This is horrific... the mentality on some of this people is beyond my capability of knowledge. Who would exactly enter a school, sign in at the front desk where HIS ex worked, go into a classroom and shoot a 8 year old child? What has this world come to...
This video shows the guy going in and speaking to the people at the desk, signs in then calmly walks through the hallway. What sort of sick person would shoot a child in a classroom, also that he signs his actual name on the register? He must have had a death wish.
This is a picture of the 8 year old boy who was shot by the gunman who you saw on the video...
The gunman (Anderson) had killed his ex (the teacher) along with an 8 year old boy. A 7 year old was also wounded in the shooting, but was released from hospital.
For more information in regards of the shooting: