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Final Confederate Statue Taken Down in NO
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Author:  El_Xanatos [ Mon May 22, 2017 5:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Confederate Statue Taken Down in NO

Young Lean wrote:
Birdman wrote:
What does tearing down a statue that represents slavery censor? I highly doubt the mass majority of Americans will forget that period of our history any time soon, just as I doubt the German people, let alone the world, will forget the holocaust and the disgusting people involved in it. I don't know why you think I'm defending anybody, but I can tell you that whenever I see a nazi flag or swastika emblazoned in a public place let alone if there was a statue to hitler or nazi propaganda posters up in public, I am certainly offended and repulsed because my people were victims of that tragedy.

Edit: To be a little clearer, I would be more offended by a nazi statue/sanctioned propaganda than by swastika graffiti

As if it's to be considered fucking sanctioned propoganda lmao, with that logic let's all mob over to the holocaust museum and break everything inside.
Don't be so dramatic, no relative of yours that's living went through the holocaust, everyone just wants a reason to be offended.

Let's not let this get out of hand guys.

Author:  Kharn [ Mon May 22, 2017 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Confederate Statue Taken Down in NO

I have a crazy aunt who is way into genealogy resulting in crazy knowledge, my grandmother's side had 1 family member on the Union side and Confederate side.

We've had discussions about this subject before when they were removing a CSA flag from some road, was a pretty heated subject back then and obviously was near the start of this trend.


Author:  AJtheGreyBeard025 [ Mon May 22, 2017 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Confederate Statue Taken Down in NO

El_Xanatos wrote:
ajescorcia025 wrote:
That being said I find the argument that it is "heritage" to be a myth. The civil war was pure and simple about the state right to keep fellow human beings enslaved. I'm a big history buff and big into miltiary history in particular, however as an immigrant and naturalized citizen I cannot grasp why people hold on to romanticized version of traitors that stood up to the elected authority. The only other analogy i can think of right now is that Nazism isn't about heritage, its about hate.

I agree, I think it's fine and dandy to be proud of where you're from. There's a line though where you shouldn't be glorifying the men who had fought for the right to own slaves. They got conquered, no need for General Lee to be revered. Sherman didn't march to the sea for nothing.

Completely agree here 100%. I mean all those confederate monuments, forts named after confederate officers, park names, street names, etc. were to spite Reconstruction and to change the actual story with......*GASP* alternative facts. If it was against "Northern Aggression," the fact is that the south shot first at Sumter. Hell that pro-slavery senator beating the shit out of a northern senator in open session was the start! The false narrative of "heritage not hate" not only baffles me but also aggravates me. Its like Turkey not acknowledging the Armenian Genocide.......

Author:  SpazzO [ Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Confederate Statue Taken Down in NO

El_Xanatos wrote:
ajescorcia025 wrote:
That being said I find the argument that it is "heritage" to be a myth. The civil war was pure and simple about the state right to keep fellow human beings enslaved. I'm a big history buff and big into miltiary history in particular, however as an immigrant and naturalized citizen I cannot grasp why people hold on to romanticized version of traitors that stood up to the elected authority. The only other analogy i can think of right now is that Nazism isn't about heritage, its about hate.
There's a line though where you shouldn't be glorifying the men who had fought for the right to own slaves.

The war wasn't originally about slavery. It was about succession from the Union because the Southern states felt oppressed by the federal government.

The southern states wanted state rights to be preserved, such that each state could be able to make their own governing decisions. But then everyone flipped on the south when Lincoln made it about the slaves, which was a smart political move and caused for people to be less entrenched in the states rights issues.

Black people willingly fought for some confederate states....but you won't see that in history books.
Those books are written by the victors.

I did extensive research on American History. There are two sides to every story.

Side Note: Robert E Lee almost fought for the Union, but believed in States Rights and joined the confederacy to preserve freedom.

I do not condone racism in any way, just factual argument.

Author:  Black Knight [ Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Confederate Statue Taken Down in NO

People are complete pussy's if they get offended over a damn statue and history.

Author:  Central [ Sun Aug 27, 2017 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Confederate Statue Taken Down in NO

Black Knight wrote:
People are complete pussy's if they get offended over a damn statue and history.

Maybe let's not comment on old threads, thank you.

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