Now, this is particularly referencing Advisor+ atm. How hard is it to reply to a PM or acknowledge it?
I've recently made a couple PMs to higher ups, one exclusive to Advisors+ because the subject matter included Staff. The first message I saw action was taken outside of the PMs, so whatever but a reply acknowledging the message doesn't hurt. My second message never received a reply nor have I noticed action from it.
You claim to had been trying to get a hold of me previously (messaged me 1 time on steam). Since then I've been online on steam and check the forums at least once a day. I've even sent PMs to Advisors+ about an issue. Still no reply or any attempt of you trying to talk to me.
So Feedback & Suggestion?
Communicate. There's a reason people don't think higher ups communicate or reply to anything unless you're locking arms in a TeamSpeak channel frolicking through open fields of daisies.