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 Post subject: Prop14 Drama.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:26 am 
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EgN Member
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:6233124
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So that is Prop14, a secretive steam group made for the purpose of proving how pissed off a select group can get. This is the same group that organized about 6-7 complaint's to be posted last Sunday, their intent was to antagonize me into demoting or removing Sibblet from EgN. The group was formed by Formula Veteran Z who was recently demoted for intimidating another EgN member because "He should just have come out and said it at the time instead of recording me and then reporting me to Sibblet/higher-up's", is now the same guy who formed a group in secret and organized a mass "running and reporting to Higher-up's" only after this whole group was brought to the attention of Doldol.

Because of this I held an impromptu meeting last Sunday to discuss with the 9-10 "Prop14" people who cared enough to show up and voice their concerns, I held this like a normal meeting with each person being allowed to speak their complaint and a chance for me to address the concern. Everything was recorded by multiple people in case anyone reading this would rather listen to it, mind you that its about 5-6 hours long and tends to have tons of repeats.

The meat of the complaints were that Sibblet yelled at these specific members when they had abused admin in server, and they felt that a "Higher-Up" should treat them nicer and forgive their mistakes with grace and be magnanimous. They also felt that since they had been here a long time that they should be allowed more mistakes, and that Sibblet should get none even if shes been here well over a year without any serious problems. Towards the end of meeting fellow EgN members with no clue about this group or the meetings reasons started to show up, sadly due to a complete lack of maturity the channels chat became a mess of insults and thinly-veiled attacks from member to member. This resulted in Doldol finally stating clearly "I will copy this channels chat and I will go through it to see who continues to offend after this point.", while for a brief period chat got cleaner it became somewhat apparent that "Prop14" was out for blood and wouldn't be satisfied unless I demoted/kicked Sibblet. This cumlilated to a final point when at the end of the meeting while I was closing it by stating that Sibblet deserved every chance to learn and better herself, that Formula Veteran PM'd me through TS stating that "You need to give satisfaction or nothing of this will end.". "Vindictive: adjective. disposed or inclined to revenge; vengeful." The whole fucking thing is a vindictive move without any concern or care for EgN as a whole, they aren't trying to better it or help anyone but to just get satisfaction.

Sibblet and I both spoke right after I set the wheels in motion to get the people in TS and meeting running, so she was very amicable about the situation as a whole, obviously bothered by having that much dislike turned her way but she was more than willing to face it and learn what she could. I instructed her to take a pen and paper and write down the meat of each person's complaint so that later on she could perhaps try talking with that person or would at least have it for reference. All in all I spoke with her after I had eaten and recouped a bit about the whole thing, and she while she did seem a bit disappointed I got from her that she was still very much willing to help EgN with the JB Admin Reform.

At last meeting I spoke multiple times on the subject of a Admin Meeting I would be personally holding, the same meeting where Donors and Admin's get to vote or give thoughts on certain JB Rules/Regulations. This will be the same meeting where I will present a new list of Admin Guidelines/rules that will hopefully help clear up much of the confusion over Admin rules, this is currently still being worked on by Staff+ but should be ready for the reveal next week.

Now, as to addressing and settling this matter as far as this "Prop14" crap goes, all EgN members connected to this secret group are leave it. Any member in that group after November 6th 12:01AM PST will be removed from our ranks for breaking our general guidelines on maturity, I gave everyone in "Prop14" a chance to voice their concerns at Sunday's meeting with the terms that the group be deleted/cleared and that all other complaints been sent by PM to myself or Doldol. That EgN members continue to be in that group is a violation of those terms. I am open to any questions or complaints and comments, never ever fear coming to me or any other higher-up with them. We don't generally hide anything from you guys that is terribly important aside from promotions, which we Higher-up's do as a whole and with serious consideration.

Against my better judgement I will also be prematurely removing Formula Veteran Z from his 1 week ban for his conduct at the Sunday Meeting, I can't afford to be vindictive or hold grudges against someone that I personally enjoy playing JB with.

Also since I guess Skycapz and Synthic must be hard of hearing and can't read either I'll try one more time to get them to remember to keep their names the same as TS/Forums/Steam, we drop recruits who can't follow that simple guideline with a single warning...though I think there are quite a few more members who forget as well.

 Post subject: Re: Prop14 Drama.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:50 am 
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EgN Member
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:6233124
Joined: Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:41 pm
Posts: 2106
Location: Washington State
Also once again I'm sitting here spending my life typing out a long explanation for those who don't know about this drama so that everyone is kept up to date on it, because apparently these "Prop14" people still think they are going to get some "Satisfaction" by messaging other members and giving them a homemade "Survey" that hints at them starting a new community.

This ends today or I end it with the least amount of fuss and mess by removing those linked in the group, I will not tolerate this drama any further nor will I allow the vindictive actions of a few to ruin this community's cohesion and fellowship.

Take your stupid surveys and questionnaires on if people are loyal to EgN and stick them up your asses, was a 5-6 hour meeting not enough? Sibblet even went so far as to apologize to some of the people there at that meeting, and yet now you guys do even more secretive things? I'm sure a certain someone is saying "It's for the best! EgN and Jb is going to hell! We just need to prove how many people agree!". You guys would go this far for this crap but reading over Admin rules or following them is a step too far, you guys are on a "Crusade!" as Formula put it and like most crusades/jihads logic and clear thought went out the window. I could careless how many signatures or complaints you bring, it will only prove that this "Prop14"'s goal from the start was to cause internal drama and to negatively affect EgN.

Want to Fix JB?

Show up to the Admin Meeting, and stop trying to break what isn't broken yet by trying to satisfy vindictive urges.

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