Mootinie wrote:
Just a little different perspective cause I LOVED weed when I was 15, 16. It was great. I made friends with people who I had never spoken to before, who I never would have spoken to if not for the little fact that we both smoked weed. They wore adidas tracksuits, I wore black skinny jeans. They had short back and sides, I sported a meticulously straightened hair sprayed mop top that Ollie Sykes would have been proud of. These divides didn't matter cause weed had it's own little rules. It didn't discriminate, if you were rolling up then you had to share the love. It created a brotherhood, there ain't nothing like it.
Me and a group of mates used to go out to this little remote spot up a hill that we affectionately named "Woody" cause somebody had put a makeshift ropeswing on a tree there with a bicycle tyre. We'd light a fire, get the tunes blaring on our Sony Ericsson's, roll up the joints and drink whatever cheap piss water we'd managed to get on our hands on, usually room temperature Carling, Budweiser, Fosters or ciders like Frosty Jacks and White Ace. We'd just stay there until we ran out of green and that awful tasting alcohol that you couldn't pay me to drink now I'm in my twenties.
My parents were cool with me smoking weed as long as somebody else smoked first so I had nothing to worry about but other kids were tryna hide it. My parents hated drinking more cause some people are aggressive after a few units but weed is different, ain't no fucker starting a scrap after smoking a joint. We were after experiences, we didn't care about long-term consequences because we were living in the short-term and making the most of today. I think most of us were unsure what the future held for us so you just didn't think about it. All you knew was that you didn't want to be the kid missing out when we got to school on Monday morning and started talking about what happened at Woody over the weekend.
I met my bestfriend during a bottle of vodka, Met my exgirlfriend during a smoke. This is how my life came to be. Nothing to regret. But the important part is just not over use it. and what is overuse? That u have to decide for urself, mine is once every 2-3 months, but drinking nah i do that all the time ^^