jilly wrote:
Jdawg. Thank you for the list. Those are some good ones i havent got around to.
Why the fuck did you ignore what I said after my list? Everything you said in this comment can be said moot. You're tying to make the argument that there are shitty songs that have followings, and that's a part of globalization and mass production, there are going to be shitty things that get mass following because corporations make it available to anyone. You're trying to make the argument that the music industry is simply increasing in value with the increase in population, while you MAKE UP YOUR OWN FUCKING NUMBERS AND FIGURES WHEN YOU COULD USE WHAT YIGGLES POSTED. You make the argument that there just isn't good shit being made which I just pretty much say ISN'T TRUE. You seem to just ignore the parts of people's arguments entirely and then argue them as if you know everything. Acting confident when you do this doesn't make you look smart or cool. Frankly it makes you look like a retard.
jilly wrote:
Yiggles how did i know about your dubstep. I know nothing about you aside from this thread. Dubstep is hands down some of the worst trash to be put out.
1) What is this Ad hominem garbage? Also, fun fact; You can't attack someone and then try and make up for it by following it with "not trying to attack you". That's now how any of this works.
2) You're using him liking dubstep in the past as if it invalidates his argument, why? Because YOU don't like it? That's as stupid as saying that someone can't make an argument about a subject because you don't like their gender.
3) You're making these arguments as if your opinion is objective fact and not your OPINION. One of the great things about OPINION is that everyone can have one, and it is different from fact because it can't be concretely proven. One of the big things about OPINION is that it is based almost entirely in emotions in some way shape or form. Get the fuck of your high horse and stop pretending like your OPINION is an argument in itself.