55. No detours or delays is implied with every order.
With every order you cannot detour or delay, as it is already implied. Warden may still notify the Ts that detours and delaying isn't allowed, but it isn't required to say so if they haven't said no detours or delays, and you die for doing either of them, it isn't a freekill considering it is implied not to detour or delay.
CTs are allowed to be nazi, but they always have to follow one rule and that is:
10. Do not act like an asshole
If you are way too nazi, killing people for like the tiniest things such as that what you have done, is more or less being an asshole which isn't allowed. It is alright to be a nazi, but if you get killed for like a millisecond of delay, then that's pratically being an ass.
Yiggles will say if I am wrong or not.