Elevated Gaming Network

Remove Rule #64
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Author:  The Gongler [ Wed May 25, 2016 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Remove Rule #64

"#64: CT's must shoot to kill, wounding is not allowed."

This is a silly, unneeded rule that promotes a Nazi play style.


Good point, Jt you sexy mf

Say Yes or No because I can't find the fucking poll maker.

Author:  Needy [ Wed May 25, 2016 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remove Rule #64

Well it mainly falls under the favoritism rule, personally I think it's an appropriate rule to have.

Author:  Mr. Simplistic [ Wed May 25, 2016 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remove Rule #64

I swear i was the only one who opposed this rule at the meeting when it was announced...

Author:  Roaxes [ Wed May 25, 2016 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remove Rule #64

Needy wrote:
Well it mainly falls under the favoritism rule, personally I think it's an appropriate rule to have.

Yeah, one scenario "Oh you pulled a secondary...eh shot in the foot don't do it again best fwiend <3"

Another person pulls one out; instant head shot "lol get rekt shouldn't even had rebelled mate get on my level, my kdr is so high now"

You can easily say this doesn't happen or you wouldn't do so but no matter how hard we try we'll always show favoritism in these situations for some people and not think twice about others rather accidentally or intentional. The rules fine.

Author:  nicholas9967 [ Wed May 25, 2016 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remove Rule #64

then you gotta deal with people who get shot down to different percents....cause you know people are gonna be salty about it and complain. the shoot to kill makes sure each person is treated the same (no favoritism)

Author:  Dave [ Wed May 25, 2016 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remove Rule #64

roaxes96 wrote:
Needy wrote:
Well it mainly falls under the favoritism rule, personally I think it's an appropriate rule to have.

Yeah, one scenario "Oh you pulled a secondary...eh shot in the foot don't do it again best fwiend <3"

Another person pulls one out; instant head shot "lol get rekt shouldn't even had rebelled mate get on my level, my kdr is so high now"

You can easily say this doesn't happen or you wouldn't do so but no matter how hard we try we'll always show favoritism in these situations for some people and not think twice about others rather accidentally or intentional. The rules fine.

I agree with this on many levels.

Author:  The Gongler [ Wed May 25, 2016 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remove Rule #64

Dave c.F Strider wrote:
roaxes96 wrote:
Needy wrote:
Well it mainly falls under the favoritism rule, personally I think it's an appropriate rule to have.

Yeah, one scenario "Oh you pulled a secondary...eh shot in the foot don't do it again best fwiend <3"

Another person pulls one out; instant head shot "lol get rekt shouldn't even had rebelled mate get on my level, my kdr is so high now"

You can easily say this doesn't happen or you wouldn't do so but no matter how hard we try we'll always show favoritism in these situations for some people and not think twice about others rather accidentally or intentional. The rules fine.

I agree with this on many levels.

Let's get rid of pardoning because it also works like this.

Just allow warning shots, don't make them mandatory.

Author:  Jimmah [ Wed May 25, 2016 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remove Rule #64

Remember the idea is act like a prison guard...
Guards don't shoot prisoners "a little" as "warnings" in real life, they give verbal orders.

Author:  SemiAutoNoob [ Wed May 25, 2016 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remove Rule #64

Jimmah wrote:
Remember the idea is act like a prison guard...
Guards don't shoot prisoners "a little" as "warnings" in real life, they give verbal orders.

Prison guards also have "a show of force, pepper spray, cuffs, Battons, shields, hand to hand, tear gas.... oh and most importantly most of the prisoners are locked down at all times and when they want them out they cuff up before opening the cell or they get fucked up...."
There's a point to trying to be to realistic and I think that's what the op is trying to point out. This is a game.

Author:  Ambitny [ Wed May 25, 2016 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remove Rule #64

I think all weapons should be holstered at all times.

Why unholster a weapon if you don't plan on using it?

I know we want to make the rounds balanced ie. make it easier to rebel as a prisoner, but enforcing this rule is just too hard. Not killing a prisoner for drawing their weapon will always give them the advantage eg. prisoner pulls out pistol and aims directly at the ground, guards not allowed to kill, prisoner then flicks crosshair up to ct and kills them instantly. Now in this scenario I dont believe that a guard would be able to react fast enough and will almost always get killed. Therefore, I believe that all weapons should be holstered at all times, but if a gun is passed to you then you should be given a warning to holster it right away or be killed.

edit: Lol were you guys even talking about this rule?

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