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 Post subject: Nike Boycott
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 6:40 pm 
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Basically for those who are unaware, Nike footwear manufacturing company sponsored Colin Kaepernick in their 30th anniversary campaign who was the face for kneeling at NFL games during the national anthem to protest against police brutality; meanwhile, Kaepernick tweeted "Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything. #JustDoIt" & since then, Nike has received a lot of backlash against the campaign. Won't say solely conservatives, but those who were against kneeling at the NFL games are now wanting to boycott Nike for their said 'disrespect'.

Not to mention, shares of Nike has dropped 3.16% since earlier today. Will post more of my direct opinion, but thought I'd hears your guys first.
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 Post subject: Re: Nike Boycott
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 6:57 pm 
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Ha, any good lefty will hate Nike for their sweat shops/labour shit and any good righty will hate them for supporting someone who didn’t respect the stary anthem. It’s okay tho dumb ppl are their main consumers and they never stay on one issue for long so I think ol’ America hating, Sweat shop Nike is here to stay ❤️

 Post subject: Re: Nike Boycott
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:08 pm 
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I read the title and thought this thread was "Nick Boycott"

 Post subject: Re: Nike Boycott
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:25 pm 
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Nike is such a big company, and for people to be burning and cutting up the merchandise it just means that they bought it so I dont really think Nike cares that much. TBH like my whole town ( i.e the soccer,football,lacrosse,hockey, and i think the tennis team) buys jerseys from Nike. So its not like the schools are dropping them as sponsors and I feel like Nike knew this was going to happen that's why its "Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything. #JustDoIt". I dont think Nike would be that naive using him with as much backlash and drama he has caused.
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 Post subject: Re: Nike Boycott
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:31 pm 
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The people who would actually boycott Nike were never Nike’s target audience anyway - I don’t think Nike will
Loose too much sleep over this.

 Post subject: Re: Nike Boycott
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:17 pm 
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I’m not sure when Nike signed Kaepernick but I’m sure they knew what they were getting themselves into when they did, and even if he was signed before his “movement” I think it would be safe fo say Nike sat down with him and told him not to use their brand to promote controversy if they had a problem with it. I definitely don’t think they will drop Kaepernick but he might get a warning / a talking to. What he tweeted can be interpreted multiple ways but given his history I think it would be pretty easy to tell what he is trying to get at here.

As for the people, the best way to talk to a corporation is with your wallet and I think if people have a problem with what Nike is doing then they should definitely boycott it. If you complain and complain but keep buying all their products then they probably won’t listen to you since you are still giving them $$$. I think Nike is at a place where they can just wait this one out but they may still choose to do something if they think its necessary.

 Post subject: Re: Nike Boycott
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:39 pm 
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Like people have said, Nike is a garbage company, but not for capitalizing on activism.

All the talk of people burning their shoes and defacing nike clothing is ridiculous. A smart move would be a mass campaign to donate their Nike shoes to vulnerable vets, as apparently that's who they think Kaepernick is disrespecting (somehow).

But, of course, this was never about veterans, it was about thinly veiled racism because a person of color dared to silently protest before a sporting event. A sporting event which, by the way, up until a few years ago never had its players on the field during the national anthem until the department of defense spent a hundred million dollars convincing sports teams to be more patriotic. But that's another story.
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 Post subject: Re: Nike Boycott
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:27 pm 
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Birthstone wrote:
Like people have said, Nike is a garbage company, but not for capitalizing on activism.

All the talk of people burning their shoes and defacing nike clothing is ridiculous. A smart move would be a mass campaign to donate their Nike shoes to vulnerable vets, as apparently that's who they think Kaepernick is disrespecting (somehow).

But, of course, this was never about veterans, it was about thinly veiled racism because a person of color dared to silently protest before a sporting event. A sporting event which, by the way, up until a few years ago never had its players on the field during the national anthem until the department of defense spent a hundred million dollars convincing sports teams to be more patriotic. But that's another story.

Man you were on the right track until the last paragraph lol. People don’t hate Colin because he’s black, they hate him because he’s an idiot who is protesting the flag and anthem, something that represents his right to protest. It’s fucking self-defeating. They are mad at the whole situation because Nike is capitalizing on someone who is causing more divide under the guise of good-cause, while claiming they made ultimate sacrifices when they were raised with a silver spoon and make millions of dollars. Poor choice.

 Post subject: Re: Nike Boycott
PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 8:02 am 
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Holy shit people are going fucking crazy cause a guy fucking kneeled. What a joke.

 Post subject: Re: Nike Boycott
PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 10:25 am 
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North wrote:
Holy shit people are going fucking crazy cause a guy fucking kneeled. What a joke.

Oh man dont under estimate how seriously yankies take their flag and anthem.

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