What if there was a way to set it up so that only EgN members (not recruits or forum members, just full-on members) or higher were allowed to use it for a test run before expanding it to everyone so that way you can test out the spam? It'd be a good beta testing idea. Also,
Lunk wrote:
what happened to ppl just grabbing a demo or SS and posting it on the forums, if any admins were online then they would ban him or hop on. not against it just dont think it will be worth it
See, the problem is that some people won't be able to get a demo in time or bring up a screenshot. For me, I record a demo every time a new map starts just because I want to make sure someone doesn't break the rules. Especially since there have been a lot of complaints recently against both members and admins as well as seeing a lot of people breaking the rules without admins being on. I don't like that I have to do this basically every single time.