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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 6:16 am 
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I’m not really sure where this community has gone wrong where people need to join a different community that isn’t even as well constructed as this one (not a roast, honest truth). I mean really, why are people having so many problems with EgN? What is the community really doing wrong? Besides the whole “nothing is getting done” but because that’s honeslty getting a little old. Sure the community needs to get some bearings together due to all this new change, but why are people so aggressive? And don’t claim that people arent as mad as I make them out to be because some are so aggravated with the community, that they’ll make their own community.

This community has worked for several years now and the same problems with its community members and higher ups always seem to resurface. Members aren’t effectively communicating issues to the Staff+ and the higher ups don’t do anything. Both are true and false depending on the time. But I want to legitimately know the confusion and the frustration with the community. Even people who have switched to GP, whatever that stands for.

Yes recently we’ve hit a dead zone in the community with the recent shutdown, and the IP change happening all at once. Staff+ have been working on fixing the forums to make it as good as it was before, and that’s not as easy of a task as people make it out to be. Sure there can be more progress between populating the server, but that’s not the Staff+’s job to be honest. You guys as community members should be doing that. As a member, you are told in the beginning to always be active on team speak, the forums and the servers. No one there? Invite your friends on Steam. Help us bring back the usuals that play on the server, cause if you do thag for the community, the Staff+ can focus on making changes to the community because I know the big thing that’s being talked about is how they are going to get JB populated again.

Though like I said, open up and tell us what you don’t like about the community. Really give it to us and be as honest but in a constructive way. This is a conversation, not a roast. So keep it cool, and don’t start flying off the handle.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:43 am 
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it was already going downhill before that shit tbh thats why i stopped coming on as much.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:00 am 
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Needy/Wanty is the best person alive tbh

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[ ] live with Needy/Wanty, with dog, in house.


PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:28 am 
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Eh, people just hopping clans happens all the time no matter if were doing good or bad. Just takes a slight disagreement and misunderstanding and they're gone. What gets me are the people here, who are still in the clan, and just continue to bad mouth a clan they're in and its members/ex-members and act like they're helping.

It kind of reminds me of people who will join a server and cause trouble, then when you're close to banning them they attempt to do the old "THIS SERVER WOULDN'T BE POPULATED IF IT WASN'T FOR ME!" Which is silly cause if you care about populating so much, why are you behaving this way? I also feel uneasy about the recent group that popped out of nowhere and is calling for their friends to be staff.


Last edited by Roaxes on Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:34 am 
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Sugoni wrote:
it was already going downhill before that shit tbh thats why i stopped coming on as much.

This is What goldgames means. Voice Why Its bad insted of just saying Its shit.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:05 am 
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Smiles wrote:

Smiley, whoa! That’s a TOXIC ‘lol’ ! gunna have to SWIPE YOU OFF the CLAN MEMBERS LIST! /s ily

Most of it seems to be less about what EGN does / is doing but rather more of what EGN isn’t doing. That’s not to say that EGN isn’t doing anything but rather most of it can come by change (and partly out of boredom). Majority of players & members in this circumstance (current or previous), and really most of a populace in general, will in most cases actively seek out change, some of which can hand them credibility, & when it isn’t being done or changed to their accordance and / or quickly enough they’ll tend to leave, no? Won’t try to oversimplify it, innovation is difficult to come by, and no one adapts easily to it, especially EGN, but some rather do so than crib around it which leads to those who may not necessarily resist change but are rather indifferent, sometimes a bit of both. And sometimes these are those who like new as long as it’s really the same again which is when it becomes repetitive which I can say I actively / unintentionally do sometimes. Those too seem to be the members who stay in the clan long-term.

Won’t elaborate what we needs to, and / or what needs not to, but to rather find a medium between the two which again, is not the easiest to come by.
To all the the ladies, peace, and humptiness.


ask me about film, novels, fashion, cinematography, and/or music & you'll have my ear for hours

Doldol 🐾: I'm a Hyper Nova
Doldol 🐾: Kharn can be a
Doldol 🐾: Super Massive Black Hole
EgN-S| Needy: lmao
Doldol 🐾: xD
EgN-S| Needy: dude idk why, but i thought you were going to say super massive black cocc
Doldol 🐾: You can be a
Doldol 🐾: LOL
Doldol 🐾: nono thatd then be micro astroid
Doldol 🐾: or so ive heard
EgN-S| Needy: Like he's just one big degenerate penus
Doldol 🐾: ROFL
Doldol 🐾: IK
Doldol 🐾: xd

her favourite colour was yellow

Smiley: yes, I have a job now so I can be the breadwinner of the household and you can just relax to Rex all day :)


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Tricky: i don't think any of the staff+ are here to slap their e-penis on you

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:19 am 
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I feel giving some time for now will get things to calm down. We’ve seen this happen before with people leaving. As long as things are running normal like the forums and jb then it should return to normal almost around here.

Ignorance is bliss

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:11 am 
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Sly wrote:
Sugoni wrote:
it was already going downhill before that shit tbh thats why i stopped coming on as much.

This is What goldgames means. Voice Why Its bad insted of just saying Its shit.

Was mostly just a comment on the fact that he thinks it's only a recent thing. y'all've known about the problems for a while not much i can say that you guys don't already know :p

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:34 am 
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Mr.GoldGames wrote:
I’m not really sure where this community has gone wrong where people need to join a different community that isn’t even as well constructed as this one (not a roast, honest truth). I mean really, why are people having so many problems with EgN?

That was kinda a roast, the person who started Gamepunch was no longer part of EgN and hadn't been part of EgN for a very long time.

Mr.GoldGames wrote:
What is the community really doing wrong? Besides the whole “nothing is getting done” but because that’s honeslty getting a little old. Sure the community needs to get some bearings together due to all this new change, but why are people so aggressive? And don’t claim that people arent as mad as I make them out to be because some are so aggravated with the community, that they’ll make their own community.

From what I can see, people are not following through with promises. When the servers changed host from myself over to OVH, there was a big meeting (even the one I was involved in, and many after that) where promises of new things, and new servers, now there is assumptions, or truths that servers are ready, yet they want to rebuild the JB population before releasing, which is counter-productive in my honest opinion.

Mr.GoldGames wrote:
This community has worked for several years now and the same problems with its community members and higher ups always seem to resurface. Members aren’t effectively communicating issues to the Staff+ and the higher ups don’t do anything. Both are true and false depending on the time. But I want to legitimately know the confusion and the frustration with the community. Even people who have switched to GP, whatever that stands for.

The community is based off of Jailbreak on counterstrike source, where the MAX population that server will get is 32 players. Lets be honest, yes this community has thrived in the past off of CSS but it's a dead game, not wanting to progress into new games and staying stagnant seems to be a big issue.

Mr.GoldGames wrote:
Yes recently we’ve hit a dead zone in the community with the recent shutdown, and the IP change happening all at once. Staff+ have been working on fixing the forums to make it as good as it was before, and that’s not as easy of a task as people make it out to be.

The IP's changed sure, but the forums weren't broken, there was just a 2 week old backup.

Mr.GoldGames wrote:
Sure there can be more progress between populating the server, but that’s not the Staff+’s job to be honest. You guys as community members should be doing that. As a member, you are told in the beginning to always be active on team speak, the forums and the servers. No one there? Invite your friends on Steam. Help us bring back the usuals that play on the server, cause if you do thag for the community, the Staff+ can focus on making changes to the community because I know the big thing that’s being talked about is how they are going to get JB populated again.

It seems people have moved on from jailbreak, people go back to Jailbreak once in a while to give it a go, but it's not a constant, and doesn't seem to hold peoples interest, with the 200+ members, servers should be getting populated, but they aren't.

Mr.GoldGames wrote:
Though like I said, open up and tell us what you don’t like about the community. Really give it to us and be as honest but in a constructive way. This is a conversation, not a roast. So keep it cool, and don’t start flying off the handle.

So opinion time.
Here's what needs to happen in my opinion for this place to thrive and be better then before.

Open up your minecraft server, yet LISTEN TO THE COMMUNITY and go into a gamemode which is the current popular. The amount of minecraft players trumps most other games, with the amount of concurrent players higher then the likes of Fortnite, etc. There is a market. Open the server, open a shop, sell packages, make money for EgN to move forward and open more things, and develop more things.

Open back up your TTT server, with a store with custom models.

Remove pay for admin, and have it application based.

An idea which I think will work is remove the ranking structure, and apply the ranking structure to admins only. have stipulations where you can only admin on one server, I have this idea and will elaborate, yet i'm not sure people would want to hear it.

Honestly i'm tired, and i'm responding to this, so if it doesn't make sense just ask for clarification please; just move out of the dead gamemode where there is like 10k+ average players, and most of those players are on russian/french servers, and the only people who are playing the servers are the same regular players that hop between all and don't want to be tied down to a community.

If you change how the entire ranking structure works, and make eveyone who isn't part of the "leadership" (can elborate again on the ranking structure) you'll find you have more members and more people willing to play, as a member of the community can just be someone registered on the forums, and you only need to tag up if you're admin

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:52 am 
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one "minor" note

i almost left entirely in the midst of the application process, because instead of trying to find the guy to manually activate accounts[if he could even do that], i was instead told to use every e-mail at my disposal to create an account.
burned through them all.
it's incredibly irritating when the fault of a broken registration was being pushed to me, and the repeated statements of 'You're doing it wrong' had already put a bad taste in my mouth.
on top of that, i had to speak with at least two different administrators about it who all said they couldn't be bothered to go to the big bad forum man, in those words or less.
not a good first impression.
then once i did get in, said admins told me all we had done wouldn't count towards reaching recruit and i couldn't gain access to an admin for about... four days to a week and a half-ish.
not a good first impression.

what has increasingly made me consider leaving is the general attitude of an office and jailbreak server saving this community.
it reminds me of a statement on gmod servers i heard a while back that i think applies here:
'if you want to build a community, don't base it off of ttt. because then you'll only be a ttt server, and then your community will die. why? because ttt doesn't make a community.'

the paid for admin is also hilarious and absolutely explains the strange rise and fall in quality i've seen in staff behavior. i know we're all human and not infallible, but the pretentiousness is incredibly entertaining. if you want a quality community, make sure you have a quality staff team to keep it like that.

there's also that minor bit of the recent circle-jerk that through seemingly egregious amounts of cocksucking have gotten 'high' positions on jailbreak.
these same people who cried they could save the server by populating it and being there are the same people currently pushing them away.
i think nickolas can back me up in that, considering he tried to go back to the server to help out and have fun
aaaand was instead met with being spawnkilled every single round and the recently appointed events team/remnants of said circle-jerk just giggling to each other and talking.

not a good first impression.

this entire community has potential to get better and rise above what it had before, but you're tripping at the half-way checkpoint in a marathon.

sort shit out, be ready to look elsewhere, and don't rely on a fading game to keep your community alive.

just because it worked in the past doesn't mean it will work now.

minor point done i'm going back to sleep.
if i wake up and see dumbass posts about 'you're a recruit and new here how could you say that' i'm going to strangle myself
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


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