Mootinie wrote:
A rep system of some description. You're against it for valid reasons but it works well on other forums I'm on and it does increase engagement from user to user. It's basically no different to the Like/Love buttons on social media sites. If I wanna say I like this, why do I need to make a post when I have the option of doing that in a click?
More options for your profile. Cover photo, perhaps music playing (is that too Myspace-y lol)? Lots of different categories to fill in. Let people go wild and express themselves. It would be awesome if it could have a social edge to it, perhaps status updates could be introduced?
Have a notifications function at the top of the page so I'll know when my post has been quoted.
A sidebar "Hall of Fame" that ranks all of your top donators.
A shop of some sort. Buy VIP access, custom user titles under your profile name, perhaps VIP only content? If you get TTT up, VIP access could entitle you to certain skins that you wouldn't otherwise be able to use? Same for JB if you get that back to previous glory. Create more for people to donate for.
The new forum does indeed allow you to set a Cover Photo for your profile, which is quite nifty and good. And notifications are a thing in the new forum too, which you can set what notifications you receive and do not receive.
A hall of fame.. hmm i don't know but there is a top contributor award/trophy type of thing. On the forum the person with the most posts in that week will receive an award, like "Top Poster of the week of ..." and that gets added to your profile etc.