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PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:51 am 
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Ephex wrote:
J-Dawg wrote:
6.GP is advertising on our servers/directly to EgN members/other people

7.GP is badmouthing EgN

This will probably be my one and only post to this thread, but GP does not condone badmouthing EgN nor its members. I cant tell you how many times I've asked people to not do that(Not GP members, just people playing the game).

Also, I don't know of anyone ever advertising on EgN servers, or purposefully trying to pull people away from EgN. Those of you that know me, should know I have nothing against anyone at EgN or anything like that, I just want to clear the air on this little bit. :P

I do not see/have seen anybody do it either but apparently some people have. But I think they refer to steam messages in which they invite other people to join the GP server , and that those invites are the main cause of them blaming GP and such.

Also, think this is the part where a staff/staff team posts something to putt minds at ease and give a sketch of a plan to solve these things. Or atleast to solve a few of the stuff here. After your meeting ofcourse



rebeler since february 2016

we all have different lifes, different problems and different paths to take.....
but what we all wonder is: would they be proud of who i am today?

Princess Strawberry: "HEY, i know everything about Denmark , OK?
Princess Strawberry: "what kind of waffles do they eat in Denmark?"
Princess Strawberry: "OH WAIT SHIT THAT'S BELGIUM"

<16:59:31> "Eclipzx_" was banned for 10 minutes from the server by "GoopSauce" (pussy much?)

*warden*: There's 1 rebeler in garage please get him
*INBREADCATS*: It's only 1 rebeler,what can he do......oh shit it's terminator i'm coming

reboobalar: "term this is your warning because i know you're just gonna rebel"
reboobalar: "fuck this, im not going to be Ct with Term on their team"

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:46 am 
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Alright, now we're getting somewhere! Storytelling time.

Disclaimer? Gunna piss some people off here. But I'm going to be as fair as I can be. And fair meaning I'm going to speak some truth and recognize when it doesn't add up. Good luck.

I love this shit. I really really do. I literally have not read a single post on this thread until just now. Why? I already know what's it in it. I already know it's people talking shit, making arguments, refusing to understand the other's point, claims to state facts in the same sentences they say "I think" or "I feel" or even quite frankly "IMO." And honestly this shit gets tiring. It's been the same for the past over 5 years since I've come around this community, certainly the past over 2 years I've been a Staff+. I've learned arguing here is pointless. I can stake my credibility or my reputation and give all the facts in the world but there's always that at least that 1 person who not only doesn't understand, but refuses to understand, and often they don't even realize they are doing it! In my last 2 years I've seen a lot of the shit y'all have talked about. Censorship. Strict Rules. No one cares. Hell I remember some asshole made a thread against us (the Staff) that was just a "lock" thread, where people would post pictures of locks just to mock how much the Staff would lock threads. And honestly that hardly ever changed. Why not? My fault really. It was never that I had agreed with it. But for sure I'm a real stickler for the rules. I'm a real believer that if the rules are put in place, they are there for a reason and they should be followed to the absolute. I've applied this to the forums, teamspeak, servers, you name it. But the thing is I'm always open to changing the rules. We can change them to whatever the hell anyone wants. But if its listed as a rule then it will be followed, even if I or anyone else doesn't like it or agree with it. We can change it. That was my logic, still is really. But now it's a little different, because now I'm the leader, whatever the hell that means. Really that makes you makes you wonder, with that kind of mindset and now this position, why don't I just change all the rules I don't like? I don't know really. The higher I climbed the ladder in this clan the less I ever saw it as my community. Yea I'm the owner, oh and hell there are many cases I'll make sure you know it. But I don't run this place, I don't want to. This is y'alls community.

It's funny to me I mention all of this especially as Gold's post sticks out in my mind, this one here.
Spoiler: Show

I remember this decision so well. And hell I'm surprised Gold didn't mention it, but I fucking hated the idea. Honestly I attribute myself to the main reason we got rid of the Supporter rank in the first place. The Retired rank was a garbage idea, didn't like that either. I still don't. I think it's a pointless, unnecessary rank that gives unwarranted recognition and permissions to people who shouldn't have it. If they wanted anything to do with the clan, they shouldn't have left it. Period. I don't think you can sway me that, no one has ever been able to. And yet here we are we've still got this rank. Why? Shit I don't know. At this point, as much I dislike it, I think removing the rank would do more harm than good. That out of all the shit going down, I think removing the rank is a bad idea. A detractor. I don't really care to explain my argument one way for it or another against it. After all, if it's not clear, I'm not willing to make that decision to remove it. This is something y'all would have to decide, that's the way we promised each other it was going to be. And I'm okay with that.

But damn anyway yea these rules are tough. I've watched and ignored the Staff+ beating themselves up and each other over who the hell to ban on this thread, and it feels like everyday somebody says it should be locked. I don't think anyone did anything because they were waiting for the next guy up. And in the end that basically means me. And boy does that do a number on your ego lemme tell ya. I don't blame anyone for what they've done or said here or what they haven't said or done. Matter of fact I respect it either way. But shit man these rules. Honestly I outta ban half you m'fers fer breakin all me rules. But hell I've learned a lot about being a leader, and not just in this community. These rules are made to be followed by you guys who agree to use EgN's services. But there's just a little something about letting things slide, and it's a little fun. I always thought MFKing on JB was the funniest thing when somebody did it. But imagine what would happen if we never banned anyone who MFK'd. Damn the server would be in chaos. At least until everyone left and didn't play on it anymore. Then people would call for change, people would ask to enforce the rules again. We'd probably debate it a while. Gaining trust again would be tough. Getting those admins back and on board again would be tough. It would start taking some time for people to start coming around again, I think we could agree.

My friends we've allowed MFKing. Metaphorically, of course. We've let it slide, and it's all over this community like a cancer. And everyone's so sick from it they won't go anywhere near it. Whether that's our servers with a shitty Jailbreak, or our Teamspeak with it's cliques. And fuck this sucks, I'll be real. But MFKing is funny. This thread was an MFK from the start, and shit look at that chaos. And it wasn't until what? Page like ELEVEN when finally someone got banned for actually breaking the rules. Woohoo! And really the replies die off from there. Funny isn't it? But then people start being real. People start calling for change once they've all seen the chaos, the cancer. They say "Why can these guys MFK? No one wants to be here!" And shit look at those replies! Actual, constructive posts! Ideas! Suggestions! Fuck yea! Why didn't I reply? Because I love watching people MFK, not doing it myself. Why didn't I read it? Because I knew reading it would kill this place altogether. I don't lead this community, y'all do. And I would've tried to lead.

These are definitely some testing times for this clan. Am I worried? Nah. Concerned? Nah. Haven't lost any sleep over it. I'm aware of what put us here. I had a big role to play in that. But I'm sure as hell we'll make it through. I'm sure as hell we'll grow, we'll get bigger. And that's a fact, and if you don't believe it, get the fuck out of my community because you are standing in our way. Go join GamePunch, I heard they're looking for EgN Members.

Oh shit! Let's talk about that. GamePunch! But before I do that, I'll go into another subplot of this novel. It surely is interesting to see all this call for change. Hurrah! Matt do something! Hurrah! Staff! You suck balls! Hurrah! Matt do something! But hell my inbox looks pretty empty. Steam pretty quiet. Sure I haven't been around to much lately. Can't say I've made it too easy. But like someone said on this thread, when we're right now the Elevated Forum Network, and I know you people can see the "Last Visited" on literally the top person of the list (me) and you see it's never more than 12 hours, I don't really get the excuse. Yea I can make shit happen. I guess. You guys want servers and active staff and whatever the hell else. But nobody wants to build it. Nobody wants to be a staff. Sometimes I don't even know if the Staff want to be staff. I'm always going to respond. Always do, when I can. Sometimes those are day stretches but I will. I apologize if I've left you out at some point, that was never my intent. Cooper was like the last person to message me since like a week and a half ago about indi "stealing" members. GamePunch

You know I made that thread a while back about not tolerating the advertising and all of that. And let me get real here. This stealing members thing is funny because I know they do it. Everyone does. I know they message people in this community and bring em over to their servers (and Yes Terminator that's advertising, and yes I can ban them for that. Actually matter of fact I can ban anybody for any fucking reason I want). But I've done some thinking and really? I don't give two fucks. GamePunch hasn't stolen 1 person from me, from my community. Read that sentence again before you move on. Hard for you to believe I'm sure after what else I've just said and our population is 0 and we've got all those LOAs. But I'm not the one posting this thread on their forum, now am I? I'm not making an argument over there. I'm actually posting on a thread addressed to GP members who are replying to this thread on my forum, which is kind of funny since I didn't have to message them to get them to do that. I didn't ask anyone for that. Indi'd probably have to do that to get us to have this conversation over there. JB's been fucked long before GP started, you all know it. Indi capitalized like somebody said, props to that. Respect. But it's not fair to EgN or even GamePunch to call them competition. Because unless you can match what I have built, what I continue to build, and what I will build and the degree of passion I have for this community you will never be on my level. I'm not the one banning people for what they say about my community on their forum. And I'm actually assuming they have a forum because I've never seen it. Don't care to. I have no quarrel with GP or indi. They just aren't my competitors. You have to be a player to compete with me. And to be a player you have to be on the board. Good luck to GamePunch to pick a piece to start on GO, because I'm already 15, 20, 100 laps around it with a fuck ton of hotels, and you all know it that's why you're posting on this forum.

Sorry about that, I suppose this is now where I pull my arrogant head out of my ass and talk about some shit y'all actually care about.

TTT - Give me someone who wants to actually work on it and we'll have it.
Ranks - Not bad suggestion. Of course I'm open to it. Let's do it, make a happen. Let's get a thread going and brainstorm some ideas. I'm just not going to make that thread. Maybe a Staff+ or maybe one of y'all, we'll see
"Effort" into those leaving - I agree wholeheartedly. I'll be having a conversation with the Staff+
Private channels - I have an idea in the works. You'll see it soon.
Groups - Groups are always going to be a thing. I'm not looking to eliminate those, nor am I willing to explain why not. But I've got to say this stood out. Pretty sure Terminator said this:
For example: scrim match, putt it up and make teams yourselves. Count in skill differences and try and putt people together that ussualy aren't together.

Central - wow so unprofessional

btw having a nice little TOS is nice and all and I can define "paying" vs. "donating". But I'm not going to break the bank paying a lawyer to maintain the legality of EgN when some fucker does a $5 chargeback because he "paid."

Friends I'll do whatever I can to keep this place running. I don't think I need to prove that anymore, I think you know it or you would've left a while ago. So I ask you trust in me and we will endure. But that doesn't mean it isn't going to suck. After all, people are still MFKing.

Feel free to reply. But I'm not going to reply back because you "disagree" with me or how I constructed my post. I'll reply to ideas, and thoughts, or questions.

Monthly meeting coming up. Can't expect things to change or blame anyone for being left in the dark if you aren't there.


Star Citizen Reference Code: STAR-GK4C-BYF5

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 7:15 am 
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(and Yes Terminator that's advertising, and yes I can ban them for that. Actually matter of fact I can ban anybody for any fucking reason I want)

I didn't say u couldn't ban them. I said u have no jurisdiction to make rules for non-members outside of egn stuff. U can only putt up rules for members on how to behave and stuff if they want to be a part of egn. And yes, I also know u can ban who u want. I never disagreed on that. Just said it would look really bad and if u wanted to be fair towards everybody u would have to sanction alot of members aswell for breaking egn rules outside of egn. Or just say u banned them cause u felt like it, which u could ofcourse. Felt like clearing that up.

Questions: I didn't understand what feeling u had with my example.
Do u feel like it's important to try and putt people together to try and create a bond or try and solve problems between them? I'm mostly interested in trying to create 1 group combined of the small cliques. U could say egn is that 1 group but I wonder what your thoughts are on that.

Also will all this be discussed at the meeting?



rebeler since february 2016

we all have different lifes, different problems and different paths to take.....
but what we all wonder is: would they be proud of who i am today?

Princess Strawberry: "HEY, i know everything about Denmark , OK?
Princess Strawberry: "what kind of waffles do they eat in Denmark?"
Princess Strawberry: "OH WAIT SHIT THAT'S BELGIUM"

<16:59:31> "Eclipzx_" was banned for 10 minutes from the server by "GoopSauce" (pussy much?)

*warden*: There's 1 rebeler in garage please get him
*INBREADCATS*: It's only 1 rebeler,what can he do......oh shit it's terminator i'm coming

reboobalar: "term this is your warning because i know you're just gonna rebel"
reboobalar: "fuck this, im not going to be Ct with Term on their team"

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 7:20 am 
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EDIT: Yeah dont lock it, Term brings up a good point.
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Last edited by Mr.GoldGames on Thu Jan 24, 2019 8:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 7:39 am 
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I cant help but be severely disappointed by this response

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 7:53 am 
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Mr.GoldGames wrote:
Matt’s reply is all i needed to make this thread complete. I think it’s lock time bois. Let’s finally leave this in the past. Though great things were said in this thread. Thank you to the ones that took this thread seriously.

Can't just lock the thread now. Every body willing to respond or comment is allowed to. Otherwise you're just shutting the other side down.
Topic should remain open untill it gets kicked off of the 2 "new posts" pages.



rebeler since february 2016

we all have different lifes, different problems and different paths to take.....
but what we all wonder is: would they be proud of who i am today?

Princess Strawberry: "HEY, i know everything about Denmark , OK?
Princess Strawberry: "what kind of waffles do they eat in Denmark?"
Princess Strawberry: "OH WAIT SHIT THAT'S BELGIUM"

<16:59:31> "Eclipzx_" was banned for 10 minutes from the server by "GoopSauce" (pussy much?)

*warden*: There's 1 rebeler in garage please get him
*INBREADCATS*: It's only 1 rebeler,what can he do......oh shit it's terminator i'm coming

reboobalar: "term this is your warning because i know you're just gonna rebel"
reboobalar: "fuck this, im not going to be Ct with Term on their team"

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 8:12 am 
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J-Dawg wrote:
I cant help but be severely disappointed by this response

"Who I am is not important, my message is." - Revan

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 8:19 am 
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What if we just remove chatbox access and call it a day? Still stand with removal of the rank but if people believe it’s gonna hurt the community then we should hold off for now until we figure out a better solution. It’s sad because I don’t want to push our friends away but the rank is still filled with toxicity.

I would like to apologize to Goop also. I’m sorry I came off being harsh. You’re not a toxic person, I just got annoyed with the comment at the time.

Ignorance is bliss

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 8:34 am 
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Link wrote:
What if we just remove chatbox access and call it a day? Still stand with removal of the rank but if people believe it’s gonna hurt the community then we should hold off for now until we figure out a better solution. It’s sad because I don’t want to push our friends away but the rank is still filled with toxicity.

I would like to apologize to Goop also. I’m sorry I came off being harsh. You’re not a toxic person, I just got annoyed with the comment at the time.

I feel like that would defeat the purpose of the whole debate. The privilages that Retired have over registered users is minimal and I honestly dont know what removing the rank/ retired chatbox access is a solution to. To other people being mad at retired people for some reason?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 8:52 am 
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I didnt know I had to do this, but here is my plan for the retired rank: (dont steal my idea and make millions off of it ;-;)

- Retired rank is a good rank, stop bitching over the fact that "if people wanna be here they should be in the clan REEEEEE" because no. People have lives, and they cant dedicate all their time to the clan. Most people cant get on the forums to be an active member. So they go retired. Removing the rank will just make more people upset because it makes it seem like we dont care about the people who were here in the past. Yeah there are also people who leave on bad terms, but just put those people as registered user. But ill get into that.

- Make the Retired rank something that they get when they have been here for a while. Not someone who joins then quits immediately, cause that's not retiring, thats quitting. Give it to those who gave to the community, maybe longer than a year of being active in the community. Lets face it, a time frame is the only way to solve this and everyone shouldn't be getting the rank.

- Give them limited forum access. Some Retired people have great convos in the chatbox. I love talking to Mootinie, Goopsauce, etc. when they are posting there. Give them the ability to view LOA's to see what their friends wrote about them, to see the replies, etc. Closure is always a good thing no matter who you are or what the situation is.

- Some other forum access, give them general thread access such as general discussions, IT portion, news, technology and games, etc. This is where they can post life updates about how they are doing after leaving EgN, what great discoveries they made, help with technology issues, post about new games etc.

- Let the retired people in on the monthly meetings if they want to come. Maybe they are curious about where EgN is headed and if they can provide any helpful tips.

- Obviously let them access submit a ban and the complaints area incase they run into server problems.

Dont knock the Retired rank idea. Dont think of it as some rank we give to douchebags for leaving our clan, but saying hey thanks for being apart of our clan and doing something great while you here. Not everyone leaves on bad blood, and we should respect the ones who choose their life over a gaming community. You never want someone to feel bad that they are taking life on, instead of sitting in their room playing games until they die as well as make the people who are here think they need to be here all the time in order to be connected with the community. You never want to trap your members, but give them comfortable options wherever they are. Just saying..
Clear eyes, full hearts, cant lose. ~ Coach Eric Taylor
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