mattlikespie wrote:
Obviously there's a lot of heated debate going right now, finger pointing, staff scandals, censoring, other allegations, you name it. I've seen this road before and to be honest I hate it passionately. So, here's what we're going to do. I've just made up this event called Matt's Open Forum, here's the deets.
It's on Teamspeak, this is going to be right after the monthly meeting, this Saturday. Got a problem? Show up. Want answers? Show up. Need to debate? Show up. Nothing's off the table and there is no limits, other than blatantly attacking someone of course. The only other limit is that I'm going to be the only Staff+ there, period (Unless they're invited by myself). My forum, my rules. You want to ask Staff+ something, you'll ask me. No censorship, no changing topics, done. You want answers, you want to change something, or you want to be heard, be there, my channel. This will be directed by y'all, not me. No more nonsense.
If you won't show up then I don't want to see anyone bitching. Message me with concerns about this forum.
You should hold this in links channel, it would be a better fit.