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PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:50 am 
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Cooper wrote:
Okay I was going to respond to J-Dawg but before we carry on can we all agree to not drag GP into this thread, I understand there are some retired that are agitating the situation but I think it’s best for the thread if we stay on topic for this one. I have my own opinion on GP and how it should be handled but I don’t think this thread is the place to express that.

Now J-Dawg, something I keep getting stuck on every time I read your responses is that you talk about “removing” the rank but most people are talking about “reworking” it. Do you equivocate the two with the suggested “reworks”?

Also what you are describing really sounds like the purpose of the member rank to me and the whole reason it was changed in the first place; to be offered as an alternative to leaving so you can still stick around and talk to friends without as much commitment or involvement. Now if the member rank is changed back to how it used to be I might be able to agree with you, but right now retired really seems to just be watered down member with more potential to stir things up from outside the community.

That's not what the discussion is about. There is a reason this thread was made was because a significant number of people want the Retired rank removed. I am discussing this as if people want to remove the rank.

And when I was talking with Simplistic about this, I had a realization. Shouldn't we get rid of "member" as it currently is?

Like people complain about retired like they have these special powers or privilages, but members do have more power or privilege as members of EgN, but don't need to do anything at all what-so-ever. Shouldn't actually being in the clan mean something? If that is the purpose of member than most of the arguments about removing or reworking retired can legitimately be directed at reworking or removing member.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:51 am 
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Members follow certain rules which retired aren't part of.
For example double clanning.
As a member steam name and forum name need to match. Access to EgN membership board, members have it, retired don't. Retired literally shows a difference between an ex member joining and a new member, the only extra perms is the chatbox, and if that is such an issue and that gets "reworked" itll most likely kill a lot of activity on the forums imho

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:22 am 
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J-Dawg wrote:
Cooper wrote:
Okay I was going to respond to J-Dawg but before we carry on can we all agree to not drag GP into this thread, I understand there are some retired that are agitating the situation but I think it’s best for the thread if we stay on topic for this one. I have my own opinion on GP and how it should be handled but I don’t think this thread is the place to express that.

Now J-Dawg, something I keep getting stuck on every time I read your responses is that you talk about “removing” the rank but most people are talking about “reworking” it. Do you equivocate the two with the suggested “reworks”?

Also what you are describing really sounds like the purpose of the member rank to me and the whole reason it was changed in the first place; to be offered as an alternative to leaving so you can still stick around and talk to friends without as much commitment or involvement. Now if the member rank is changed back to how it used to be I might be able to agree with you, but right now retired really seems to just be watered down member with more potential to stir things up from outside the community.

That's not what the discussion is about. There is a reason this thread was made was because a significant number of people want the Retired rank removed. I am discussing this as if people want to remove the rank.

And when I was talking with Simplistic about this, I had a realization. Shouldn't we get rid of "member" as it currently is?

Like people complain about retired like they have these special powers or privilages, but members do have more power or privilege as members of EgN, but don't need to do anything at all what-so-ever. Shouldn't actually being in the clan mean something? If that is the purpose of member than most of the arguments about removing or reworking retired can legitimately be directed at reworking or removing member.

Well that’s what I essentially was referring to, as long as they are given the option to demote to member (as is) when making an LoA I’m going to stick to what I’ve been saying.

How I see it is you are giving three choices when making an LoA (and again when Central inevitably hunts you down and makes sure)
1. Temporary
2. Soft leaving (demoting to member)
3. Hard leaving (revoking membership)

The second option is given with the intention of letting you step back and not be as engaged while still be able to hang out and participate when you want to. Which is what you are pretty much saying is the purpose of letting retireds talk in the shoutbox and such.

By chosing the third choice in my opinion you are completely leaving and giving up all privellages that come with being apart of the community, you pretty much make yourself a registered user.

There are obviously complications with double clanning but I think if you leave this community completely with the intention of joining another you are more or less giving up your privellages here to join there.

I’d be willing to agree but if and only if the second option is changed or removed, meaning changing the member rank (which I think would piss just as many people off if they have to wear tags to be member again).

(Also it’s kind of annoying to be blanketed in with wanting to remove the rank when I only want to change it but that might just be me)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:26 am 
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Dyno wrote:
Members follow certain rules which retired aren't part of.
For example double clanning.
As a member steam name and forum name need to match. Access to EgN membership board, members have it, retired don't. Retired literally shows a difference between an ex member joining and a new member, the only extra perms is the chatbox, and if that is such an issue and that gets "reworked" itll most likely kill a lot of activity on the forums imho

To be fair I don't see how removing chat box permissions from retired will decrease forum activity, i.e the entirety of forums
To all the the ladies, peace, and humptiness.


ask me about film, novels, fashion, cinematography, and/or music & you'll have my ear for hours

Doldol 🐾: I'm a Hyper Nova
Doldol 🐾: Kharn can be a
Doldol 🐾: Super Massive Black Hole
EgN-S| Needy: lmao
Doldol 🐾: xD
EgN-S| Needy: dude idk why, but i thought you were going to say super massive black cocc
Doldol 🐾: You can be a
Doldol 🐾: LOL
Doldol 🐾: nono thatd then be micro astroid
Doldol 🐾: or so ive heard
EgN-S| Needy: Like he's just one big degenerate penus
Doldol 🐾: ROFL
Doldol 🐾: IK
Doldol 🐾: xd

her favourite colour was yellow

Smiley: yes, I have a job now so I can be the breadwinner of the household and you can just relax to Rex all day :)


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Tricky: i don't think any of the staff+ are here to slap their e-penis on you

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:45 am 
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i think dyno mean it as in "the chatbox will have wat less activity" aswell as less people coming AND STAYING on forums for a bit to give opinions,chat with each other, and give feedback on stuff.
That's how I see it atleast. Dyno will give a proper answer tho.

But from what I've seen here, is that people want to rework or delete the rank......why now?
This wasn't an issue before, but now recently because of the problems and such people MAKE this a problem.
As jdawg has said multiple times all this "abuse" and "rule breaking" and "toxicity" can be solved by good moderation.
Even if staff can't handle chatbox 24/7 install a few people to help moderate chatbox. Representatives for example.

And if u are purely talking about the "powers" remaining with retired....As said, not much power is sticking around.

Most used argument is that "they chose to leave and gave up permissions", yes they did. And they knew they would be set to retired. So give everybody the choice again? Because there are different consequences now? Lol
And as also said people sometimes have little to no time to contribute on a daily base yet still are being helpful.
Giving dyno for example.

I feel like this whole thing smells alot like people being jealous of the people in retired because they actually use chatbox and talk in it, give opinions and whatnot.
"They have the chatbox but don't have to do anything in return"
I mean....if u think it's such a big problem that we don't do anything for chatbox, remove member aswell. Could arguably remove elite aswell since alot of elite members don't do anything either. U could go trough every rank and remove everybody's chatbox permissions because they aren't doing anything. Hell remove them why don't u lol

Yes they are member, but does that make u better?
Most retired people were member for a longer time then the people calling up to remove retired and have been more usefull to egn then them.
They decided to take steps back for own reasons and now it would be "thx for what u did But fuck you now because u are nothing more then A regular and we see u as the same as a toxic troller"
In what case can u make the justification to remove a practically useless ability that could easily be moderated
And a rank which is there to distinguish old from new.
Sure they gave up member rank, they gave up alot of permissions but those permissions went with responsibilities.

Members don't have to do anything for chatbox except for making it trough the application. Retired did so aswell.

Just moderate the chatbox.(which already gets done I believe)
And what's up with the salt some people bring here?
Most that I hear is that people say the clan was better before, or that they are toxic or whatever. Sure just because some say it's not toxic doesn't make it ok. But why would stuff be toxic just because u think it's toxic.
Sounds like some people just can't handle that some voice opinions while not being in the clan.
If u are in the clan u chose to "support" the clan over the majority of the stuff, or atleast defend it. But why restrict the opposition "retired" that ussualy brings in useful addings in their ability to voice opinions while ,again, it can easily be moderated.



rebeler since february 2016

we all have different lifes, different problems and different paths to take.....
but what we all wonder is: would they be proud of who i am today?

Princess Strawberry: "HEY, i know everything about Denmark , OK?
Princess Strawberry: "what kind of waffles do they eat in Denmark?"
Princess Strawberry: "OH WAIT SHIT THAT'S BELGIUM"

<16:59:31> "Eclipzx_" was banned for 10 minutes from the server by "GoopSauce" (pussy much?)

*warden*: There's 1 rebeler in garage please get him
*INBREADCATS*: It's only 1 rebeler,what can he do......oh shit it's terminator i'm coming

reboobalar: "term this is your warning because i know you're just gonna rebel"
reboobalar: "fuck this, im not going to be Ct with Term on their team"

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 8:02 am 
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Sarge wrote:
It should be removed. BriBee was right when she talked about people being able to talk shit and disrespect our clan. I love all the people siding with GP in recent topics and trolling and disrespecting members of the clan.

Again if the only reason you want to get rid of the rank is because of toxicity don't you think staff+ can moderate those people and punish them accordingly? I've seen plenty of current EgN members do way worse stuff than I ever have as a retired rank.

"Who I am is not important, my message is." - Revan

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 11:30 am 
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Then what’s the difference between Legend and retired? Or is retired a Diet Coke version of legend?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:29 pm 
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Cooper wrote:
(which I think would piss just as many people off if they have to wear tags to be member again)

100% this

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:16 pm 
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To be fair from my point of view.. Retired was made after the supporter rank so some of us were suporters that have helped and spent money and time in the community. To help it run smooth and grow we were thrown ina group with people we didnt really belong with. I am one of the " supporters " that left because I had to make life choices and im not one to be apart of something when I cant put time and effort. Grouping supporter with retired i think was kind of crap but hey.. You cant make everyone happy, however now that we are retiredee's I could say u could rework it all you want.. But we really have no powers other than chatbox.. O
You could take away viewing Loa and idk how much it would matter. We cant even see things we have done a long time ago. I have to agree with pretty much everything jdawg and dyno has brought to this.
To take chatbox away from people who don't deserve to have it taken away because they have been degraded as a whole group. This is a community, its not ran completely like a business.. So its not like once you leave you are practicly ousted out entirely. Many reasons I feel that the rank or group name, wtf ever u want to call it.. Should be looked at and be taken away from people who were banned and who left with bad intensions. Dont just get rid of it. I honestly not wanting to go off topic feel that member rank is odd with the no need of wearing tags but thats just an opinion.. No toxicity involved
Sorry I'm kind of all over the place..

PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 3:13 pm 
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I've been ruminating on this one for a while now but I just can't see how removing chatbox access is going to stop disgruntled departing Members from speaking their piece. They can post in a thread like the EgN and GP one, they can make a new thread, they can do a mass Private Message if need be, they can join TS or Discord and speak to people there. You're trying to limit the free speech of people that have left membership because you don't like what they have to say. It's a move being made from a position of weakness because you're trying to cover your ears and create an avenue where you don't have to hear it so you don't have to deal with it.

I wanted Politics moved to its section to encourage chatbox discussion that wasn't just two people slinging mud about their fixed belief systems (you are not gonna convince a leftist that they should be a right-winger) but departing the community is a different issue entirely because people do leave membership and return at a later date. They can be influenced and turned around on the benefits of being a member in the community. Also, having that access means that people can leave membership and return without having really left the community. No re-integration required because they never really went anywhere.

It's upsetting to me on a personal level that you want to remove the Retired rank. To me, you are shitting all over the legacy of all the people that made great personal and financial sacrifices so all of you could join this community and make the friends and the memories that you have made. The people that came before are the reason EgN is still here and I'm not referencing me but so many deserve a rank to show how appreciative EgN is for what they did. It's just a basic sign of respect to the people that went to great lengths to make this community special given that there is no obligation to do so.

Either way, you can say it needs tweaking but what difference does it make? Unless you're going to ban everybody from the forum that leaves membership, you aren't going to stop people that have left from telling you their perspective if that's their wish to do so. Maybe what you need to work on is why people that have left are so pissed off and "toxic" when many of them were brilliant, active contributors during their tenure as members? Just like the other thread, if it's a recurring problem you can't point the finger at the individual. Clearly there's a larger problem that is causing Retired's to be "toxic" enough that you removed Supporter and now want Retired gone as well.

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