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PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 6:44 pm 
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EgN Member
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Recently I've had to deal with more people exploiting or cheating in the EgN-Minecraft server.
Even some high-ranking people within the community have been giving into temptation and using glitches and exploiting problems within Minecraft to have advantage over other's. People who are supposed to be leading those below them and setting examples have been caught in the act of cheating.

But much like any person willing to use unfair advantages, the people who use them reason that others must be using these things as well, others must be compromising their honor to use these things to get advantage over others.

EgN has always had "No Cheating/Hacking/Glitching/Exploiting" rule in every server it has ever run, and almost every other community and gaming-clan also shares this simple rule. Its something most people understand and so they don't ever compromise and they play fairly, the way multiplayer games mean for it to be. Any advantage in games now is earned or worked for.

Player 1 who's played in the server for months and has awesome things and earned them the legit way deserves what they have earned and the advantage over other who haven't put enough time and effort into the server. This isn't cheating or exploiting, its earned advantage and its how all games work and how life works. If you go to school for years and put real effort into being smart and getting a good job, then its only right when you succeed and get the fancy cars and houses or diamond armor or fancy bases.

But player 2 who's only played a few times in server hates player 1 because they think its not fair that Player 1 should be able to do things and have things over player 2. They are ignorant of the fact that its only their fault that they haven't put in the time and effort of Player 1 has to get those things, obviously both want the nice stuff but only Player 2 doesn't want to work and put forth effort.

So Player 2 Exploits and Glitches and compromises his honor to get a leg-up on Player 1, he might even reason it out as though its smarts and just different knowledge that Player 1 does not exploit or cheat. But once someone cheats and admits they don't want to work for their honest benefit then they will always be looking for the come-up or some cheap way to better himself. They also begin to reason cheating out and their idea of right and wrong will become murky and they will begin to reason that the rules against cheating and lying are just stupid and made to just punish people like them.

This is a Kindergarten lesson and normally I wouldn't post about something so simple and easy, but I need to get across that EgN doesn't tolerate it and will make no compromises to cheaters and hackers and exploiters. Since my first time playing online competitively I have never once attempted to cheat or exploit others honesty, I will not allow myself to do that at all. I swear to each of you that I hold myself to my own rules, and that I will always.

This I swear, as Leader, and as a honest man.

If you expect to go far in this community and in life then I say this with all sincerity and conviction: DO NOT CHEAT YOURSELF OR OTHERS, DO NOT COMPROMISE EVEN ONCE ON THIS. THIS GOES ACROSS TO ALL EGN SERVERS AND MEMBERS.

PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 6:46 pm 
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EgN Member
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Also 600 posts.

PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 6:50 pm 
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Kharn wrote:
Also 600 posts.


PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 6:55 pm 
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Kharn wrote:
Also 600 posts.


PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 7:00 pm 
EgN Member
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Kharn wrote:
Also 600 posts.

Double post, get the witch burning stake

~ Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk

PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 7:02 pm 
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What I think is funny is that everyone who has posted on here (besides me) has more posts than Kharn.

PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 7:05 pm 
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Birdman1point0 wrote:
What I think is funny is that everyone who has posted on here (besides me) has more posts than Kharn.

Dude, seriously, spam a fuckton of threads to beat his post count. It's not hard, look at me!

PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 7:28 pm 
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Cheating/modding/hacking....I did it once (This was 5 years ago). It was actually kind of boring. Sure your raping everyone but there isnt the challenge that makes the game fun anymore. Since then I havn't touched a hack.

Due to the boredom of hacking, I don't understand why people hack/cheat. I understand wanting to get a leg-up, thats natural, but there is nothing about it that is really worth doing.


"Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own."
~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

"The wounds of love can only be healed by the person who made them."
~Publius Syrus

I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.
~Winston Churchill

<17:26:05> "Wartheft": Sneakin into mah channel
<17:26:11> "Sibblet": xD
<17:26:12> "Wartheft": Snatchin my fedoras up
<17:26:21> "Sibblet": I ate your fedoras, my apologies
<17:26:21> "Wartheft": I see how it be
<17:26:26> "Wartheft": YOU WHAT
<17:26:29> "Wartheft": Q.Q
<17:26:30> "Sibblet": NOTHING
<17:26:32> "Sibblet": >_>
<17:26:34> "Sibblet": <_<

<20:57:43> "GirlWithAGun": (ง'̀-'́)ง fight me
<20:58:06> "Wartheft": Q('.'Q) Let's go
<20:58:23> "GirlWithAGun": lol
<20:58:33> "Wartheft": (o.o)O=('.'Q) Take that
<20:59:35> "GirlWithAGun": ow D:



PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 7:46 pm 
EgN Member
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:36376687
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601 kharn :P

PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 9:09 pm 
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EgN Member
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Yeah , I apologized to Stevie , of this situation , I'm currently paying for my one week ban (thanks to chubby instead of permanent) i'm really grateful to be allowed to come back and play like a regular player , but my downside is not being able to be a high moderator , I understand I abused their trust , but I owned up to it , I gave my self the appropriate punishment , and went away to permanently ban myself , and like I said thanks to Chubby , i'm only banned for a week :D , I just hope , I can become an high moderator , or an advisor one day , to help out with the server , like I once was before if Stevie lets me . I really love the minecraft server , and it's events , I enjoy it personally since I know basically everybody , in that server . I hope it keeps getting popular & and more fun .
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