Howdy Team!
First and foremost, our EgN Community Discord Bot is
Open Source.
What this means:
--All code is public and reviewable
What this
does not mean:
--You can make changes to the live version of the bot at any time
--API/Client/Private keys are public. They are hidden within the environment it runs in.
FEATURES: Note - Not all features may be active.
White = ACTIVE;
- PUBG Chicken Dinner Notification - Announce when a player from a list wins a chicken dinner!
- Twitch Stream Notification - Announce when a streamer from a list goes online!
- Announcement - Announces Home New Page Announcements in the #announcements channel
- Default Prefix: egn.
- Help Command: - Returns all available commands to you.
- Restructure bot to load commands from added files (not just in index.js)
- Clean up code. Document code //comments
- Format messages better (!help)
- Create better testing environment
If you're unfamiliar with GitHub - Basically, you can clone my code to your own environment and try it out yourself. You'll be able to make "Pull Requests" which lets me review all your code changes and decide if it should be in the "MASTER" version. This is the version of the bot that is live on the server.
I'll be updating this main post with ToDo: Stuff. Otherwise, feel free to post suggestions or communicate with me if you are wanting to help with the bot.
What I won't do:
-Teach you how to code
What I will do:
-Help you if you get stuck.
-Point you in the right direction (documentation/stackoverflow/etc)