BriBee wrote:
Yiggles Moto wrote:
Posting this now before it gets toxic - Don't attack the player. Say your goodbye/be respectful.
How about you all stop now. He knows what he did and he knows he shouldnt have. Eclipzx dont make this a stupid fucking EU is better than NA thing. And pro hop no one forced you to leave. You left by your own decision. If you have issues with North than take them to pms.
This post was made so everyone would understand what he did. He ADMITTED what he did wrong and he apologized. So say goodbye and back off or dont comment at all. Its unnecessary.
To be fair, the quote from Yiggles Moto isn't really about this thread though, it's about North's LOA thread, as the intention of an LOA thread is to say goodbyes, not to pettily argue.
Nothing unnatural about people wanting to voice their opinions on a situation such as this.