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im thinking about ending my life
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Author:  Recon Drogo [ Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  im thinking about ending my life

it feel like nobody treats me with no respect at all...
and it also feel like im just a burden to everybody
and i dont feel belong with nobody

Author:  x3x33 [ Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: im thinking about ending my life

Ummm, Recon, don't end your life. Not only will you be affected for obvious reasons...but your family and friends will be greatly affected by your loss. I personally think you should go talk to one of your best friends or someone you trust. Don't make a mistake that will affect people around you.

Author:  Wartheft [ Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: im thinking about ending my life

Charlie, this is not the place...

Recon, you belong to all of us, to this community. You know that 90 percent of us love you with brotherly love, and another 5 percent love you with sexual love. Ending your life is never the way to go. Other than just the fact that you will no longer be here, you will most likely emotionally cripple a great deal of people. I've already lost a few friends to suicide, and I really don't want to lose another.

Find me on TS next time I'm on. We'll talk a little.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 2.

Author:  DEAD! [ Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: im thinking about ending my life

Wartheft wrote:
and another 5 percent love you with sexual love.

Lol. But this is no time to make jokes. Dude. Dont do it. Maybe u could add me and we could play a little?

Author:  Kharn [ Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: im thinking about ending my life

Recon Drogo wrote:
it feel like nobody treats me with no respect at all...
and it also feel like im just a burden to everybody
and i dont feel belong with nobody

Sounds like you should hang out with more people or try talking to people you don't normally, respect is nothing worth killing yourself over. Really there isn't anything worth ending your life for, there is always tomorrow and always a chance you will better your situation. You might even talk to your parents about this and see what they say, they brought you into this world and raised you this far. Even the worst parent is still a human and knowing your child is in such pain that suicide is a choice for them would make anyone care.

When I was younger I remember contemplating suicide a few times, but just when I thought things were so horrible and beyond help there would always be something that would remind me I should live. Suicide isn't a solution to anything, all it does is create more problems for those you leave behind, your family and your friends care deeply about you. You just need to always look on the brighter side of things, you can ask plenty of the older members and most of them will most likely have some story like your own where they thought about ending it but didn't, its kinda natural that at some point your going to experience depression or dark thoughts.

Go outside, ride a bike, eat something you like, watch a movie you like, talk to a friend or family member. Do something but don't sit around thinking about how bad things are anymore, that only makes shit get worse.

Author:  Recon Drogo [ Thu Jun 13, 2013 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: im thinking about ending my life

i know i have a long way to go but
thank u to april, kammie, and wartheft to make it possible for me to get over this
u guys are amazing
so take this complementary hug (>^^)><(^^<)

Author:  Sibblet [ Thu Jun 13, 2013 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: im thinking about ending my life

Okay I am partially a therapist (apparently) in this department.

What can I say? I've expressed depression very roughly through my childhood and adulthood, it all comes from truma and my mental health issues.

There is only so much I can say on this topic. I too have wanted to kill myself a few good times, never attempted to because everytime I try, I think of my family and how many people will become so upset and disappointed from me running away from life when it could be so much greater.

Like some wise guys say:
"It get's harder for it to get better."
At times, this statement has proven itself many times from the situations I have suffered at such a young age.

But sometimes I look back and think to myself, things could have been worse than they were ages ago.

I live in a hostel.
I have mental disibilities.
My mind is limited to how smart I can be. (I used to be very smart before I suffered a horrible trauma, now I am very un-smart in my opinion.)
I was bullied at a very young age. (But WHO wasn't?!)

Everytime I try to tell people that I cannot do these things because of my disabilities, they think i'm making crappy excuses!

Drogo, basically what I am trying to say is. Let go of your social life; having friends can help sometimes but they always cause problems one way or another! Take care of your family no matter who annoying they are. They love you with all their hearts and soon when you come to a certain age, you kick in and start to see what they had to deal with for all those years. You will fall down and will want to apologize but sometimes, fewer are too late!
So for GOD sake! Do NOT let your family go!

Love them. Care for them. And do not EVER leave their sides for as long as you live!

Author:  Balazubus [ Thu Jun 13, 2013 5:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: im thinking about ending my life

i love you recon (no homo) come in to my channel i make you feel good xD

Author:  Lex [ Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: im thinking about ending my life

Recon Drogo wrote:
i know i have a long way to go but
thank u to april, kammie, and wartheft to make it possible for me to get over this
u guys are amazing
so take this complementary hug (>^^)><(^^<)

Awwwh your welcome, anytime! :) ♥♥

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