I'm sorry to burst people's bubbles here, but EA hasn't learned anything from the shitshow that was BattleFront.
Remember the "Free DLC" that was supposed to come with the game? Yeah, now that's unlocked using points in multiplayer.
"How do you get points?" you might ask, and a valid question! EA has developed a system for getting points for gameplay. Not based on how well you do, no, but based on how long you play. And the points are pretty paltry. Basically, it rewards those who play longer games poorly, and punishes those who are good enough to win games quickly. Beta testers, on average, reported it took about 40 hours to unlock
a single lightsaber-wielding hero.
"But I want to unlock all the heroes and content now!" you might say, and that's a fair expectation considering the original BattleFront 2 launched with all of this content over 12 years ago. EA is using a loot box system, where you can use real money to (hopefully) unlock all of the content you want! Horray!
"But I don't have another $100 to spend on loot boxes to get all the content!" And to that EA says: "Go fuck yourself." Even if 99% of BattleFront players don't spend money on lootboxes, 1. They still have your $60 from buying the game and 2. The 1% of people that spend money on lootboxes makes it profitable enough for them to screw over the rest of BattleFront's loyal fans.
tl;dr we need to stop hoping that EA isn't going to fuck us over. They are. And pre-ordering their shameless cash-grab is just asking to be fucked over. Voting with our money and exposing their bullshit will hit them where it hurts: their wallets, as that's all they care about.
Sources + some quotes:
https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattle ... _big_fuss/"Paid crates are good because you'd use a gun you would never think of using"
-Tweet from an EA rep who later deleted her comments
"Upper management is more for it while many of the actual developers are against it but can't do much about it. EA is the decision maker here so DICE doesn't have much of a say."
-Quote from a trusted leaker, confirming that DICE are just trying to make a fun game that respects the original games, and that EA (as always) is fucking everything up because $$$