Needy wrote:
Dyno wrote:
Members follow certain rules which retired aren't part of.
For example double clanning.
As a member steam name and forum name need to match. Access to EgN membership board, members have it, retired don't. Retired literally shows a difference between an ex member joining and a new member, the only extra perms is the chatbox, and if that is such an issue and that gets "reworked" itll most likely kill a lot of activity on the forums imho
To be fair I don't see how removing chat box permissions from retired will decrease forum activity, i.e the entirety of forums
i think dyno mean it as in "the chatbox will have wat less activity" aswell as less people coming AND STAYING on forums for a bit to give opinions,chat with each other, and give feedback on stuff.
That's how I see it atleast. Dyno will give a proper answer tho.
But from what I've seen here, is that people want to rework or delete the rank......why now?
This wasn't an issue before, but now recently because of the problems and such people MAKE this a problem.
As jdawg has said multiple times all this "abuse" and "rule breaking" and "toxicity" can be solved by good moderation.
Even if staff can't handle chatbox 24/7 install a few people to help moderate chatbox. Representatives for example.
And if u are purely talking about the "powers" remaining with retired....As said, not much power is sticking around.
Most used argument is that "they chose to leave and gave up permissions", yes they did. And they knew they would be set to retired. So give everybody the choice again? Because there are different consequences now? Lol
And as also said people sometimes have little to no time to contribute on a daily base yet still are being helpful.
Giving dyno for example.
I feel like this whole thing smells alot like people being jealous of the people in retired because they actually use chatbox and talk in it, give opinions and whatnot.
"They have the chatbox but don't have to do anything in return"
I mean....if u think it's such a big problem that we don't do anything for chatbox, remove member aswell. Could arguably remove elite aswell since alot of elite members don't do anything either. U could go trough every rank and remove everybody's chatbox permissions because they aren't doing anything. Hell remove them why don't u lol
Yes they are member, but does that make u better?
Most retired people were member for a longer time then the people calling up to remove retired and have been more usefull to egn then them.
They decided to take steps back for own reasons and now it would be "thx for what u did But fuck you now because u are nothing more then A regular and we see u as the same as a toxic troller"
In what case can u make the justification to remove a practically useless ability that could easily be moderated
And a rank which is there to distinguish old from new.
Sure they gave up member rank, they gave up alot of permissions but those permissions went with responsibilities.
Members don't have to do anything for chatbox except for making it trough the application. Retired did so aswell.
Just moderate the chatbox.(which already gets done I believe)
And what's up with the salt some people bring here?
Most that I hear is that people say the clan was better before, or that they are toxic or whatever. Sure just because some say it's not toxic doesn't make it ok. But why would stuff be toxic just because u think it's toxic.
Sounds like some people just can't handle that some voice opinions while not being in the clan.
If u are in the clan u chose to "support" the clan over the majority of the stuff, or atleast defend it. But why restrict the opposition "retired" that ussualy brings in useful addings in their ability to voice opinions while ,again, it can easily be moderated.