Mr. Kharn wrote:
Young Lean wrote:
As I said, this isn't about pointing fingers. I'm just giving everyone something to think about, and although you do have the final say with everything it's still important that we voice our opinions.
I know my role as a member, there's nothing I can do about these problems but talk about them.
Every choice you make is partially driven by influence, and I use the forums as a platform to give my two cents on issues in hopes that others feel the same.
I really doubt Lunk has explained that he's not being demoted for expressing his opinion, he's being demoted because he has been hurling abuse and foul language at Goldgames and Matt. He's made it clear through PM that he takes it personal, he was warned last month in a Staff meeting to stop making things personal.
An example of Lunk's personal attacks would be:Again, his personal attacks got him
warned by the Staff to please stop being rude and offensive with his insults, expressing an opinion shouldn't include more abuse...that you were already warned not to do.
Then Lunk made
viewtopic.php?f=13&t=25075This was another personal attack against Goldgames after being warned
in person that he needed to stop directly targeting Goldgames. We've tried to explain the difference between being constructive with criticism and just being a douche, and all it's done is make him hide the abuse while trying to pose as being a victim.
I'm all for free speech but not when it's purely driven by hate and dislike of an individual, and it's fucked up when you mask your hate with good intentions. Not to mention he's been punished for attacking members before, for doing the same things I'm telling you he's done in private message to Staff+. Most of his hate for Goldgames comes from him locking threads that Staff+ deem as being disruptive or out of control or even abusive, many times we've locked threads where abuse is being hurled at someone only for those hurling the abuse to get pissed that the thread is locked.
I don't ban for having a different opinion, nor do I ban for people expressing their feelings and thoughts as long as it's constructive. But I do take exception when people try to force others by abuse or coercion to be different, EgN is supposed to be a safe place for people to relax and discuss and talk freely among themselves as long as the rules are obeyed. I never like to punish people for the very reason I prefer this place be relaxing and casual, but when someone is abusive and rude and doesn't listen to warnings then what's left to do? Do I want Lunk to be a Recruit? Nope. Did he know this was coming? Yes. Has he been taking his punishment with dignity? Nope. Do I think he's learned anything? Nope. He still thinks that he needs to be abusive and rude since he knows best, he thinks he needs to do whatever it takes to get his way.
But hey...if you don't like the way things are and can't stand how things are managed then feel free to start your own community, it's the best method to understanding the pressures of leadership. But this is a lot of text, I doubt Lunk is going to read it all since he has said:I'm not really going to argue and anything, just point out a few things.
Staff+ isn't respected of late, due to the reason that the community doesn't feel like they're heard.
Staff+ tend to be really arrogant when confronted with an issue involving them, just discarding it all, and thinking it's all personal even if it's not.
3. I've known quite a few of the
Staff before they got staff rank. Sorry to break it, they ended up being real dicks after they got that rank.
4. They refuse to see that there is a problem, and I fear that you might refuse to see it aswell.
I mean I get the Lunk/Simplistic situation. Because he was not constructive but more insulting, and that's fair.
But in general whenever I've confronted a
Staff+ member, all I was met with was arrogance, because they believe it to be personal.
I hope you will take this into consideration
Kharn. Write me a PM if you wish to speak with me 'bout it. Got time on TS for the reminder of this week.