January 2018 ended up being one of our highest recruitment months, with 31 recruits in total! Close to half of these new recruits came to us from a now disbanded clan called NsG. Those who did were welcomed with open arms just as everyone else was and we thank them immensely for choosing us. As members of EgN it is our goal to attract more and more members each day, whether it be by our servers or by the friendliness of those already incorporated into the community. I spoke with several of the new recruits about what attracted them to EgN and what made them want to join and it comes down to two main points: Jailbreak & Members.
For many of us EgN has become exactly what it is meant to be, a community. By joining and playing we meet so many new people and make friends. I know personally the friends I’ve made in the past 8 months have become like a second family to me. I asked Saint what one of his most memorable moments since becoming a recruit was, his answer is funny and a good example of how even accidents can make for good times. Quote:
“EgN-R| T H E S A I N T: my interview is probably the most memorable thing , Dyno and Matt were helping Goop because he was new to staffing at the time, It was a funny situation because while I'm getting interviewed LopsidedMind and Blooper are messaging me asking what I did wrong because the interview was longer than they expected. It was a good interview, scared me at first haha.”
I also asked new recruit Spike what he liked best about EgN his reply showed me that despite minor problems we are doing good in this community constantly.Quote:
“EgN-R|Spike: Probably the friendliness between the ranks. There's really no way to tell who's what rank just by talking to them, unless you look at the rank next to the name”
When it comes down to it the fact that we try to be friendly and are always recruiting is something that makes players want to try out EgN. Quote:
“EgN-R|Jixy: To see that EgN is still growing and the community is getting better makes me love EgN the most.”
“EgN-R|ProfessorG: The community seems very open and welcoming in general”
These recruits can teach us about ourselves. How our clan looks and what makes them attracted to join. We are constantly evolving and growing to fit the needs of everyone. As many know we’ve started branching out in social media to create more interest in our community as well as starting to get into other games aside from CSS. This clan depends on its players, on its recruits, its members, its elites, veterans, staff, advisors, and its leaders. My parting words? Don’t give up on EgN when you see something that needs to be changed. If recruits can have faith in EgN and what it stands for then so can you. Try and help fix it or talk to someone you think can help you fix it. Let’s grow more and expand and be a community that people want to join with no hesitation. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 28 RECRUITS WHO BECAME MEMBERS!
Member Spotlight Quotes
EgN-R|Spike: Sibblet; I love her accent and she welcomed me with very open arms
EgN-R|Dr. Eclipzx: Clouds a good guy that told me to apply he makes the jailbreak server enjoyable. Instead of being a boring nazi admin and warden.Plus I’ve known him from jb for like 2 years so when I came back to jb I just talked to him.
EgN-R| Jixy: Mattlikespie for giving me the opportunity to join EgN again.
EgN-R| ProfessorG: John wick/sweettooth made my time when I first found jailbreak better, and he was the first member I added.