes, different problems and different paths to take.....
but what we all wonder is: would they be proud of who i am today?

Princess Strawberry: "HEY, i know everything about Denmark , OK?
Princess Strawberry: "what kind of waffles do they eat in Denmark?"
Princess Strawberry: "OH WAIT SHIT THAT'S BELGIUM"

<16:59:31> "Eclipzx_" was banned for 10 minutes from the server by "GoopSauce" (pussy much?)

*warden*: There's 1 rebeler in garage please get him
*INBREADCATS*: It's only 1 rebeler,what can he do......oh shit it's terminator i'm coming

reboobalar: "term this is your warning because i know you're just gonna rebel"
reboobalar: "fuck this, im not going to be Ct with Term on their team"

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 6:26 am 
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Anyone who resorts to personal attacks or disrespect is gonna get banned. Also keep in mind this isn't a complaint so calm down or go make a complaint thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:47 am 
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Terminator wrote:
The fact you clearly didn't read the post that Matt had made that I was referring to makes me not want to respond to you at all, but he made it clear that Steam and Discord would also be acceptable evidence. I'm not sure why Matt didn't do anything based off my evidence, I recall he was busy IRL at the time and didn't look to far into my PM since he was already aware of the situation. I'm assuming you won't actually go back and read the post since you didn't read it the first time but here it is.

I read the post, but let me go back to the end of mine...
What is Matt's jurisdiction to say what is and isn't allowed OUTSIDE of egn? He leads egn, he doesn't have anything to say outside of that. Sure he could ban if they break rules in or on egn services. Or even not allow people in for it but think how that looks on u lol.

To understand that u need to go to your advertisement definition. Sure advertisement is what it said there:

"The verb advertise means to publicize a service or product in order to try to get you to buy or use it"

But there are different degrees in your advertisement. U have advertisement like big companies do it (tv,YouTube,newspapers,...) U got it like small companies( flyers,maybe small newspapers) and u just got mouth to mouth advertisement. Which barely is advertisement.
Mouth to mouth goes because people like something and will then spread the word to other people. Indi likes his server better and is passing the word that he thinks his server is better. It is his server so his opinion is hugely influenced.
But I guess others think it's better aswell. But back to the advertisement. U got different degrees in advertisement, and what indi and his players would be doing is barely advertising and more like just inviting their friends to have fun.

In which i already stated that inviting your friends for fun is not wrong.

I've already addressed the rest of this point aside from "not even possible population because I don't see any of them on egn jb". I'm not sure what you are trying to say here but if you are trying to say there is no population to steal because EgN JB is dead I don't think you understand how population works. If he advertises his server to our regulars and the core of our player base and they switch, obviously our server is going to take a hit because our main demographic is gone. The server was still pulling on average ~15 players before this and was starting to recover from the IP change and the visibility issues. If the server is 0/32 because all of the regulars are gone, nobody is going to join the server over a populated one.

That is population,right there. The inhabitants/players of egn, if u putt it in context here. Now, egn doesn't have any players on JB anymore or very few. Which means there is almost 0 population to steal with "advertising". And no it's not because of indi, this is mostly because of the events before that.

I never said this topic was strictly about GP, but the conversation you and multiple others were engaging in at the time was specifically focused on GP which is what I was referring to. Read what I said again, I never once said (or implied) this entire thread/post is specifically about GP, only the current conversation and discussion (which you were engaging in and were well aware of).

So my point of them only blaming GP still stands. That what I said there was more of a question with an answer alrdy added if u actually meant the whole topic.

See above. It's not me "claiming it's wrong" Matt specifically said there would be zero tolerance for it, including other platforms like on Steam and Discord. I can just combat this with the same logic "just cause you think it's not wrong doesn't mean it's not wrong". Matt, the leader of this community, said it is wrong, so it is.

My logic stands by a worldwide acceptance for any civilized form of advertisement.
Matt is leader of egn, and his power is restricted to egn alone.
Which I alrdy covered.

Both of the things that I am comparing can be boiled down to "Individual A breaks the rules by telling Individual B about a choice that Individual B can make. Individual A still did something wrong regardless how Individual B responded to the choice". The whole point of the analogy is that just because it's their choice doesn't mean the person giving them the choice isn't doing something wrong.

So u mean individual A breaks rules from somebody,in a place where that person/authority doesn't even have the power/right to putt rules? Great analogy.
Let me give u a better one. Even tho I don't like comparing egn to a country,but let's do it now.

Egn is Saudi Arabia, and no advertisement is the law in which is stated that woman can't drive a car.

Let's say indi is a woman that drives a car in America,Europe or anywhere else in the world. And then Saudi Arabia would say "no we don't allow that,u will be putt up for execution" or "we do not allow u in our country anymore"

I am certain that if something like that would happen majority of u would be like "wtf is their problem they can't do that" yet now u people say u will do the exact same.

The woman is given a choice aswell, she didn't have to drive the car. Is the government at fault because they let her have a choice?

Then later , I didn't say the complete opposite at the end.
I support the "dont advertise " rule, but I also believe that the "power" of that rules and consequences as u say it are limited to egn stuff alone. U can't bank or punish somebody for offences commuted outside of egn unless they are part of the membership in which u would be able to sanction them for breaking community rules.

Then especially this sentence is interesting.
If they are doing something to hurt the community or against its rules, they shouldn't be welcome here.

If u want to follow up on that, ban everybody. Because everybody has used the n word atleast once (from the mature members) but u don't? Everybody has shit talked egn before.
Yio even fucking mfked, which hurts the reputation of egn. Yet I don't see u standing up to ban him or remove him.

It will always be a matter of how severe is the damage and if u really care. This time it's "really bad and harmful for egn" just because egn servers are dead atm (css that is) and because people make a drama about it. In other occasions, when egn would do rlly well,nobody would make a problem about being invited there

And if indi is also banning people for saying stuff here and on steam I disagree with that aswell. I think it's bad in any way and bad no matter who does it. I don't know why u would even bring that up. As if u think I would say I agree with it if he did it. And even if he does it ,doesn't mean egn should do it aswell.

And what part of your thing was 99% original?
The part where u say that egn needs to go to other games aswell?
The part where u say css is dying?
Not like anynody has said that we need to support the servers more,right?
No I get it now. It's the part where u call everybody up to screenshot evidence of GP trying to "steal" people away from egn and report it. Ye that has to be it. Not like Matt claimed it's against the rules of egn, and not like every staff always tells people to report rule breakers.

What u said is only what other people say/or have been saying for years just worded slightly different and then posted here to make it look like u would have an original opinion.
Let me pop your bubble right there: most people have the same opinion on things. When it comes to problems this counts even more since ussualy people who play together they experience the same stuff

I don’t see any point in furthering conversation with you as you don’t seem to understand that as the leader of the community, Matt has the authority to say what is or isn’t allowed, no matter the medium. If he really wanted to he could ban everyone who has a cat picture on Facebook. He might not be able to ban them from Facebook but he sure as hell can keep them from participating in the community if he sees fit.

Have a good day.

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