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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 12:44 pm 
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So besides the fact Kharn is shutting this thread down, Is anything positive coming from this thread? It seems from my perspective nothing productive is coming out of this thread and it should kinda be locked before anything escalates further.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 12:56 pm 
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Mr. Kharn wrote:
Young Lean wrote:

Feminism is equality of all people, not just women. Honestly I just don't see where you stand anymore, I've always thought of you as someone who represents the old JB play style but I guess not.
I did not defend Dhack mfking, he broke a rule and there's no way around it. You're completely riding on the preconceived notion that this is just biased anger enduced shitposting but it's not, these are serious criticisms that are not being adressed and will likely be the fall of the last active bit of this community.

Please stop saying "Feminism", I haven't brought up any shit related to that.

And if I'm missing what you(Just you Young, don't speak for others) want then please tell me in as few words as possible?

Unless it's "We want people to stop being offended when we are being offensive!"?

I've already got what I wanted out of this, Snipers ban was reduced to a month.
Now I'm just defending the principle behind this, being that people shouldn't be so fragile in JB.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 12:57 pm 
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Inori wrote:
Why are you still in EgN if you dislike it? You aren't active on the servers and the only thing you post is Negative. You hate all Staff+ but for some odd reason you chose to stay? EgN is a choice that u made and is something u can leave at anytime, the door is open

If you want me gone so bad make me leave then

Edit: I have my reasons for staying
I don't spam the forums to raise my post count like most people

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 1:12 pm 
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i think it is time to lock this.....
i'ts getting really personal right now.
maybe solve in teamspeak or something?
the guys getting personal with eachother i mean.



rebeler since february 2016

we all have different lifes, different problems and different paths to take.....
but what we all wonder is: would they be proud of who i am today?

Princess Strawberry: "HEY, i know everything about Denmark , OK?
Princess Strawberry: "what kind of waffles do they eat in Denmark?"
Princess Strawberry: "OH WAIT SHIT THAT'S BELGIUM"

<16:59:31> "Eclipzx_" was banned for 10 minutes from the server by "GoopSauce" (pussy much?)

*warden*: There's 1 rebeler in garage please get him
*INBREADCATS*: It's only 1 rebeler,what can he do......oh shit it's terminator i'm coming

reboobalar: "term this is your warning because i know you're just gonna rebel"
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 1:23 pm 
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Before this thread gets locked I wanna say a few more things.

The intention of this thread was so for me to gather and provide missing information for myself and for others that didn't understand why TNS shouldn't be unbanned from this community. What I mean by that is I wasn't looking or pushing for a perm ban from our community, but a specific amount of time for him and for everyone else to analyze what he has been doing and why he got kicked out of the community. He had been given so many chances and has been warned so many times to relax but he proceeded to do whatever he pleased and he got in trouble for it, and I'm not talking about the harassment anymore. We're all adults here and should learn from this and make this into a positive thing, but it turned into a flame thread once again when that wasn't my intention. Anyway the moral of the story and I agree with a lot of you when you say it "If you don't have thick skin you shouldn't be on the internet", and it's true. There's so much trolling and racism and sexism going on its ridiculous but overall we're all responsible for our actions whether it's for memes or being disruptive. There's always gonna be that one person to ruin it for everyone else and I get the sense of humor. I was too like that where I trolled all the time and disrespected people people that didn't deserve it, but none of us can say that we never took nothing personal, at one time or another we did take something offensive that someone said about us.

And another thing, I don't care you can label me a kiss ass or me sucking dick all you want for what I'm about to write next.

I can see what Kharn means what he says "It's a heavy burden being a leader of a community" and this goes for the staff's as well. Whether the choice is justified or not, we're all gonna disagree with the decisions made for this community whether its positive or not. Not everyone is fit to run a community when Kharn stated that I have experience of bouncing around communities that never made it as far as EgN has been making it for the past 10 years. I've been around EgN for about 6 and it's astonishing how it's still up, but it balances both ways of the member influence and the leadership. If the leadership was garbage how most of you say then this community would've died ages ago, but still it's alive by both parties and it will continue to grow regardless if you like the leadership or not. I understand a majority of us don't like what Staff's do or what Kharn does, but it's not easy for them because the decision they make like I said whether it's positive or not they will still be judged. If I was in Kharn's position I would've given up on EgN awhile back because of the hostility that we have against eachother whether is positive or not. It always gets mixed into threads and flaming people, nobody knows how to take constructive criticism.

I don't have anything personal against Notorious, I think he's a cool dude but for those that think he's being punished for no reason you're missing the point of our actions lead to consequences.

EDIT: We can't better this community if we all can't take constructive criticism and accept our own flaws being pointed out, nobody should be afraid of posting complaints or voicing out our own opinions & I'm not complaining for sticking up for certain people, but everyone has a right to say what needs to be said whether its positive or not. We all should listen to what everyone has to say and take anything into consideration.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 1:51 pm 
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toni wrote:
He had been given so many chances and has been warned so many times to relax but he proceeded to do whatever he pleased and he got in trouble for it, and I'm not talking about the harassment anymore. We're all adults here and should learn from this and make this into a positive thing, but it turned into a flame thread once again when that wasn't my intention.
Spoiler: Show

I don't have anything personal against Notorious, I think he's a cool dude but for those that think he's being punished for no reason you're missing the point of our actions lead to consequences.

EDIT: We can't better this community if we all can't take constructive criticism and accept our own flaws being pointed out, nobody should be afraid of posting complaints or voicing out our own opinions & I'm not complaining for sticking up for certain people, but everyone has a right to say what needs to be said whether its positive or not. We all should listen to what everyone has to say and take anything into consideration.

Agreed, with pretty much most of what you've said. The reason I'm not going to unban sniper is that he knows what he's done, he even knew he was going to be punished for this. Meaning he accepted and knew it was wrong, it's just the people in this thread that are unhappy with that.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 1:51 pm 
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Holy fucking hell, who would have though there would be so many people in EgN who flock to defend a guy who encourages sexual harassment.

I didn't really have much of a high opinion of EgN before I read through this but even I thought that everyone here was above this.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 2:02 pm 
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At least half of you are completely wonko, 2 fries short of a happy meal. Locked by request from OP
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 5:43 pm 
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Toni asked/allowed me to post here;

Well I'll be honest this was a fun read, yet at the same time I shake my head and give a small chuckle. There's so much I could say, and I could respond to every single person's comment in here, but I won't. I'll just focus on one.

Young Lean wrote:
You do a whole lot of talking but not a whole lot of understanding

Now this works two ways. You assert that Kharn does this but frankly all I've seen is the naivety and blatant ignorance from everyone but. You might've read that I've had a hand in all this. Well yea, that isn't false. I know everything Sniper's done, and it goes a hell of a lot farther then just disrespecting women. I've been active on Sniper's case for months now, and it's a hell of a lot more complex then its been made. But Kharn would know that right? I mean, after all,
Northside Shorty wrote:
You are so out of touch with anything that happens that you let your "staff" a.k.a pets, relay information from their side, not anyone else's side
so Kharn would already know that, right?

I mean I don't speak for the rest of the Staff, but I don't recall you ever talking to me about some issue you had or some changed you wanted to implement or anything of that nature. You assert that we talk to Kharn and tell him whats up - if you believe that, then wouldn't you want to talk with one of us so Kharn hears it? Idk I guess that's cause we are the bad guys. But if that's the case I struggle to understand why you are still here.

Eh, I got off topic. Well anyhow, in case you didn't know, Notorious has been kicked out the clan some three times now, and lost his admin far more times than that. It's blatantly obvious to me that he doesn't see what he does as wrong, and has ignored numerous warnings to...adjust his behavior. A couple months ago we made a decision to let Notorious even apply to the clan. And that took some time. Because we've known his history and the kind of guy he is. Now don't get me wrong - I love the guy. I think he's pretty chill and funny as hell. Right before I took his admin the last time and we had kicked him out I had a nice conversation with Sniper. Essentially I wanted to make sure he knew what he was doing was wrong. And for once, I think he understood. But it was far too late for that. I advised him, as a friend, to post an LOA, and leave the community on his own terms. I guessed as much the Staff wouldn't be so receptive to seeing Sniper's admin taken...again. Should he take my advice, that way there'd be no chance he could be banned, no drama, no shit. Hell, it would even leave the door open for him to reapply in the future. But I guess no one tells you that, why would they. Anyway, we made a a tough call letting Sniper back in this time around, and an even rougher one deciding if we should let him have admin. I think one of his applications was denied, and the one that got accepted wasn't accepted until at least a month. Applications were only supposed to take 2 weeks and we took far longer than that, because we just didn't know. And his feedback wasn't too bright either, so the "most" of the community that you think sees Sniper as this great guy, well, isn't on the same page as you. Despite all that, we gave him admin. Phillip (I believe), and myself namely pushed for it, believed he deserved another chance at it. After all, he wasn't too bad at it back in the day when you ignore his fuck ups.

Well, I can't speak for Phillip, but the way I take it we made a mistake. I alone talked with Sniper at least 6 or 7 times about his behavior and use of admin. And that was before I witnessed his behavior on the server early this month and took his admin for a week, and that wasn't even the woman thing yet. Hell just ask Daniel Bryan how many times I've had to speak with him and Sniper alone. I don't even know how many times the rest of the other Staff spoke with him. So after all that, we kicked him out. Most of the other higher ups to this day still aren't so receptive to the fact we let him back in in the first place, but they're all fairer then you assert. But nonetheless, after his removal, we kept him unbanned. This shit he was doing could've warranted a perm ban ten times over had he not been in the clan. But we let him walk, kind of another "last chance" opportunity to keep playing with us. Well, I kid you not, not even 24 hours later after the removal my Steam inbox basically blew up. I couldn't tell you how many people bitched about him. It reminded me of how many people were upset with Dhack and what he was doing, but that's besides the point. So I heard that Sniper was still playing his game. As much as I believed them, I told all of them to get me the proof. Hell, like Geeza said, I came on Jailbreak one day to 4 or 5 admins telling how Sniper was just on and the shit he was causing. Well, I told them that it's only a matter of time before one of you catches him in the act, and when that happens, by all means, do as you normally would, and ban if you must, and let me know, as any offense he makes will likely be a perm ban. I mean, after all, I did post that on his demotion thread. Point here being quit bitching at Geeza. If you want someone to bitch at, bitch at me. Geeza was one of those 4 or 5 admins and he was only doing what he was told. But just as Geeza was doing his job, I'm just doing mine.

I don't expect you to believe, or frankly care, that I've tried to be on Sniper's side the past few months. But that's the part that kind of makes the job hard you know? But eh, you don't. However my closing statement here is that if you care enough about what this thread speaks for, or what actually happened, maybe you even give enough shits about the community, then you'll find me and you will care to understand and talk about it. After all, it works two ways. So, please, cut the shit.


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