People are over reacting to this, there is literally no need to burn or deface Nike clothing just because "you want to prove you are a patriot" or some shit like that.
koolaid wrote:
People don’t hate Colin because he’s black, they hate him because he’s an idiot who is protesting the flag and anthem, something that represents his right to protest. It’s fucking self-defeating. They are mad at the whole situation because Nike is capitalizing on someone who is causing more divide under the guise of good-cause, while claiming they made ultimate sacrifices when they were raised with a silver spoon and make millions of dollars. Poor choice.
People do hate Colin because he is black, Colin highly supports BLM which of course People led to screech from the top of their lungs "all lives matter". For me it was not a poor choice to give millions of dollars up for what is right, i would rather live in a world where everyone is equal than myself earning millions of dollars every year. he was barely raised with a silver spoon, he was one of the lucky ones to be adopted, i am actually glad he was adopted, because if was never adopted, he wouldn't have gone to a good school, he probably would have never been into football, and all the protests he has done would have never have happened.