Needy wrote:
As much as i hate relying on T's and/or players to ensure that they have auto pickup disabled, as I presume that's how your primary was immediately unholstered after thrown, as far as the rules go it's a legitimate kill
Would like to adjust the rule to how secondary weapons are needed a warning because we've had plenty of issues w auto pickup. More apt.
I disagree, simply because an unholstered primary is a far larger immediate threat to the CTs than a secondary is, and thus equal rules don't make sense imo.
What I think would be fine though (also how I currently act), is that as long as the primary weapon is unholstered CTs are meant to kill said T, but if the T then makes an effort of holstering or dropping the weapon before being killed for having it unholstered, it clearly shows there was no intent to rebel. Meaning if auto-unholster happens, the T then realizes their mistake and holsters the weapon before CTs kill them, they get to live. If the T starts reloading, or takes a shot though, you can still kill them because of it being unholstered.
Alternatively add a tip in the same section of the !rules as the primary unholstered rule, stating players should disable auto-unholster.
I still think the rule works just fine as is though, but those are the alternative changes I think would work best.