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 Post subject: CTs and Mics
PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 2:17 pm 
EgN Member
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I was being told that you don't need a mic to be a CT on Jailbreak. It would be better if they had a mic. Most times, nobody listens to any CT who doesn't have a mic or won't use a mic. That's why it should be required to have a mic and use it in order to be a CT.

 Post subject: Re: CTs and Mics
PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 2:19 pm 
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I mean not exactly u can like type orders fam cause not all can have a mic so i mean if they aren't doing their role as a ct and not giving orders then an admin has to swap him!
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 Post subject: Re: CTs and Mics
PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 2:19 pm 
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Bro you have to be super gay to do anything egn so if you do buy a mic make sure you shove it right up your ass.


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 Post subject: Re: CTs and Mics
PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 2:20 pm 
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See the thing is, people shouldnt be required to buy something in order to play the game on our servers. They can play on CT, but they just cant take warden if there is someone who has a mic. Ill bring this up at our meeting today, Thanks!
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 Post subject: Re: CTs and Mics
PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 12:43 am 
EgN Member
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MrGoldGames wrote:
See the thing is, people shouldnt be required to buy something in order to play the game on our servers. They can play on CT, but they just cant take warden if there is someone who has a mic. Ill bring this up at our meeting today, Thanks!

There usually isn't a problem with having someone on with a mic being warden. There has been a time when someone straight up didn't want to use his mic while on CT. If you won't make being on CT mic required, you should have it in the rules that if you have a mic, you have to use it if the warden dies.

 Post subject: Re: CTs and Mics
PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 1:17 am 
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Mr. C.C. wrote:
I was being told that you don't need a mic to be a CT on Jailbreak. It would be better if they had a mic. Most times, nobody listens to any CT who doesn't have a mic or won't use a mic. That's why it should be required to have a mic and use it in order to be a CT.

Mr. C.C. wrote:
MrGoldGames wrote:
See the thing is, people shouldnt be required to buy something in order to play the game on our servers. They can play on CT, but they just cant take warden if there is someone who has a mic. Ill bring this up at our meeting today, Thanks!

There usually isn't a problem with having someone on with a mic being warden. There has been a time when someone straight up didn't want to use his mic while on CT. If you won't make being on CT mic required, you should have it in the rules that if you have a mic, you have to use it if the warden dies.

There are pros and cons to both things.

With a mic, it is better due to people being able to hear orders right away, but you will have players who tend to speak over you. Example, CTs talking over warden to tell a T to drop weapon.

Being able to type orders is good because players will then be able read them and understand, but 98% of the playeers on JB don't even read chat unless they have been freekilled, or they've cause something.

No matter what, 90% of the time, if there is a warden who doesn't use a mic, and types orders. That Ct is the last CT or soon or later will be killed due to typing orders and not paying attention.

 Post subject: Re: CTs and Mics
PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 1:25 am 
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Mr. C.C. wrote:
There usually isn't a problem with having someone on with a mic being warden. There has been a time when someone straight up didn't want to use his mic while on CT. If you won't make being on CT mic required, you should have it in the rules that if you have a mic, you have to use it if the warden dies.

Technically we do have a rule that states only verbal commands should be given unless a CT doesn't have a mic, yada yada something of the sort. However, it's not like we can force each individual CT to use their mic neither do I see why it's necessary; as long as they're giving proper orders it should be fine however unless they decide not to give orders at all.
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Doldol 🐾: Kharn can be a
Doldol 🐾: Super Massive Black Hole
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EgN-S| Needy: dude idk why, but i thought you were going to say super massive black cocc
Doldol 🐾: You can be a
Doldol 🐾: LOL
Doldol 🐾: nono thatd then be micro astroid
Doldol 🐾: or so ive heard
EgN-S| Needy: Like he's just one big degenerate penus
Doldol 🐾: ROFL
Doldol 🐾: IK
Doldol 🐾: xd

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 Post subject: Re: CTs and Mics
PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 3:45 am 
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Like everyone else has said, we want to make CT available to everyone, mic or not. In response to "if you have a mic you should use it," I quite disagree with that. Personal anecdote, I'm pretty bipolar when I use my mic or not. For years I rarely even used my mic for reasons but now that things changed I use it more frequently, but still not all of the time because I can't (only reason I'm going to give is because I do actually have a life), so I can relate heavily to people literally not being able to use their mic, or even not wanting to, despite having one. And by this I don't mean like they used their mic 5 minutes ago and won't now, no, they have a mic and should use it. What I mean is that if you know they have a mic because they used it 2 days ago, but hasn't all day today, not once, well there's probably a reason so they shouldn't have to use it because we assume that they can. Our server doesn't require it, so they shouldn't have to :)

Also, this will likely not change. Again, we want all players to be able to experience the Jailbreak server, not just those with a mic. Some of the best CTs I've seen don't have a mic. But otherwise, we do have admins! Many think that we do not have any rules to stop a full CT team with no mics, but allow me to point out the following, because, it can be annoying

There are a few rules that do pertain to this that admins are expected to handle:
1. Only commands given verbally count, unless no single living guard has a mic. -- The infamous rule that enables anyone to play CT, rule is self explanatory
2. (Admin rule) You must make sure the round progresses. -- Often a CT team having to type orders will delay the round, so admins can use this to get a CT with a mic to speed it up. Albeit, in most cases this isn't a problem, but ya never know
3. (Admin rule) Keep the teams skill and ratio balanced. -- aka Team Balancing, I do this quite often myself when CTs are unable to win rounds. It is easily an inhibitor on skill when CTs have to physically stop what they are doing to type orders, versus a CT with a mic being able to stop rebellers and give orders at the same time, etc.
4. You must play your role as a guard. -- How I interpret this in accordance to this topic is that often, CTs with mics will all die, leaving only those with no mics left, and often I find myself having to warn them to give orders (as in type them out), and a lot of the time they don't, even though, by the rules, they now can. If they won't give orders, well then they aren't playing their role.
5. (Admin rule) Swap CTs not doing their job to the other team. -- And of course, someone acting as described above can be swapped!

My main point here is that this is not something that will changed anytime soon. The server functions quite well this way, and admins are enabled to handle it if it becomes necessary. So, if you feel like there's a problem, feel free to contact an admin. Hell, I'm usually always on steam, just add me, and message me if it's a problem if no admins are on, and I'll come on in most cases and see what I can do, even if it's just for a few minutes.

Hope this helps!


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