I was just hanging out on jailbreak with my new spray, no one seemed to care and many people said they liked it, but then "someone" hops on and complains about it. Then the staff are telling me 2 change it because "someone" had a problem with it and it is targeting that "someone". I say no because that is not a valid cause for me to have to change and I tell them of others similar situations without repercussion and then I get kicked for my spray.
One of the two arguments I was given was that "someone" had a problem with it. Others and I have problems with others sprays, such as Astuf, it's terrible and is very disgusting to look at but still, after many people have complained to him and others about it he still has it and I've never seen him being told to change it or being kicked for it by staff.
And the second argument was that it was that it was targeting "someone". Link has a spray with the most butthurt people on the server and has never been told 2 change it even though according to staff the spray cannot target others.
So I don't see on what grounds it is fair for me to have to change my spray. Especially when its actually giving an award to the "someone" that complained. Links spray is similar in the nature of it and Astuf has had complaints about his spray, two things that fall on why I have to change mine, but the set precedence does not matter when its subject is about the "someone".
P.S. Tobi is "someone" and why do his feelings matter over the rules, because I've seen countless times people getting kicked and muted because of his feelings and not for breaking rules.