Name:Diet Soda (previously joe rogan)
Steam ID (or IP):STEAM_0:0:19327561
Duration of ban:3 days
Time ban was invoked: 08-24-18 14:44
Reason:blatant disrespect towards admins/community
Witnesses:mootinie, probably other people have experience with him
Full description of what happened:when he had the name joe rogan he would always come on the server and would always complain about the admins, or about how they did stuff.
even when there was nothing wrong he would complain about admins not doing their job. if he thinks he got freekilled he would tell admins, but even when u explained how he didn't get freekilled he would still complain about how admins dont do their job or if he got killed by en EgN member how EgN members can do whatever they want.
it's time for him to take a break, has a previous ban history ignoring admins and disrespect.