Elevated Gaming Network

Admin FAQ Updated !
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Author:  Jimmah [ Wed May 25, 2016 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Admin FAQ Updated !

Admins (and non Admins). Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the updated admin FAQ:


Admins: You represent the clan to the general pubic. You have an obligation to know the rules that we have, and know them well.

Ignorance is not a valid defense!

Members (who are not admins): You have a right to know the expectations we hold our admins to. I expect all of you to hold our admins accountable and report inappropriate behavior

Constructive comments, feedback or suggestions are welcomed

Author:  Mr. Simplistic [ Wed May 25, 2016 11:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Admin FAQ Updated !

Can the changed rules be listed here? I did'it see what was changed

Author:  Xanderian [ Wed May 25, 2016 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Admin FAQ Updated !

"Veterans must report any ban > 24 hours."

Does this mean veterans now only have to do reports if the ban is over a day long?

Author:  Phillip [ Wed May 25, 2016 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Admin FAQ Updated !

Why is this here?

Order of Operations for Administrating specific TTT issues <--- Are all the rules going down for JB
1st time - Slay*
2nd time - Slay 2 rounds*
3rd time - Ban 24 hours
4+ times - Ban 5 days

RDM & leave <--are we implenting this into JB
1st time - Ban 5 days
2nd time - Ban 2 weeks
3rd time - Ban 4 weeks

1st time - Gag/mute + warning.
2nd time - Gag/mute for a round*
3rd time - Ban 8 hours

1st time - Warning
2nd time - Kick
3rd time - Ban 24 hours
4th time - Ban 5 days

Ghosting, Hacking & Cheating <--- Were not alllowed to ban unless a staff bans it (Hack/Cheats)
1st time - Ban 4 weeks
2nd time - Ban 8 weeks

Porn/Gore Sprays <--- JB Server rules changed on that
1st time - Warn
2nd time - Kick
3rd time - Ban 5 days

Jailbreak Server Specific Rules << --- this doesn't even link to jbrules.php
These are special rules that apply in Prison Break only.
-If a player is having a high Kill/Death Ratio on either team then warn them and switch them teams. This is so game-play is kept at a fair pace.
-If T's are excessively talking and not allowing CT's to give orders then !mute T's till orders are given and you can warn them to quiet down. Don't be afraid to go Spectator to observe.
-If a CT is purposely freekilling he should be switched to the other team and given a warning not to join back. If he does the player should be ctbanned.
-A MFK should always result in a perm ban. Submit the bank and request an extension if required.

Author:  Link [ Wed May 25, 2016 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Admin FAQ Updated !

- Always remember to act mature in the server, and set an example for other members to follow.
- Always approach every situation without bias and malice. Never take your anger out in server.
- Always be courteous and helpful, never try to push someone to rash action so you can ban/kick them.

I feel these rules could use a bit of attention as well, I have seen a couple admins come in the server acting disrespectful towards others and members as well.

- Admins are not allowed to Ban/Kick/Slay a EgN Member, only Staff+ may take action against an EgN Member.

The same for these rules as well. I've had an admin threaten me with this before, not realizing what was going on in the situation. As an EgN Member if I did something wrong, such as freekilling/free shooting I would obviously slay myself with no problem. As well as if someone told me that I freekilled them and explained how, I would just slay myself. Its a game, it doesn't hurt me if I miss a round. But no matter what you should never use your powers on a member.

Author:  Phillip [ Wed May 25, 2016 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Admin FAQ Updated !

- Admins are not allowed to Ban/Kick/Slay a EgN Member, only Staff+ may take action against an EgN Member.

I believe we should be allowed to slay members - Because in a right or wrong situation people don't wanna slay. But when requesting a staff it's kinda a headache because they're busy gaming and we're normally told to get someone below them. Which is basically us or is this changing?

Also if we can't kick members are we not allowed to kick members who are AFK in spec?

Author:  Link [ Wed May 25, 2016 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Admin FAQ Updated !

Phillip wrote:
- Admins are not allowed to Ban/Kick/Slay a EgN Member, only Staff+ may take action against an EgN Member.

I believe we should be allowed to slay members - Because in a right or wrong situation people don't wanna slay. But when requesting a staff it's kinda a headache because they're busy gaming and we're normally told to get someone below them. Which is basically us or is this changing?

Also if we can't kick members are we not allowed to kick members who are AFK in spec?

I hear what your saying and I could see some exceptions, but I ran into a different situation with this admin. They were purposely looking for any reason to slay me.

Author:  Gunny [ Wed May 25, 2016 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Admin FAQ Updated !

Phillip wrote:
- Admins are not allowed to Ban/Kick/Slay a EgN Member, only Staff+ may take action against an EgN Member.

I believe we should be allowed to slay members - Because in a right or wrong situation people don't wanna slay. But when requesting a staff it's kinda a headache because they're busy gaming and we're normally told to get someone below them. Which is basically us or is this changing?

Also if we can't kick members are we not allowed to kick members who are AFK in spec?

I'm with Phillip on this. I think Veteran+ should be able to kick and slay EgN members. But I think the kicking should be limited to AFKing in the server or causing a general disruption to the gameplay flow i.e. Radio spamming or mic spamming.

Author:  SemiAutoNoob [ Wed May 25, 2016 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Admin FAQ Updated !

I think the faq area has just been changed so many times there is no longer any organization there. Like the indents and paragraphs are just all over the place. The area/ server specifics are all jumbled around. Maybe A good cleanup of the entire faq area should have been done before noting changes. I just think staff+ could do a little better with their work here.
I give it a 5/10 the information is there it's just not organized.

Author:  Jimmah [ Wed May 25, 2016 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Admin FAQ Updated !

Thank you all for the feedback!

-The comment reading using using admin on members is a valid one and has been noted by the higher ups.
- Phillip: I agree the layout of the "Server Specific" rules was somewhat confusing. I've updated it. Please take another look.
-Semi: My first priority is to get the content right. I'll work on formatting when i have a moment & we reach a general consensus on the content. Marking things "5/10" isn't relevant to this thread or particularly helpful. In any case, your comment is noted.
-Xan: This is what we agreed on in the last meeting.

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