Mr.GoldGames wrote:
Mr.Geeza wrote:
Habibi it's your not you're
You're = you are
Your= this points out that it's yours
Example for you're: you're a piece of shit
Example for your: Is that your pencil?
Well, English isn't his first language, so calling him a piece of shit because he doesn't know the difference between your and you're is kinda a dick move. English is a complex language that consists of so many back roads and uturns, so it's kind of hard for people who don't know English to understand contractions very well. You're is easy for us to point out, but some foreigners see it all as your because it makes the most sense to them. Habibi mainly suffers from a langague barrier in the clan because many things that we say, he sometimes doesn't get. Same with Bourne, and same with Doldol. It's not like their first language was English, so they must adapt. Sometimes they don't know things that we do. So just take it easy on the guy.
Ehm.. Yearh, be careful, my brother from another mother Gold, has my back..
And also don't make fun of my accent. It's burning.........