Kharn wrote:
Mootinie wrote:
Summoning the courage to ask for help is often the hardest part. I donated what it costs me for a tank of gas in the UK, hopefully it helps Kharn.
Thanks Moot! Means a lot that you'd help me out.
Mr.Geeza wrote:
Bro after work I'll send you a bit. Hate to see you struggling man, hope all goes well for you!
Thanks! It's been quite a shock to see so much help come in for me, I've never really considered running EgN as a job or work, but it does mean a lot that the community has been helping me out so much.
I've had many ask why I've been so willing to continue and help with |TU|, 420Mafia, and EgN for all these years, and it's times like these where the community has helped me that I clearly remember why, this place can bring people together that wouldn't normally meet and sometimes that creates special bonds and connections, it's always been an honor to keep a place with such magic alive for all these years.
This community is a family and family help each other. Some people are so burdened by selfishness they don't help those in need but not in this community, everyone is here to help, whether it'll be donations for those in need, or even some words of couragement. But the littlest thing can make someone's day. Any time you are struggling with anything just know that everyone is here for you because of this community being like a second family.
And running a community should never be like a job. It should be bringing people together, making connections and having fun with each other. You are doing no wrong here!
I'm glad it has been around all these years, even though I haven't been around for all of them. And I hope it will be still alive many years later.
Also, I read the description on your gofundme page, and it sucks that you have a back injury, my Dad has one too, and it stopped him from working in most places, he doesn't work or anything.
And I hope you get what you're wanting, which is a court appearance and getting your disability allowance, which sucks to say or hear, but you should be getting some income for that, which would help you a lot!