Mootinie wrote:
Summoning the courage to ask for help is often the hardest part. I donated what it costs me for a tank of gas in the UK, hopefully it helps Kharn.
Thanks Moot! Means a lot that you'd help me out.
Mr.Geeza wrote:
Bro after work I'll send you a bit. Hate to see you struggling man, hope all goes well for you!
Thanks! It's been quite a shock to see so much help come in for me, I've never really considered running EgN as a job or work, but it does mean a lot that the community has been helping me out so much.
I've had many ask why I've been so willing to continue and help with |TU|, 420Mafia, and EgN for all these years, and it's times like these where the community has helped me that I clearly remember why, this place can bring people together that wouldn't normally meet and sometimes that creates special bonds and connections, it's always been an honor to keep a place with such magic alive for all these years.