Elevated Gaming Network

Abusive Admins
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Author:  Jackson O'brian [ Wed Aug 22, 2018 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Abusive Admins

Has EgN ever taken away admins powers that are "High Ranking". It is so comical to me how ranks are set up for a game where you pretend to be a prisoner or Guard.
I have looked but I am sure I will be told other wise. There seems to be no proof of a admin abuse appeal taken.

Author:  BriBee [ Wed Aug 22, 2018 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Abusive Admins

Jackson O'brian wrote:
Has EgN ever taken away admins powers that are "High Ranking". It is so comical to me how ranks are set up for a game where you pretend to be a prisoner or Guard.
I have looked but I am sure I will be told other wise. There seems to be no proof of a admin abuse appeal taken.

Would you care to elaborate on what you mean further?
There are multiple complaints about admin abuse on the forums and they are taken care of as soon as can be.
Sometimes its not admin abuse and sometimes it is.
Staff+ try to handle every situation the best of their ability
Also jailbreak isnt our only server so the ranks have no specification towards jailbreak alone.

Author:  AJtheGreyBeard025 [ Wed Aug 22, 2018 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Abusive Admins

We have a system to report admins, if you go to the complaint section you'll not only see that there is a template on how we handle complaints, but also a requirement of hard proof such as screenshots, demos, and witnesses who post in the thread. Have none of those then it will be merely he said / she said argument with no clear favorite.

I am sorry you think that there is no accountability but there is. Just look at the thread on Terminator it reinforces the point I've made.

So if you have a specific complaint, go through the process with what is needed.

Author:  Mr.GoldGames [ Wed Aug 22, 2018 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Abusive Admins

staff can do whatever they want as long as it doesn’t interfere with gameplay. Advisors are pretty much the same, and then Kharn does whatever he wants cause he runs this bitch.

Author:  North [ Wed Aug 22, 2018 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Abusive Admins

btw kicking you cause you're spamming admin chat isn't abusing lol

Author:  Birthstone [ Wed Aug 22, 2018 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Abusive Admins

This isn't murder or armed robbery we're talking about here, these are people moderating the gameplay in an online video game. Sometimes they mess up, but we're not going to permanently strip an admin of their powers and remove them from the community, burn their crops and salt their fields for one instance of admin abuse. Would you like to be given a second chance? I would think so, and that's why we tend to do the same when our members and admins make mistakes.

As far as people losing admin, it has happened. Admins who have an extensive history of abusing their admin can and do lose their admin. It just doesn't happen all that often, as we have multiple steps in place to prevent shitty admins from running servers and correct the behaviors of admins who are out of line.

As far as admin complaints being ignored, in my experience the vast majority of admin complaints are ignored for 2 reasons: 1. They don't follow the (very) simple format outlined on our forums. 2. They have zero proof.

For example, I can guarantee your post here is going to be ignored as far as punishing admins, as 1. It doesn't follow the (very) simple format outlined on our forums 2. It has zero proof.

Would you like someone to be able to ban you permanently just on their word? I wouldn't think so, that's why we need people to provide evidence.

tl;dr if you have a specific complaint, take it to the complaints section and follow the report format, including evidence, otherwise you're just wasting your time

Author:  Cooper [ Wed Aug 22, 2018 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Abusive Admins

Well usually most complaints are threads like this one with little direction or specifics and that's why they tend to go nowhere.

If you actually have a complaint I'd suggest making it here viewforum.php?f=42 .

If you have solid evidence of an admin breaking the rules then it's almost certain something will happen to them (whether that being sat down by a staff and having a conversation or something more serious like removal of privileges). Not to say all admins are perfect, but it's hard to punish someone if there isn't any concrete evidence of them actually doing something wrong. The policy for reports is you need evidence proving the person guilty, if you don't have that then nothing can really be done about the report.

Author:  Mr. Simplistic [ Thu Aug 23, 2018 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Abusive Admins

Yea a few times I remember are chips, next, habibi ,randy(I think he was admin). Most of the time if an admin is abusing he gets warned and ppl Bitch at him and he quits tho.

Author:  Needy [ Thu Aug 23, 2018 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Abusive Admins

Jackson O'brian wrote:
Has EgN ever taken away admins powers that are "High Ranking". It is so comical to me how ranks are set up for a game where you pretend to be a prisoner or Guard. I have looked but I am sure I will be told other wise. There seems to be no proof of a admin abuse appeal taken.

Has there ever been an higher rank that has had their admin removed? Depends on what you would recall as higher ranking; otherwise, more than likely, yes there has. Although, higher ranking admins are normally held to a higher standard compared to the rest of our admins, they are also given more leverage when it comes to how they admin. Doesn't mean they're allowed to just about do whatever they want, but as long as they aren't disrupting any sort of game play & the server is still running smoothly they're given that threshold. Given said that, any complaint submitted comes down to the opinion of the Staff+ and/or representatives, and whether they feel an admin should have their powers revoked. Again, depends on status of the admin, the turn of events given in the complaint, and the level of "abuse".

Also, would suggest providing a bit more detail as to how an admin were to abuse. That way we can at the very least accommodate a response of whether they were and/or weren't abusing. Not much can be done otherwise.

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