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PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:32 am 
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Don't just reply to the title please, read:

Self driving cars are no longer a thing of the future, however they are not perfectly safe, important to note though is that the current self-driving cars are safer than the average human driver and cause less accidents per unit than human drivers do.

What are your thoughts on letting or forcing self-driving cars to take over from a human driver, would they need to be perfect in some way (if so, how, explain?), or would they need to be merely better than human drivers? Is the line somewhere in between? Can, and should we allow cars (AI) make the decision to kill when unavoidable? Or is it about something else than casualties for you, when talking about allowing self-driving cars.

Do you think that it is acceptable or preferable to be killed by a machine making a cold, calculated decision when it has to choose between your life or another's. Or maybe when it has to choose between your life and a (certain amount) of structural damage?
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:59 am 
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i would feel no ways about it. dead is dead what do i care once im 6ft under? whatever gives me in the best odds to live is the option i'd choose while still living but once your dead you cant feel anything anyway

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 8:20 am 
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The thing is with human drivers we have someone we can put at fault and punish them for their actions. Helps at least a little with closure for families who lost a loved one due to an accident. Harder to do that with an AI.

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Last edited by Yiggles Moto on Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 8:32 am 
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viewtopic.php?f=17&t=28101&hilit=self+driving+car (Another post that was originally about this)

Its cool that we have achieved this in our life time, but personally i would never be interested in it to buy one. The funny thing is its probably way better trusting the car to drive you than letting someone else. But to me i trust my driving more than a computer.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 11:47 am 
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Link wrote: (Another post that was originally about this)

Its cool that we have achieved this in our life time, but personally i would never be interested in it to buy one. The funny thing is its probably way better trusting the car to drive you than letting someone else. But to me i trust my driving more than a computer.

Someday it might become law that only AI may drive on public roadways in the interest of public safety, once we as a society move past what the good point Yiggles mentioned.
Been there, done that. No regrets, never give up on what's important. Prioritize. Happiness is all that matters.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 11:51 am 
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i think that human drivers would be better in some aspects
if u got a car driven by an AI i think we can assume that the entire road network is placed inside it and that it will drive when it is allowed to, so if there would be even the smallest of bugs in the system u could talk about thousands of casualties in a single day
another thing is about survival, if the car sees that it will collide with a 5ton truck it will try to avoid that, so if it would have a choise between a wreckage or hitting a family walking alongside the road it would prob chose for that
and think about when it would happen to a friend or family, what would u rather know?
a car that is programmed by people to hit your family instead of a truck or know that it was an accident and that the driver is extremely sorry and couldn't avoid it? like we would all rather have that it didnt happen but still....

the car will just go for his own survival above anything else and prob cause alot of problems because of that
so that with all the possible bugs that could be in the system it would make humans more reliable i believe

OR the AI of the car would have to be absolutely perfect so it can anticipate on dangers and unforseen things



rebeler since february 2016

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:52 pm 
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How would a self driving car measure life? Would it crash into two people, killing them, to save the driver? Or would it minimize death by killing the driver, 1 death < 2 deaths

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:53 pm 
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I would expect the car to put occupants over outsiders. Assuming the car is calculating correctly, the outsiders are the ones causing the accident.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 11:01 am 
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As I understand it, self driving cars are still able to be operated by humans, IE you can push the brakes if you see your car isn't braking properly. You can still blame the driver for not paying attention to what the computer is doing.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 4:03 am 
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Not looking at how I myself would be effected:

There will obviously be moments where the car has to go under a series of choices when faced with a dilemma.

For example, what if there were three pedestrians crossing the street? Doing so illegally, mind you. What if the car were to base driving through crosswalks off of what the cross light/sign is indicating?

Let's say the car can't stop in time, but there is a concrete wall to the left of the road (for hypothetical reasons). The car can either ram into the jay walking pedestrians and kill them or crash itself into the wall, killing the passengers in this car.

That's where the real danger lies. It can't predict the future, and it won't be able to react in time to a child wandering across the street as a human driver could.

Why? Because hopefully the human driver will be able to see the child many seconds before arriving, even if they are on the sidewalk, and slow down instinctively.

"Wow that toddler is close to the street, better slow down before they possibly wander into the street and I crash into them!!"

The self driving car doesn't predict this. They only look out onto the road and do not apply morality or instincts to the blobs of walking meat they see on the sidewalk.
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