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 Post subject: Story time!
PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 6:53 pm 
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So I like to think that everyone has some sort of story to tell. Whether it be how you broke a bone, or something specific about your body that is now part of your life? (No clue if that made sense, oh well.)

Tell me, what is your life story?

Here are some of mine. Include injuries, and just little fun facts I guess.

Broke one of my toes end of February (was the most stupid way to break a toe) and its still damaged to high hell.

When I was 12 I broke my pinky toe, the side of my foot, all the way to my ankle. Healed fine but I feel the pain still from time to time 11 years later.

I was pfffffffffffff 9? Maybe? And I was climbing a big giant snow hill, as if I was a mountain climber. I slid, fell a good ways down and landed on my chest. Resulting in 2 badly fractured ribs, 1 minor rib fracture.

At the age of 7, I was riding my bike with the big kids. All like 12 and shit. They were popping wheelies and I decided "HEYY This seems fun and safe." I ended up missing, tire slipped and so the bike fell sideways, handle bars twisted back in and under my ribs, fracturing 2 ribs and damaging whatever else is there. Sometimes it hurts to breathe.

Had 2 kids. My son, I used epidural for the labour part blahblah and had a really bad back after but it healed and went away. Had my daughter, no epidural, natural and she was a bitch to deal with seeing as she had her back to my stomach and her stomach to my back. I had issues pushing her out, but managed. Ever since her, my lower back is completely fucked. If I do a lot of bending motion (Example clean up my kids room) I will hurt and cry from the pain.

Injury? eh? I had eyelid surgery done at the age of 15 because at 14, I had a bad allergy infection and in the eyelid, it left a giant cyst. So while I was hospitalized at 15 for immune disorder, they decided to remove the cyst.

Age of 14, I had contracted H1N1 in October. Couldn't attend school for 14 days. That passed. Christmas came, and I got ill. I threw up all the time, and just had a bad fever. Bad time. January came, and boy oh boy. I slept a week straight. Only would get up every 2 days to piss. Id go right back to bed. My parents lived in fear and questions wondering wtf was going on. The following week I was up. Eating a bit, but barely sleeping. I had severe lesions on my legs, arms, and face caused by who knows what at the time. My mom would stay home from work, sit next to me all night and help me calm down. It felt as if I was doused in acid. Burning pain that was just painful to the point I would constantly tell I wanted to die. It broke her heart into pieces. The following week I visited 2 hospitals, never stayed the full length (It took like 12hrs even before seeing a doctor) so the same week, she was seeing her dr. He saw me, sent me to a dermatologist and I was sent to the Childrens hospital ASAP. It took them days to figure out what was wrong. Lots of meds. Lots of nurses, doctors, trainee doctors. I was their guinea pig. Turns out, they found it. After X-Rays, pictures, skin biopsy (I still have the scar of that, which was 8 years ago.) blood work, and a bunch of other crap. Sweet Syndrome. Now, as you may have figured by now, it is far from what its called. Nothing sweet. In just the space of 2,5 weeks I had lost 30lbs. I was a wonderful 130lbs (Yeah I was a chubby kid before that, whoops) And then came the meds. Cortisone based motherfuckers. I gained 70lbs in a month. and Honestly, that was the worst thing that could've happened to me. I stayed in the hospital for a week and a half. So basically the month of January was just shitty. (This was 2010) February came around and I went back to school. People had thought I died, or just changed school. Everything was different. My birthday came around and at this point I didn't care. I didn't want to be here anymore. I dragged my feet around, just living day by day. I was constantly sick, to the point that I was pulled out of school by my doctors orders, just to limit the risks of me dying. I did the work from home, and I failed math. I passed every stinkin class other than math. Which this was back in grade 10. I didn't graduate, due to not being able to even stay long enough without missing a month of school cause I was sick. I went on with life just finding other ways to be happy. Whether it was playing games, or just doing nothing. Mainly, thats where my love for games came from. It was a way to escape reality. That I didn't have to face reality.
If you fastforward to now, I am happy I'm alive. I am so glad that I didnt go about removing myself from this world. I've learned a lot and made many mistakes. I have a 2 year old who will probably not know his biological father anytime soon. Nor do I plan on it. My daughter, who is turning 1 in 13 days, who is the spitting image of her dad, who basically helped me raise my son from the ground up. Hes been here since he's 3 months old. To me, he's the real MVP. He's who I like to call my son his father.

Anyways, don't doubt anyone will take the time to read it but hey, least you tried <3 And I still love you guys.

 Post subject: Re: Story time!
PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 7:06 pm 
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When I was around seven years old, I helped raised two baby squirrels and eventually released them in to the wild.

I was almost killed at the age of 13 due to an incident with a car knocking me over then proceeded to continue driving. This lead to my bike getting mangled and my head almost becoming one with the concrete, but thankfully for my body, the car had stopped before it could rip me apart.

I have lived in multiple places around the state of California.

In sophomore year of high school, I fell for this senior who was graduating, and completely changed into a new person. Which, in my opinion, was for the best because I was really stupid and annoying beforehand.

When I was little, maybe 3-5 years old, I was in a house fire and managed to survive to move somewhere else. After what was most certainly a decade from then, I am living in the same gosh darn house again, hoping that it will never fall to the flames once more.
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 Post subject: Re: Story time!
PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 7:19 pm 
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I had h1n1 and was bed ridden for a little over a month when i was 13 or 14, it really was one of the worst times of my life so I feel for ya.

When I was 16 I was arrested for shooting up a few houses with a c02 BB gun, did a few thousand dollars worth of damage.
Ended up getting chased by a group of guys who who were at one of the houses and got away. Police caught up with us and I got held at gunpoint, scared the shit out of me.
Only had to go to family court, did some community service and got grounded for like 6 months, much of that time spent in this community lol.

A year or two ago I did acid with a group of friends, and one kid brought cocaine. He convinced a few of my friends to snort some and they stole my other friends car to pick up some hoodrat chick.
When they got back to my friends house I was nominated to go handle it, told the girl she couldnt come in and she wasn't having it. She tried to fight me which put me in a really bad trip, ended up almost beating the shit out of her on my friends front lawn at like 3am. No idea how the cops werent called lmao

 Post subject: Re: Story time!
PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 7:38 pm 
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when i was younger i became homeless at around the age of 5 until i was about 7. It was 8 people living in a two bed hotel and thats shit was crazy. My bio mom also forgot to park her car at a gas station and so i rolled in her car into oncoming traffic into a wall.

I moved to indiana when i was about 9 and got in a fistfight almost immediatly with a person twice my size, let me say that shit hurt.
My dad beat his ass and got me pizza. My step mother married my father and i fucking hated that shit but o'well. When i was in the 6th grade i was playing with my dog and he bit the shit out of my face on a day where we were traveling. I never got stiches and had to walk around with a bandage on my face for about a month, i still have a scar on my left cheek this day.

Now my life is pretty boring, i smoke with my friends but other than that meh.
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 Post subject: Re: Story time!
PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:05 pm 
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So can I tell a bunch of stories when I was a drug-riddled dickhead?

One time I took my friend's Lexus (can't remember the excuse) to go, uh, "buy" a bunch of "product" from this dude I had never met on the east-side. Really, I wasn't planning on paying for anything. I was in a really bad neighborhood and when the guy went to go rob me, but realized I had come to rob him (after he put the barrel of a gun in my face), he tried to take the keys out of the ignition, but I cupped my hands around it. I was trying to start the car and get the fuck out, but he pistol whipped the shit out of me, took the keys, and started walking off. I had the blammy, but was too much of a bitch to turn around and do anything about it. I was actually scared as fuck, and called the cops LOL. They took the blammy off me (I was an asshole and claimed it was my friends), and they let me tow the car back and didn't arrest me. They impounded the blammy though... but I had taken so long to come back with the car, my friend called the cops too... so I ran off to the hotel across the street and stayed there for the night.

When I was 19, I lived in my car for about 7 or 8 months. I would pretty much do anything to get more dope. I would steal tennis rackets and printer ink from wal-mart, then I would go to a different wal-mart to return them for a gift-card, then I would go to a gas-station across town that would pay .60 cents for every dollar on the gift card. I would even stand on the side of highways with a sign begging for money at one point when it was really bad... one time I was in wal-mart and loaded up an entire cart full of Blu-Ray discs, because the pawn shop would give you like $3 for each one. I pushed the cart out the door and thought I was successful. It turned out that a SWAT team was doing a drill, 2 parking lots over. They cornered me behind a restaurant and I almost pissed. I only ended up serving a month for that.

One time, there was the older dude I would hang out with named Bert. I was sleeping at his house one night, got up to take a piss, and he came out and thought I was trying to steal shit from his house. We got into a fight and shit. The next day, he set some dude up to try to rob me. The dude he sent obviously knew I had a blammy on me because he leaned into my car window while I was passed out and was trying to reach into my waistband. When he was unsuccessful, he ran off. Bert hit me up because he was dope-sick and I was kinda like, the plug. He was so desperate to get some shit, I lied and told him my car was not starting. He agreed to walk THREE miles to where I was, leave a brand new Xbox 360 in the middle of a parking lot, and I was supposed to get it and leave the drugs in the same spot. Once he was far enough away from the Xbox, I turned on the car, picked up the Xbox, and drove the fuck away. Payback. Never heard from Bert again.

I should write a book on being a scumbag.
Snapchat: Rozavelt

 Post subject: Re: Story time!
PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:53 pm 
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When I was a teenager I successfully extracted *something* from plants. The next few months were life changing. The ascension of self identity that usually happens around age 30 happened immediately.

 Post subject: Re: Story time!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:18 pm 
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koolaid wrote:
When I was a teenager I successfully extracted *something* from plants. The next few months were life changing. The ascension of self identity that usually happens around age 30 happened immediately.

Liquid Ayahuasca with a MAO inhibitor? No way, I’ve done tht too.
Snapchat: Rozavelt

 Post subject: Re: Story time!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 3:53 pm 
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Uchies wrote:
Liquid Ayahuasca with a MAO inhibitor? No way, I’ve done tht too.

The crystalline solid form ;)

 Post subject: Re: Story time!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 4:11 pm 
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koolaid wrote:
Uchies wrote:
Liquid Ayahuasca with a MAO inhibitor? No way, I’ve done tht too.

The crystalline solid form ;)

What was your ROA?
Snapchat: Rozavelt

 Post subject: Re: Story time!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 6:33 pm 
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I have ALWAYS absolutely LOVED lego! My favorite childhood toy! I have had five pets throughout my life and loved every single one of them! Believe it or not, I've lived in four different countries and I stabbed someone on June 16, 1994. Oh, my favorite cartoon as a kid would definitely have to be Rocko's Modern Life and I was always a HUUUGE fan of the Metroid series! I never became too good at FPS games in general though! Haha! I will ALWAYS be a Nintendo fan! Nintendo fans rejoice! They told me to do it. I have always LOVED pasta. Any kind really, linguni, spaghetti, ravioli (*wink *wink). Haha! I used to be a member of a REALLY cool clan until they disbanded! Very sad, but crud happens! Other than that, my life is pretty boring to be honest. Hope you enjoyed reading! :)

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