Guys guys, GMOs can be hella good (like dildol said) but big corporations are being ugly and using them in shitty ways (which is what art seen) yall ever hear of how the banana everyone used to eat went extinct and its only a matter of time until the one we eat today goes extinct as well?
When big companies make a gmo they like and mass market it, it has the drawback of cutting back genitic diversity. Normally when a disease, virus, ect hits a plant population some plants will be more resistant than others and survive. The problem with GMOs is that if a company has a crop of only one type of plant that is genetically identical to the rest if a disease is strong against one of them, its strong against them all and will wipe out the entire species (think black death vs. Europe except every one within a mile of a sick person gets sick guaranteed)
Therefore it should come as no surprise that companies take steps to avoid that happening. Some include strict contamination procedures, farming methods, and (you guessed it)a shitload of pesticides (like art correctly pointed out, they can be pretty bad for you)
On the other side GMOs can do a lot of great things like being able to resist specific diseases/viruses/ect, carry more of specific nutrients, grow faster, grow in areas others cant and some other stuff too. They can potentially save lives in countries with droughts
All that said, i think its pretty silly to be for/against GMOs being used in general because it more of a question of if you agree with how they are being used in individual cases, ya feel me?