GoopSauce wrote:
Most games nowadays wither it's a mobile phone game up to Call of Duty has ways that you can pay real money and get rewards in games.
Yes but very few of those games allow those rewards to give you an advantage over other players.
GoopSauce wrote:
It's the nature of the best nowadays.
That's simply not true. There's so many games that are offered without game-breaking lootboxes. Overwatch, Witcher 3, virtually every Nintendo Switch game. To say it's normal is to defend companies with evil business practices.
Mr.GoldGames wrote:
Birthstone, it is the to play/pay to play/play to win isnt new.
As I already said, 1. it's not the norm and 2. it's not new but that doesn't mean we have to accept it just because people have been doing it for a while
Mr.GoldGames wrote:
they got rid of their micro transactions not because people were pissed about having to pay to unlock them
You mean the microtransactions they're bringing back at a later date? Sad to see you got fooled by that bullshit announcement as well.
Mr.GoldGames wrote:
Sure, its easier to make games, but it takes more time to get the tiniest of details to make the game superb. Gamer's dont need to take a stand against companies who use the previously stated methods, because that's what game companies have to do to keep going higher.
Again, see my response to Goop. Plenty of developers and publishers make excellent games without resorting to putting gambling mechanics in their games which give players unfair advantages.
Mr.GoldGames wrote:
Nintendo released several remakes and pointless games just to be able to afford to make the Switch and all the wonderful games that came with it.
Did those games have pay-to-win microtransactions?
Mr.GoldGames wrote:
Though, believe that the companies you do like are always trying to improve.
EA Fucked up Battlefront. They're fucking up Battlefront 2. Previously, they fucked up the Dungeon Keeper mobile remake. They fucked up the Sim City remake. The list goes on.
The objective evidence shows that they are not trying to improve at all. To look at all of this evidence, and STILL give EA the benefit of the doubt, is fucking delusional.