The sexism and age discrimination needs to completely stop as well.
Any discrimination, for that matter.
Age discrimination is already a no-no on EgN, yet people still do it, including admins, jokingly or seriously.
It just needs to be left behind.
Only reason Tori left is because she felt like shit coming in here because people consistently committed sexist offence against here and she didn't feel comfortable, so she just left her recruitment behind and moved along. Not even sure if we'll see her on jailbreak anymore, to be honest. Especially with Pink_Pr1ncess. And every other girl, essentially (other than GWAG, Aprxl, etc).
Actually I do not believe that is true, Tori would have been a controversial figure in our clan. Her attitude was one that was very sour, to me she lacked self-respect, however these are traits that I have solely observed from her playing on Jailbreak, I am not saying she wouldn't have been able to join us. Please do not say she was sexually harassed, I know that the server is filled with scum-bags, but her scenic attitude is also partly to blame. But aside from all that, I believe the drama and drooling coming from our members towards females in our servers is astonishingly pathetic. The drama the usually ensues with people worshiping pussy is unholy, I have seen admins let arguments go on without any action being taken, and actually add fuel to the fire. Recollect some self-respect, ignore your pheromones, and start admining the servers correctly.