Elevated Gaming Network

Star Wars Battlefront II
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Author:  Caboose [ Wed Nov 15, 2017 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Birthstone wrote:
DazzlingDazzaD94 wrote:
mattlikespie wrote:
In response to player feedback, EA lowered the price of unlocking heroes with in game credits by 75% - one of the major complaints about the games progression. I think this a step in the right direction, but we still have the micro transaction loot crate deal; guess we’ll see how that goes

So they`ve lowered the prices by 75% but I wouldn`t be at all surprised if they also lowered the amount of credits you come out with per match. Be something like 50 credits per match. ?? Still there cheap arse response on reddit won`t ever be forgotten breaking in a record climbing 90,000 downvotes in reddit breaking history. You`ve also got people now saying EA listen to there customers yet they`ve only ever listened on this one occasion because of how much of a major screw up on there end and they probably didn`t want to face the consequences that lie ahead if they decided not to address the cost situation. Just because they`ve listened this one time doesn`t instantly boost them to listening to customers considering how many games they`ve fucked up through the years with there microtransactions shit. It`s DICE who I feel sorry for who unfortunately get all there hard work on the game over years bird shitted on by a greedy cooperation.

This is exactly what they've done. People beta testing now report lower rates of credits earned from matches, about a 75% drop. So they lowered the prices by 75%, and lowered the accumulation rate by 75%. They're pissing on their customers and trying to convince them it's rain.

Fuck EA. DICE is going to get torn apart tomorrow in their AMA with Reddit, hopefully they can put enough pressure on corporate to actually listen to the players.

They only reduced the campaign rewards by 75%, not the MP rewards.

Author:  Birthstone [ Wed Nov 15, 2017 9:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Caboose wrote:

They only reduced the campaign rewards by 75%, not the MP rewards.

Ok, but it still takes thousands of hours of gameplay or thousands of dollars to unlock everything

http://www.swtorstrategies.com/2017/11/ ... ntent.html

They literally made a $60 game with a free to play game model.

Author:  Yiggles Moto [ Wed Nov 15, 2017 10:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Watched a video yesterday of someone playing the beta I believe. After playing arcade mode for a bit, the credit rewards had a cooldown of 3 hours before they could start earning more credits in that game mode again. Basically forcing players to play something else if they want to grind for their rewards (coercion to just buy them?).

Want the game? Ok, buy it and grind for dozens of hours (or p2w) so you can unlock the main star wars cast in a star wars game. It's unfortunate these weren't made available right away instead of making some side or special characters the unlockables.

Don't want the game? Ok, don't buy it.

EA is going to make money either way.

Spoiler: Show

Roaxes wrote:
I love unlocking stuff, so it's no biggie to me. Games lately just give you everything and it gets boring really quick. Like my favorite FPS of all times will ALWAYS be Timesplitters just for the amount of unlockable characters and maps in all three games. So if Starwars Battlefront 2 requires unlocking things, hey im all for it as long as it's not locked behind a paywall.

It's just sad that the different characters to play online w/ are locked behind intense grinding sections that most people just simply don't have the time to do if they are just playing casually to have some fun.

Author:  Birthstone [ Wed Nov 15, 2017 11:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Yiggles Moto wrote:
EA is going to make money either way.

That's the unfortunate truth. The numbers on mtxs are staggering. Less than 5% of the playerbase makes up over 90% of all purchases. They're literally taking advantage of gambling addicts.

I wonder if this is enough, though. I wonder what it will take for people to finally tell EA to fuck off in large enough numbers where they fail to break even on a game.

Yiggles Moto wrote:

7 of the top 10 most downvoted posts of all time are by official EA accounts. This one broke their previous record by over 650,000 downvotes Image

Author:  Kapitan [ Wed Nov 15, 2017 11:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Yiggles Moto wrote:
Want the game? Ok, buy it and grind for dozens of hours

https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comment ... _requires/

Author:  DazzlingDazzaD94 [ Wed Nov 15, 2017 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Caboose wrote:
They only reduced the campaign rewards by 75%, not the MP rewards.

Couldn`t care less for the campaign. Played through it and only lasted on average 5 hours and the story plot was pretty much awfully scripted. Feels like no effort has been put into the single player side of thing game what so ever. First couple of missions just lacking variety so much and quickly hit the point of becoming a real bore. It`s not even worth playing through considering they fucked players over by lowering the credits payout from it`s original figure 20,000 credits to the new payout of just 5,000 credits. Completing the actual campaign just offer players a number of rewards so fuck that. As far as I`m concerned the progression system in this game feels really broke and regarding the multiplayer side of things it still takes ages to purchase a hero.

You can nab Vader and Skywalker for around 15,000 credits now with Chewbacca , Solo , Leia and the Emperor costing just 10,000 credits whilst the main protagonist hero in the game will be playable for just 5,000 credits. Despite the 75% cut it`s still not enough to win most players over. I don`t like the limit`s either on certain thing such as for completing like 5 challenges you can`t earn anymore credits for another 14 hours which is a piss take considering in other games they publish like the NFS Payback they allow you to do a infinite number of challenges and rack up as much credits as you like with no limit cap. Same rules apply for the arcade mode of the game which also feels like a waste of time playing. It`s more of a small upgrade but wasted opportunity in giving single players something to love but when it`s a huge triple AAA multiplayer game there`s nothing you can do to stop that.

The fact is they haven`t really thought about the players out there who aren`t so much into the multiplayer side of things since not all of us like getting slaughtered over and over again. They`ve practically turned it into Candy Crush with the challenge limit. If your thinking of going for Battlefront II I wouldn`t waste paying $60 for a 5 hour campaign. I`d rather get COD WWII instead. Like we`ve stated though on a numerous occasions EA doesn`t care at the end of the day because no matter what people will always help fill there greedy pockets. On a side not multiplayer payout only nets you around $1,000 or less that`s if you put on a good performance so it would take 10 - 15 games even to just save up for a hero that`s if you don`t spend your credits on any of the other extras they have on offer.

Author:  Yiggles Moto [ Wed Nov 15, 2017 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Kapitan wrote:
Yiggles Moto wrote:
Want the game? Ok, buy it and grind for dozens of hours

https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comment ... _requires/

I wasn't trying to convey that dozens of hours would unlock everything, just a character or two.

Spoiler: Show

Author:  Nemesis [ Wed Nov 15, 2017 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

The campaign isn't even that good, I saw the entire play through. Although they are adding more to it with the free dlc, it still sucks ass.

Author:  DazzlingDazzaD94 [ Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

It`s a shame to see DICE have there good intentions shitted on of making the effort to create the best possible Star Wars experience. Giving EA the Star Wars rights has to be one of the biggest mistakes in the gaming industry considering they`ve pretty much screwed the IP over with two fucked up Battlefront game pretty much alongside them doing very little with the IP what so ever. They`ve spent half of the IP`s time deceasing games that could have potentially made for a great experience. They shut down the poor bastards at Visceral Games last month who were at the time deep into development on an all new triple AAA single player Star Wars game that was to go along the lines of the cancelled Star Wars 1313 title.Now they`ve lost that plus a great loss to a talented team of developers who once again are unfortunate enough to become the next killing spree target in EA`s torture.

I mean they also fucked up Bioware earlier in the year after the new Mass Effect didn`t go down well with everyone but then again you can`t really blame the devs for this considering there was the whole controversy of a statement submitted by an ex- Bioware dev who reported that the entire team had been monumentally pressurized with lunch breaks being broken down to 10 minutes , wages getting a major dock as well as the hours being increased dramatically. Former dev who worked there who was fired by EA said Mass Effect Andromeda was in development hell and this was only 3 and a half years into development to when it started happening. It`s a shame to see another great franchise get fucked over by the pressure of EA just because they wanted the Bioware team to rush the game to get it out on time yet they actually put up a fight and insisted on giving the game another few months of a delay. A few months however wouldn`t have made a slight difference though it would have had more time to be a better polished game. In the end it was a waste of 5 years making it and sadly EA tor the team apart with a whole new team made up of DICE and Criterion making up the new Bioware to work on the upcoming Anthem slated for 2018.

With them now acquiring Respawn I certainly don`t trust EA will handle a new Titanfall game at all in the right manner and even the co-director of the series agreed that they don`t trust being in the hands of EA but they said Respawn is Respawn. It`s sad times to see a great line of development teams being killed of f one by one. You`ve had Blackbox , Maxis , Visceral Games among some of the most tragic deaths to date in the history of the company EA. With there reportedly being a new Battlefield coming by next holiday season I think things will only get much worse from here on out and that many of the franchises that were once great have been fucked up and ruined by a greedy cooperation. Andromeda sank , Payback sank and Battlefront pretty much has sunk lower leaving just Battlefield to be the only strong contender standing. I could see Criterion games and DICE being next in line for the EA studio killing spree treatment. Sad times and certainly sad days.

Author:  Birthstone [ Wed Nov 15, 2017 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Here's a quick recap of today's DICE developer Ask Me Anything on Reddit:

Question 1: Even among game journalists, the progression system sticks out as the clear sore point in what otherwise looks like a very well made game- to the point that for many it is souring the whole experience. Are you considering radical changes to this system? Is there anything you have decided you won't change?

DICE: I think this concern has come through loud and clear. We're going to continue adjusting the crate systems, content, and progression mechanics to hit a point that gives players a great, balanced experience at all skill levels. We're working on expanding the number of ways that players can progress, putting more control in their hands and providing more options and choice in the way people play. There's not much in the game that we wouldn't revisit to improve the game for as many players as possible.

Question(s) 2: Are you aware that it will take a gamer who plays 2 hours per day over 6 years in order to unlock all of the content? Don't you think that is a bit unfair that a large portion of content will be unaccessible for those who have other responsibilities like work, school, in a game they paid for? Will you be looking to lower the number of microtransactions in the future? Do you have any comment on the cool down to earn credits? Will it be lowered or removed in the future? Any concern that this will make the grind even more challenging for players who don't buy microtransactions?

DICE: We've seen the speculation about how long it takes players to earn things - but our averages based on the Play First trial are much faster than what's out there. But as more players come in, that could change. We're committed to making progression a fun experience for all of our players. Nothing should feel unattainable and if it does, we'll do what it takes to make sure it's both fun and achievable. As we update and expand Arcade mode, we'll be working towards making sure that players can continue to progress without daily limits.

Question 3: As a father with young kids, the two things that I lack are time and money. For all players like myself, with the vertical progression of the star card system how can we progress in game and stay on EVEN footing with those that have hours upon hours to grind daily, and those that are willing to throw down $$$ on loot crates for power increases via star cards and hero unlocks?

DICE: Mainly through matchmaking. We take into account not only your gameplay skills, but also inventory and time played, when we match players together in multiplayer. You should not ever be matchmade together with players who are much better than you are. Ultimately your effectiveness is going to come down to skill, not the Star Cards that you have. If it doesn't feel that way, we'll see it on our side, too. Our data will tell that story and we'll make adjustments. We're looking at results from millions of matches and will be continuously rebalancing items, unlocks, and matchmaking to create a fair, fun experience for all of our players. Beyond that, all Star Cards have maximum values regardless of how they are unlocked.

Response: Have you seen some of the videos out with people with Rank 4 star cards already? They are smashing everyone else.

DICE Response: Our matchmaking system will rank players who do well against other players that do well. If they wreck players in one game, the next game they'll be put against other players with similar skill. That's the intent. We're going to look at cases like these as they're likely indicative of matchmaking errors. This is potentially occurring because the servers are still populating, since the game only just released. We're finishing rolling all the versions of the game out around the world this week which will affect server populations and matchmaking. Once that's complete we'll be working on updating the matchmaking logic to address situations like these.

This was an excellent opportunity for DICE and EA to do a 180 and explain themselves, and what they're going to do to fix the issues. Instead, we got vague bullshit and astroturfing.

Very disappointing.

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