Wolfmat wrote:
Starting up a group on league of legends for all of us EgN crew, if we get enough members maybe we can do some events sometime, if you wanna join up reply with your league name or you can add my account on league which is 'gold typhoon' send me a message and I'll get you in the group, lets see if we can get enough members for an event!!! :D
The game is free just look it up on your search engine, (Chrome is superior race).
See you all later, hope to see you on!
NOTE:It does take a while to download, even if you start off trash as long as you keep doing games you'll get better and get a hang of things.
When your making the account for league if it asks you to refer someone put in 'gold typhoon' or 'Lv 100 Metapod' .
Event examples might be:
Ranked teams
Regular rift teams
ARAM teams
League event teams
EgN team vs. Rival clan or another EgN team
1v1 events
Ahem.. Mind telling these people that you're doing this on a specific server ? xD Because I'm pretty sure like people here play league on EUW, EUNE, and the others. For me it ain't a problem but I'm stuck with an NA and EUW Account

I might hop in one of these thingies maybe

"EagleBby" is da name (on both EUW and NA) :D Thx