PrimeLGTV wrote:
Sinister wrote:
Xanderian wrote:
What the fuck is going on here? I don't see why the rest of the community had to get involved in this pointless shit when he could have easily been dealt with by staff+. This vote really should not exist.
Also, I don't see what's so special about this guy aside from the spamming, since I can name plenty of you (in this thread even) who act like cunts just as much as he does. This is a gaming community, so quit the pointless drama and go back to playing your games.
You don't know the whole story, there was more than just spamming ect.
The part that's missing is that I was previously CT banned for MFK'ing when I was in the clan at 13. I MFK'd again after being unbanned which got me perm-banned from all servers. I then shit-talked some members after being banned. Guys... I was 13 in Middle School. I'm 16 now, almost 17. This is why I did not mention the fact. In my mind it was somewhat irrelevant what I did as a little kid in the clan. Also, I wasn't the worst member ever. Don't get that picture, that I'm here to create drama... I helped NastyStevie tremendously with the EgN Minecraft server. I got many people to donate (even donated myself, $20+) and I did the server GFX. I had a GFX thread where I made multiple sigs for multiple different members. I helped recruit many members in the past. I used to even enforce rules on JB. I made mistakes here at EgN, but that doesn't give you the right to treat me like I'm some type of non-human. I "killed people" in a video game for God's sake. That was the main reason why I got perma-banned. I am a human and humans make mistakes. I don't deserve to be told to kill myself.
I don't deserve to have a unfair vote consisting of immature members and recruits decide my EgN membership to be revoked. I don't deserve to be called derogatory terms. I don't deserve to have biased opinions against me. I'm a nice, respectful, and normal person. I just don't appreciate the attitude and ethical limits of some players here. I don't stand for what's wrong...
I already know everything that you did. I still don't think this vote should exist. These sort of things are up to the staff+ to decide, since it's their job. Otherwise, why do we even have staff+? They essentially exist to make the decisions the rest of us members don't want to or shouldn't have a say in. That's not to say everything members say should be ignored, but there are certain things that the majority of the members shouldn't be involved in, including this.
I do think you should be removed from membership and banned (or at least CT banned or something), don't get me wrong. In no way have I supported you on this. I just really think this vote is a huge waste of everyone's time, including yours and mine. By this vote being made, I am now involved in your drama and BS, whether I want to be or not, and the same thing goes for every other member in EgN. So now, we have to decide whether we want you in EgN or not, a decision I don't think the majority of EgN is qualified or has the right to make, even including myself.