People who hate fortnite are: Bad at the game, have no one to play with, hate on it solely for its popularity.
Or they just prefer better games that actually take mental skills to complete complex puzzles and complete a lengthy game with a beautiful story. Instead, if they say they hate a game that does neither of those things, are forced into this collective group that are supposed to hate it because “they suck” or “it’s popular”. No one can freely just dislike a game without someone claiming those two reasons for that person not liking said game. But what do I know, I’m just an ex staff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Edit: after reading most of the replies, made me realize half of you here are retarded. Let someone hate a game, and let them give a good/bullshit reason why they do. Don’t waste your time trying to correct the person because you wouldn’t budge if they did it to you. Learn to ignore and move on, water off a ducks back.
Holy shit this is the best response I've seen on this whole thread.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:199039976 Joined: Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:22 am Posts: 359 Location: Long Island, New York
tbh I feel like half the people I know that hate fortnite hate it because they played pubg (Dyno Reboob and mostly people in their pubg group) they all say its a kid game and it has crappy graphics. And that is there only excuse to saying it's bad. I haven't seen them give one reason to why it is bad. And other people hate on the game because of the popularity. The popularity made streamers forced to play the game and made other games not as watched or less content for other games. Then the other small percent is people who just dislike the battle royale genre or don't like shooter games in general.
Snapchat:Johnday9875 Instagram:John_Day_ I am bad and that is good, I will never be good and that's not bad, there's no one I'd rather be than me -Wreck It Ralph:)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:150625838 Joined: Mon Oct 12, 2015 2:42 am Posts: 4024 Location: NorCal
qwertyForLife wrote:
Get a fucking life you fucking pleb.
>says to get a life >comes on forums every couple weeks to say kys, and that EGNs shit >jokes on you fortnite is life, and you're not fortnite
To all the the ladies, peace, and humptiness.
ask me about film, novels, fashion, cinematography, and/or music & you'll have my ear for hours
Doldol 🐾: I'm a Hyper Nova Doldol 🐾: Kharn can be a Doldol 🐾: Super Massive Black Hole EgN-S| Needy: lmao Doldol 🐾: xD EgN-S| Needy: dude idk why, but i thought you were going to say super massive black cocc Doldol 🐾: You can be a Doldol 🐾: LOL Doldol 🐾: nono thatd then be micro astroid Doldol 🐾: or so ive heard EgN-S| Needy: Like he's just one big degenerate penus Doldol 🐾: ROFL Doldol 🐾: IK Doldol 🐾: xd
her favourite colour was yellow
Smiley: yes, I have a job now so I can be the breadwinner of the household and you can just relax to Rex all day :)
life goals [ ] become legend before mootinie [ ] get 10,000 post before mutiny [ ] marry smiley
Tricky: i don't think any of the staff+ are here to slap their e-penis on you
lmao anyone can be good at fortnite. people who switched over from PUBG to fortnite is because they have to rely on someone carrying them all the time. if they don’t win they start crying. it takes time and practice where all you need in fortnite is just good mouse control and how fast can you build a box around yourself. like jeez you fucking lost don’t just start yelling about how buggy the game is no one cares.
this is a joke right?
holy shit you didn't go keyboard warrior that's a first
Rad wrote:
Pubg and Fortnite aren't even similar don't know why people keep trying to compare the two.
To this I can definitely agree. They're two very different games but both have the same overall concept. They're built for different likenesses of the games that the players play. Some, like Shroud and Summit, like both games. It's really all about preference.
Rad wrote:
The biggest gripe I have with Pubg is its development team. Every time I try and come back to the game, I keep uninstalling it. They have done nothing in the time I've been away from it to improve performance, and hitboxes.
To this I disagree. Ever since the release of PUBG, the hit boxes and overall performance of the game has increased tremendously. One good thing about their Dev team is that they make sure the game is as balanced as possible. But in Fortnite they'll let pump shotguns do 6 headshot damage at point blank. You can't blame everything on the hit boxes either. I mean I've had almost no problem with them. Everytime I die the amount of times I hit them on my screen match up with the death cam perfectly. I've had no problems whatsoever.
Rad wrote:
Servers are also garbage. Plus the fact you can run through a military building without finding a gun or any armour, is just ridiculous.
I agree with what you're saying here. The fact that this game can kind of be RNG is dumb. The fact that you can go to military base, find nothing, but some dude who lands at fuckin Lipovka or Underwater City can find a fully stacked SLR and M416 is stupid. If they changed that, the game favor more skilled players who land in crowded areas and have to fight for their loot.
Rad wrote:
Plus there's a lot more skill involved with Fortnite than Pubg due to the whole build mechanic. Simply build spamming wont save you from dying in Pubg, but being a better builder and aimer will.
I'm guessing that you meant PUBG instead of Fortnite in your second sentence. The skill you need in both games is different from each other. PUBG relies more on learning the games mechanics for spray control, bullet drop, and long range combat. Fortnite relies more on rushing in and close to medium quarters combat and reaction time. It's kinda more arcade-ish too. In the end it's just a preference. PUBG has its ups and downs and so does Fortnite.
North wrote:
holy shit you didn't go keyboard warrior that's a first
I wasn't planning on going "keyboard warrior" but because of the nature of your hypocritical response I guess I'll give you what you want.
To this I disagree. Ever since the release of PUBG, the hit boxes and overall performance of the game has increased tremendously. One good thing about their Dev team is that they make sure the game is as balanced as possible. But in Fortnite they'll let pump shotguns do 6 headshot damage at point blank. You can't blame everything on the hit boxes either. I mean I've had almost no problem with them. Everytime I die the amount of times I hit them on my screen match up with the death cam perfectly. I've had no problems whatsoever.
The first part of your argument here is really just based off a subjective opinion and really isn't supported by much evidence or factual information. Your whole statement "Ever since the release of PUBG, the hit boxes and overall performance of the game has increased tremendously" simply doesn't line up with the current state of the game whatsoever and your attempt to use "experience" as support really doesn't make sense when you have not played the game since release and hopped on the bandwagon much later when the game was first starting to get big. I have been following the patch notes since April 2017 (a month after release) and it is safe to say majority of them claim to be fixing hitbox issues and optimizing the game itself, but very few actually have proven to drastically change something and the few that do are VERY minor and not very noticeable. The game is obviously not designed to be easily ran like Fortnite, but when the devs are constantly promising fixes to make it run smoother with little follow through, it's kind of hard justify saying they are improving it. I'm not saying the game is getting worse because of poor optimization and reg, BUT these issues are causing it to stagnate, not helping its case when it comes to bigger issues such as foreign players with dsync, bugs, hackers, and other big issues which are really killing the game.
As for your whole argument "But in Fortnite they'll let pump shotguns do 6 headshot damage at point blank" it's really just based on half true ideas and doesn't really look at things in full. Before I delve into specifics, this point really doesn't justify PUBG's hitboxes or reg being better than Fortnite's because there are videos of the same exact thing happening in PUBG, even videos of bullets going right through people. It doesn't make sense to nitpick inconsistencies in one specific type of weapon in Fortnite when most weapons in PUBG are the same way. This does happen occasionally and it is easy to blame bad reg or hitboxes but there are two things that you really have to take into consideration when talking about shotguns. For one shotgun bullets obviously spread, allowing for variety in the patterns the bullets go and contact the target, not all are going to hit every single time. Shotguns are also mainly used while moving or jumping so that adds to the variability in accuracy and damage, you obviously are going to be less accurate if you are jumping around like crazy. Second, the better you get at the game and the more practice you get with shotguns, the less and less you see this type of thing happening, it must just be that you get luckier and the reg likes you better after you put more hours into the game? It will still happen occasionally, but there is still an aspect of luck to it, it's just the better you get the more control you have over the RNG and increase your odds of a favorable outcome.
"He's hacking! He's hacking! I hit him six times in the head with a Kar98 and he didn't die!"
I mean I've had almost no problem with them. Everytime I die the amount of times I hit them on my screen match up with the death cam perfectly. I've had no problems whatsoever.
Again, another subjective point but I don't want to beat a dead horse on this one. Mainly just wanted to point out that the death cam and spectator UI's aim buggy and hasn't been fixed since it was implemented, this is specifically true when it comes to aim and accuracy of shots, can't really use a broken mechanic to defend another.
The skill you need in both games is different from each other. PUBG relies more on learning the games mechanics for spray control, bullet drop, and long range combat. Fortnite relies more on rushing in and close to medium quarters combat and reaction time.
lmao anyone can be good at fortnite. people who switched over from PUBG to fortnite is because they have to rely on someone carrying them all the time. if they don’t win they start crying. it takes time and practice where all you need in fortnite is just good mouse control and how fast can you build a box around yourself. like jeez you fucking lost don’t just start yelling about how buggy the game is no one cares.
Does the game need skill or not? Or just "mouse control"? Other games don't need "mouse control"? I'm confused.
If you really wanted to make the "experience" argument for PUBG, you would for one need the experience to back up some of your claims and two the experience in Fortnite to make a valid counter claim (not just one or two games or a couple of videos from the internet). You can't really construct an argument for/against something using experience if you really don't have the experience to justify it. Instead of just basing the majority of your claim around a video or two that you saw of someone using a shotgun without context, you would be able to attack real issues with the game such as RPGs/Grenade Launchers being overpowered, the jetpack and if it devalues building, some weapons being left weak or obsolete such as the Minigun or Silenced SMG, or even if Tilted Towers hurts or helps the game.
Personally I have loved PUBG in the past and I wouldn't have put over 300 hours into it if I didn't like it, the problem is the issues in the game and how the developers are choosing to handle them, specifically with foreign players and hackers.
People have been complaining about dsync'd players from Asia on American or European servers forever, but this is one big area where PUBG failed to improve on H1Z1. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt since they did try to make the matchmaking system prioritize players in the same ping range, but it is clear that this solution doesn't really work as it is a still issue and hasn't been fixed. My biggest concern is with a mass outcry from their player base asking for region locked servers, the developers responded by calling the player base xenophobic racists ( and refusing to region lock.
As for hackers, they are just now implementing a new anticheat which they have created themselves and apparently will deal with the issue, this is good but this is after nearly a year of this being an issue. In a game with 100 players, it's very likely one of them will be hacking and can easily win the game since their huge, unfair advantange. There is also the issue of people clearly buying/selling cheap accounts to hack on which is made clear by the massive amount of hackers with similar names such as (SVNT06OB, SVNT93XB, SVNT20LL, etc) Hackers is one of the main reasons why many players (myself included) have left the game and mostly started to pick up on Fortnite (which has an extremely low amount of hackers for a free game). Nobody wants to play a game they can't win because someone is playing unfairly, especially after months of the same repeating issues. Especially when games take extremely long; looting can be very annoying with the how the RNG spawn mechanic works and how it is pretty common to have to run across the entire map to the zone just because you got unlucky.
Also on the side outside of the game, I think it is kind of a bitch move for them to sue Epic, they are pretty much suing them for making a game of the same genre, even though the art and style of play is very different. If anything, H1Z1 should be suing PUBG since the damage done to them was much much worse.
I think the game can be revived, but it has a way to go and I will just be left hoping for a series of updates to fix the major issues. The new map looks promising but aside from that the game seems to be slowing down more and more and can't really keep up with the pace that Fortnite is releasing content.
I could go further but it seems like I've got my point across at this point. Anyways, congrats for successfully baiting a "keyboard warrior" response while being one yourself!
Synthic wrote:
ah right my bad, i guess the only reason i hate fortnite is because im bad at it. i'll just ignore the reality that it has ruined twitch by forcing most big streamers to play it even though they have all admitted to it being boring, or maybe the fact that every other video on youtube is a cancer money grab fortnite click bait.
This is true, Fortnite has caused a lot of change on Twitch and created a whole new culture on the website. A lot of people may see this as a problem because of an over saturation of Fortnite and its "normie" viewers because of the new phenomenon and "hip" thing but it also is creating a lot of exposure for the site and drawing the attention of much more people (including big celebrities and organizations) giving the site a nice boost. It hasn't necessarily changed Twitch, but more so added onto it. The new wave may be kind of annoying, but the old wave is still alive. There are a lot of quality streamers who refuse to stream or even play the game because they don't like it or don't want to focus their channel on the game, and although it worked for some people, it isn't as easy as hopping onto the game on stream and instantly getting tons of viewers, infact it is even more difficult to grow a stream around Fortnite because of the wide array of competition, something that was even starting to show during the peak of PUBG and its success. It's kind of cancer but kind of good in the long run at the same time.
Uchies wrote:
itt: people arguing and flaming over underdeveloped, half-baked games being sold halfway through development as “early access” so they dont have to work on it anymore.. cash your checks, boys.
I'd just like to point out Fortnite IS a free to play game and microtransactions are only used to get cosmetic items which give no advantage or benefit (aside from looking cool), it also has been consistently putting out content and balance patches since launch (there is usually at least one patch a week if not more and new content of some sort is added every week/day). This does kind of apply to PUBG though to an extent since the game does cost $30 and has cost the same amount since early access (aside from a special bundle available at the launch of early access which at the end of the day included multiple extremely rare and expensive items which can be worth over $500), they added a lot of content along development but it has slowed down tremendously and is starting to stand still. Lying about no micro transactions until release also doesn't help their case either I guess. I don't think money is very important when talking about these two games though.
If you want to play the keyboard warrior game, then play it. Can’t just right longwinded responses and then not read others’.
lmao anyone can be good at fortnite. people who switched over from PUBG to fortnite is because they have to rely on someone carrying them all the time. if they don’t win they start crying. it takes time and practice where all you need in fortnite is just good mouse control and how fast can you build a box around yourself. like jeez you fucking lost don’t just start yelling about how buggy the game is no one cares.
this is a joke right?
holy shit you didn't go keyboard warrior that's a first
Rad wrote:
Pubg and Fortnite aren't even similar don't know why people keep trying to compare the two.
To this I can definitely agree. They're two very different games but both have the same overall concept. They're built for different likenesses of the games that the players play. Some, like Shroud and Summit, like both games. It's really all about preference.
Rad wrote:
The biggest gripe I have with Pubg is its development team. Every time I try and come back to the game, I keep uninstalling it. They have done nothing in the time I've been away from it to improve performance, and hitboxes.
To this I disagree. Ever since the release of PUBG, the hit boxes and overall performance of the game has increased tremendously. One good thing about their Dev team is that they make sure the game is as balanced as possible. But in Fortnite they'll let pump shotguns do 6 headshot damage at point blank. You can't blame everything on the hit boxes either. I mean I've had almost no problem with them. Everytime I die the amount of times I hit them on my screen match up with the death cam perfectly. I've had no problems whatsoever.
Rad wrote:
Servers are also garbage. Plus the fact you can run through a military building without finding a gun or any armour, is just ridiculous.
I agree with what you're saying here. The fact that this game can kind of be RNG is dumb. The fact that you can go to military base, find nothing, but some dude who lands at fuckin Lipovka or Underwater City can find a fully stacked SLR and M416 is stupid. If they changed that, the game favor more skilled players who land in crowded areas and have to fight for their loot.
Rad wrote:
Plus there's a lot more skill involved with Fortnite than Pubg due to the whole build mechanic. Simply build spamming wont save you from dying in Pubg, but being a better builder and aimer will.
I'm guessing that you meant PUBG instead of Fortnite in your second sentence. The skill you need in both games is different from each other. PUBG relies more on learning the games mechanics for spray control, bullet drop, and long range combat. Fortnite relies more on rushing in and close to medium quarters combat and reaction time. It's kinda more arcade-ish too. In the end it's just a preference. PUBG has its ups and downs and so does Fortnite.
North wrote:
holy shit you didn't go keyboard warrior that's a first
I wasn't planning on going "keyboard warrior" but because of the nature of your hypocritical response I guess I'll give you what you want.
To this I disagree. Ever since the release of PUBG, the hit boxes and overall performance of the game has increased tremendously. One good thing about their Dev team is that they make sure the game is as balanced as possible. But in Fortnite they'll let pump shotguns do 6 headshot damage at point blank. You can't blame everything on the hit boxes either. I mean I've had almost no problem with them. Everytime I die the amount of times I hit them on my screen match up with the death cam perfectly. I've had no problems whatsoever.
The first part of your argument here is really just based off a subjective opinion and really isn't supported by much evidence or factual information. Your whole statement "Ever since the release of PUBG, the hit boxes and overall performance of the game has increased tremendously" simply doesn't line up with the current state of the game whatsoever and your attempt to use "experience" as support really doesn't make sense when you have not played the game since release and hopped on the bandwagon much later when the game was first starting to get big. I have been following the patch notes since April 2017 (a month after release) and it is safe to say majority of them claim to be fixing hitbox issues and optimizing the game itself, but very few actually have proven to drastically change something and the few that do are VERY minor and not very noticeable. The game is obviously not designed to be easily ran like Fortnite, but when the devs are constantly promising fixes to make it run smoother with little follow through, it's kind of hard justify saying they are improving it. I'm not saying the game is getting worse because of poor optimization and reg, BUT these issues are causing it to stagnate, not helping its case when it comes to bigger issues such as foreign players with dsync, bugs, hackers, and other big issues which are really killing the game.
As for your whole argument "But in Fortnite they'll let pump shotguns do 6 headshot damage at point blank" it's really just based on half true ideas and doesn't really look at things in full. Before I delve into specifics, this point really doesn't justify PUBG's hitboxes or reg being better than Fortnite's because there are videos of the same exact thing happening in PUBG, even videos of bullets going right through people. It doesn't make sense to nitpick inconsistencies in one specific type of weapon in Fortnite when most weapons in PUBG are the same way. This does happen occasionally and it is easy to blame bad reg or hitboxes but there are two things that you really have to take into consideration when talking about shotguns. For one shotgun bullets obviously spread, allowing for variety in the patterns the bullets go and contact the target, not all are going to hit every single time. Shotguns are also mainly used while moving or jumping so that adds to the variability in accuracy and damage, you obviously are going to be less accurate if you are jumping around like crazy. Second, the better you get at the game and the more practice you get with shotguns, the less and less you see this type of thing happening, it must just be that you get luckier and the reg likes you better after you put more hours into the game? It will still happen occasionally, but there is still an aspect of luck to it, it's just the better you get the more control you have over the RNG and increase your odds of a favorable outcome.
"He's hacking! He's hacking! I hit him six times in the head with a Kar98 and he didn't die!"
I mean I've had almost no problem with them. Everytime I die the amount of times I hit them on my screen match up with the death cam perfectly. I've had no problems whatsoever.
Again, another subjective point but I don't want to beat a dead horse on this one. Mainly just wanted to point out that the death cam and spectator UI's aim buggy and hasn't been fixed since it was implemented, this is specifically true when it comes to aim and accuracy of shots, can't really use a broken mechanic to defend another.
The skill you need in both games is different from each other. PUBG relies more on learning the games mechanics for spray control, bullet drop, and long range combat. Fortnite relies more on rushing in and close to medium quarters combat and reaction time.
lmao anyone can be good at fortnite. people who switched over from PUBG to fortnite is because they have to rely on someone carrying them all the time. if they don’t win they start crying. it takes time and practice where all you need in fortnite is just good mouse control and how fast can you build a box around yourself. like jeez you fucking lost don’t just start yelling about how buggy the game is no one cares.
Does the game need skill or not? Or just "mouse control"? Other games don't need "mouse control"? I'm confused.
If you really wanted to make the "experience" argument for PUBG, you would for one need the experience to back up some of your claims and two the experience in Fortnite to make a valid counter claim (not just one or two games or a couple of videos from the internet). You can't really construct an argument for/against something using experience if you really don't have the experience to justify it. Instead of just basing the majority of your claim around a video or two that you saw of someone using a shotgun without context, you would be able to attack real issues with the game such as RPGs/Grenade Launchers being overpowered, the jetpack and if it devalues building, some weapons being left weak or obsolete such as the Minigun or Silenced SMG, or even if Tilted Towers hurts or helps the game.
Personally I have loved PUBG in the past and I wouldn't have put over 300 hours into it if I didn't like it, the problem is the issues in the game and how the developers are choosing to handle them, specifically with foreign players and hackers.
People have been complaining about dsync'd players from Asia on American or European servers forever, but this is one big area where PUBG failed to improve on H1Z1. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt since they did try to make the matchmaking system prioritize players in the same ping range, but it is clear that this solution doesn't really work as it is a still issue and hasn't been fixed. My biggest concern is with a mass outcry from their player base asking for region locked servers, the developers responded by calling the player base xenophobic racists ( and refusing to region lock.
As for hackers, they are just now implementing a new anticheat which they have created themselves and apparently will deal with the issue, this is good but this is after nearly a year of this being an issue. In a game with 100 players, it's very likely one of them will be hacking and can easily win the game since their huge, unfair advantange. There is also the issue of people clearly buying/selling cheap accounts to hack on which is made clear by the massive amount of hackers with similar names such as (SVNT06OB, SVNT93XB, SVNT20LL, etc) Hackers is one of the main reasons why many players (myself included) have left the game and mostly started to pick up on Fortnite (which has an extremely low amount of hackers for a free game). Nobody wants to play a game they can't win because someone is playing unfairly, especially after months of the same repeating issues. Especially when games take extremely long; looting can be very annoying with the how the RNG spawn mechanic works and how it is pretty common to have to run across the entire map to the zone just because you got unlucky.
Also on the side outside of the game, I think it is kind of a bitch move for them to sue Epic, they are pretty much suing them for making a game of the same genre, even though the art and style of play is very different. If anything, H1Z1 should be suing PUBG since the damage done to them was much much worse.
I think the game can be revived, but it has a way to go and I will just be left hoping for a series of updates to fix the major issues. The new map looks promising but aside from that the game seems to be slowing down more and more and can't really keep up with the pace that Fortnite is releasing content.
I could go further but it seems like I've got my point across at this point. Anyways, congrats for successfully baiting a "keyboard warrior" response while being one yourself!
Synthic wrote:
ah right my bad, i guess the only reason i hate fortnite is because im bad at it. i'll just ignore the reality that it has ruined twitch by forcing most big streamers to play it even though they have all admitted to it being boring, or maybe the fact that every other video on youtube is a cancer money grab fortnite click bait.
This is true, Fortnite has caused a lot of change on Twitch and created a whole new culture on the website. A lot of people may see this as a problem because of an over saturation of Fortnite and its "normie" viewers because of the new phenomenon and "hip" thing but it also is creating a lot of exposure for the site and drawing the attention of much more people (including big celebrities and organizations) giving the site a nice boost. It hasn't necessarily changed Twitch, but more so added onto it. The new wave may be kind of annoying, but the old wave is still alive. There are a lot of quality streamers who refuse to stream or even play the game because they don't like it or don't want to focus their channel on the game, and although it worked for some people, it isn't as easy as hopping onto the game on stream and instantly getting tons of viewers, infact it is even more difficult to grow a stream around Fortnite because of the wide array of competition, something that was even starting to show during the peak of PUBG and its success. It's kind of cancer but kind of good in the long run at the same time.
Uchies wrote:
itt: people arguing and flaming over underdeveloped, half-baked games being sold halfway through development as “early access” so they dont have to work on it anymore.. cash your checks, boys.
I'd just like to point out Fortnite IS a free to play game and microtransactions are only used to get cosmetic items which give no advantage or benefit (aside from looking cool), it also has been consistently putting out content and balance patches since launch (there is usually at least one patch a week if not more and new content of some sort is added every week/day). This does kind of apply to PUBG though to an extent since the game does cost $30 and has cost the same amount since early access (aside from a special bundle available at the launch of early access which at the end of the day included multiple extremely rare and expensive items which can be worth over $500), they added a lot of content along development but it has slowed down tremendously and is starting to stand still. Lying about no micro transactions until release also doesn't help their case either I guess. I don't think money is very important when talking about these two games though.
cooper wrote:
If you want to play the keyboard warrior game, then play it.
lmao im not the one that wrote an essay. you took the bait
lmao anyone can be good at fortnite. people who switched over from PUBG to fortnite is because they have to rely on someone carrying them all the time. if they don’t win they start crying. it takes time and practice where all you need in fortnite is just good mouse control and how fast can you build a box around yourself. like jeez you fucking lost don’t just start yelling about how buggy the game is no one cares.
this is a joke right?
holy shit you didn't go keyboard warrior that's a first
Rad wrote:
Pubg and Fortnite aren't even similar don't know why people keep trying to compare the two.
To this I can definitely agree. They're two very different games but both have the same overall concept. They're built for different likenesses of the games that the players play. Some, like Shroud and Summit, like both games. It's really all about preference.
Rad wrote:
The biggest gripe I have with Pubg is its development team. Every time I try and come back to the game, I keep uninstalling it. They have done nothing in the time I've been away from it to improve performance, and hitboxes.
To this I disagree. Ever since the release of PUBG, the hit boxes and overall performance of the game has increased tremendously. One good thing about their Dev team is that they make sure the game is as balanced as possible. But in Fortnite they'll let pump shotguns do 6 headshot damage at point blank. You can't blame everything on the hit boxes either. I mean I've had almost no problem with them. Everytime I die the amount of times I hit them on my screen match up with the death cam perfectly. I've had no problems whatsoever.
Rad wrote:
Servers are also garbage. Plus the fact you can run through a military building without finding a gun or any armour, is just ridiculous.
I agree with what you're saying here. The fact that this game can kind of be RNG is dumb. The fact that you can go to military base, find nothing, but some dude who lands at fuckin Lipovka or Underwater City can find a fully stacked SLR and M416 is stupid. If they changed that, the game favor more skilled players who land in crowded areas and have to fight for their loot.
Rad wrote:
Plus there's a lot more skill involved with Fortnite than Pubg due to the whole build mechanic. Simply build spamming wont save you from dying in Pubg, but being a better builder and aimer will.
I'm guessing that you meant PUBG instead of Fortnite in your second sentence. The skill you need in both games is different from each other. PUBG relies more on learning the games mechanics for spray control, bullet drop, and long range combat. Fortnite relies more on rushing in and close to medium quarters combat and reaction time. It's kinda more arcade-ish too. In the end it's just a preference. PUBG has its ups and downs and so does Fortnite.
North wrote:
holy shit you didn't go keyboard warrior that's a first
I wasn't planning on going "keyboard warrior" but because of the nature of your hypocritical response I guess I'll give you what you want.
To this I disagree. Ever since the release of PUBG, the hit boxes and overall performance of the game has increased tremendously. One good thing about their Dev team is that they make sure the game is as balanced as possible. But in Fortnite they'll let pump shotguns do 6 headshot damage at point blank. You can't blame everything on the hit boxes either. I mean I've had almost no problem with them. Everytime I die the amount of times I hit them on my screen match up with the death cam perfectly. I've had no problems whatsoever.
The first part of your argument here is really just based off a subjective opinion and really isn't supported by much evidence or factual information. Your whole statement "Ever since the release of PUBG, the hit boxes and overall performance of the game has increased tremendously" simply doesn't line up with the current state of the game whatsoever and your attempt to use "experience" as support really doesn't make sense when you have not played the game since release and hopped on the bandwagon much later when the game was first starting to get big. I have been following the patch notes since April 2017 (a month after release) and it is safe to say majority of them claim to be fixing hitbox issues and optimizing the game itself, but very few actually have proven to drastically change something and the few that do are VERY minor and not very noticeable. The game is obviously not designed to be easily ran like Fortnite, but when the devs are constantly promising fixes to make it run smoother with little follow through, it's kind of hard justify saying they are improving it. I'm not saying the game is getting worse because of poor optimization and reg, BUT these issues are causing it to stagnate, not helping its case when it comes to bigger issues such as foreign players with dsync, bugs, hackers, and other big issues which are really killing the game.
As for your whole argument "But in Fortnite they'll let pump shotguns do 6 headshot damage at point blank" it's really just based on half true ideas and doesn't really look at things in full. Before I delve into specifics, this point really doesn't justify PUBG's hitboxes or reg being better than Fortnite's because there are videos of the same exact thing happening in PUBG, even videos of bullets going right through people. It doesn't make sense to nitpick inconsistencies in one specific type of weapon in Fortnite when most weapons in PUBG are the same way. This does happen occasionally and it is easy to blame bad reg or hitboxes but there are two things that you really have to take into consideration when talking about shotguns. For one shotgun bullets obviously spread, allowing for variety in the patterns the bullets go and contact the target, not all are going to hit every single time. Shotguns are also mainly used while moving or jumping so that adds to the variability in accuracy and damage, you obviously are going to be less accurate if you are jumping around like crazy. Second, the better you get at the game and the more practice you get with shotguns, the less and less you see this type of thing happening, it must just be that you get luckier and the reg likes you better after you put more hours into the game? It will still happen occasionally, but there is still an aspect of luck to it, it's just the better you get the more control you have over the RNG and increase your odds of a favorable outcome.
"He's hacking! He's hacking! I hit him six times in the head with a Kar98 and he didn't die!"
I mean I've had almost no problem with them. Everytime I die the amount of times I hit them on my screen match up with the death cam perfectly. I've had no problems whatsoever.
Again, another subjective point but I don't want to beat a dead horse on this one. Mainly just wanted to point out that the death cam and spectator UI's aim buggy and hasn't been fixed since it was implemented, this is specifically true when it comes to aim and accuracy of shots, can't really use a broken mechanic to defend another.
The skill you need in both games is different from each other. PUBG relies more on learning the games mechanics for spray control, bullet drop, and long range combat. Fortnite relies more on rushing in and close to medium quarters combat and reaction time.
lmao anyone can be good at fortnite. people who switched over from PUBG to fortnite is because they have to rely on someone carrying them all the time. if they don’t win they start crying. it takes time and practice where all you need in fortnite is just good mouse control and how fast can you build a box around yourself. like jeez you fucking lost don’t just start yelling about how buggy the game is no one cares.
Does the game need skill or not? Or just "mouse control"? Other games don't need "mouse control"? I'm confused.
If you really wanted to make the "experience" argument for PUBG, you would for one need the experience to back up some of your claims and two the experience in Fortnite to make a valid counter claim (not just one or two games or a couple of videos from the internet). You can't really construct an argument for/against something using experience if you really don't have the experience to justify it. Instead of just basing the majority of your claim around a video or two that you saw of someone using a shotgun without context, you would be able to attack real issues with the game such as RPGs/Grenade Launchers being overpowered, the jetpack and if it devalues building, some weapons being left weak or obsolete such as the Minigun or Silenced SMG, or even if Tilted Towers hurts or helps the game.
Personally I have loved PUBG in the past and I wouldn't have put over 300 hours into it if I didn't like it, the problem is the issues in the game and how the developers are choosing to handle them, specifically with foreign players and hackers.
People have been complaining about dsync'd players from Asia on American or European servers forever, but this is one big area where PUBG failed to improve on H1Z1. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt since they did try to make the matchmaking system prioritize players in the same ping range, but it is clear that this solution doesn't really work as it is a still issue and hasn't been fixed. My biggest concern is with a mass outcry from their player base asking for region locked servers, the developers responded by calling the player base xenophobic racists ( and refusing to region lock.
As for hackers, they are just now implementing a new anticheat which they have created themselves and apparently will deal with the issue, this is good but this is after nearly a year of this being an issue. In a game with 100 players, it's very likely one of them will be hacking and can easily win the game since their huge, unfair advantange. There is also the issue of people clearly buying/selling cheap accounts to hack on which is made clear by the massive amount of hackers with similar names such as (SVNT06OB, SVNT93XB, SVNT20LL, etc) Hackers is one of the main reasons why many players (myself included) have left the game and mostly started to pick up on Fortnite (which has an extremely low amount of hackers for a free game). Nobody wants to play a game they can't win because someone is playing unfairly, especially after months of the same repeating issues. Especially when games take extremely long; looting can be very annoying with the how the RNG spawn mechanic works and how it is pretty common to have to run across the entire map to the zone just because you got unlucky.
Also on the side outside of the game, I think it is kind of a bitch move for them to sue Epic, they are pretty much suing them for making a game of the same genre, even though the art and style of play is very different. If anything, H1Z1 should be suing PUBG since the damage done to them was much much worse.
I think the game can be revived, but it has a way to go and I will just be left hoping for a series of updates to fix the major issues. The new map looks promising but aside from that the game seems to be slowing down more and more and can't really keep up with the pace that Fortnite is releasing content.
I could go further but it seems like I've got my point across at this point. Anyways, congrats for successfully baiting a "keyboard warrior" response while being one yourself!
Synthic wrote:
ah right my bad, i guess the only reason i hate fortnite is because im bad at it. i'll just ignore the reality that it has ruined twitch by forcing most big streamers to play it even though they have all admitted to it being boring, or maybe the fact that every other video on youtube is a cancer money grab fortnite click bait.
This is true, Fortnite has caused a lot of change on Twitch and created a whole new culture on the website. A lot of people may see this as a problem because of an over saturation of Fortnite and its "normie" viewers because of the new phenomenon and "hip" thing but it also is creating a lot of exposure for the site and drawing the attention of much more people (including big celebrities and organizations) giving the site a nice boost. It hasn't necessarily changed Twitch, but more so added onto it. The new wave may be kind of annoying, but the old wave is still alive. There are a lot of quality streamers who refuse to stream or even play the game because they don't like it or don't want to focus their channel on the game, and although it worked for some people, it isn't as easy as hopping onto the game on stream and instantly getting tons of viewers, infact it is even more difficult to grow a stream around Fortnite because of the wide array of competition, something that was even starting to show during the peak of PUBG and its success. It's kind of cancer but kind of good in the long run at the same time.
Uchies wrote:
itt: people arguing and flaming over underdeveloped, half-baked games being sold halfway through development as “early access” so they dont have to work on it anymore.. cash your checks, boys.
I'd just like to point out Fortnite IS a free to play game and microtransactions are only used to get cosmetic items which give no advantage or benefit (aside from looking cool), it also has been consistently putting out content and balance patches since launch (there is usually at least one patch a week if not more and new content of some sort is added every week/day). This does kind of apply to PUBG though to an extent since the game does cost $30 and has cost the same amount since early access (aside from a special bundle available at the launch of early access which at the end of the day included multiple extremely rare and expensive items which can be worth over $500), they added a lot of content along development but it has slowed down tremendously and is starting to stand still. Lying about no micro transactions until release also doesn't help their case either I guess. I don't think money is very important when talking about these two games though.
cooper wrote:
If you want to play the keyboard warrior game, then play it.
lmao im not the one that wrote an essay. you took the bait
i like writing essays
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