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what's your experience?
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Author:  Terminator [ Sun Mar 04, 2018 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  what's your experience?

so im in my senior year......yaya i guess
got the big choices ahead of me soon: go to college, work, not doing shit.....
but the one im struggling with is college

i wonder how it is to be in college, like i am thinking about 2 completely different directions to go on:

-Bachelor of Science in Industrial Sciences (Architecture)

i don't know wich one to go on because they both seem interesting, but yet i can't do both neither would i want to do both
i got some pro's and con's for both of em:

criminology: + i like the defferent fields and lessons i get in that study
+ it is a "preperation" on what i want to do as a job (police officer)
+ i got a good motivation for it

- its a 6 year education
- different aspects makes it fun yet difficult at the same time

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Sciences (Architecture): + 3-4 year education
+ i have the basics (mechanics and electricity) for this education
+ might have a better chanse of passing this education
+ would make my dad alot happier if i did this

- not really a preperation for police officer
- not completely my interest in terms of lessons

thing is, i just would love to know how it will be in college because i am probably going to start with a clean slate and everything.
so just wanted to see what you guys and girls have as an experience in college, or in one of these educations if u had them.
thank you in advance

Author:  DreamLove [ Sun Mar 04, 2018 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: what's your experience?

Quit school and never do anything other than rebelling in jails.

Author:  Mr. Simplistic [ Sun Mar 04, 2018 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: what's your experience?

but which makes most $$$ for least work tho?

Author:  Uchies [ Sun Mar 04, 2018 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: what's your experience?

When you factor in debts, people who go to trade school make, on average, more money in their first several years over those that go to a 4-year college. Just some food for thought.

Author:  Mr. Simplistic [ Sun Mar 04, 2018 7:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: what's your experience?

Uchies wrote:
When you factor in debts, people who go to trade school make, on average, more money in their first several years over those that go to a 4-year college. Just some food for thought.

my bro went to uni and i went to trade school so i can attest to that big time lol

Author:  TheronRain [ Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: what's your experience?

I can't say much since I haven't been to college as a student attending a university, but starting next school year, I will will be attending my college of choice. I plan to study in computer science to get my masters. Plus, I might be able to put my rocketry skills for a company that dabbles with space. My suggestion for you and anyone else that might me interested in college, is to find what makes you happy. What do you want to do in the future that won't bore you to the max but is always a bit fun and exciting. Look at careers for your major and see what kind of hours they have to work. It's really just all up to you. You have to figure out what will work best for you. But if you are attending a college, check to see if you can switch majors or not. My college offers it, but I doubt I'll need to change. If you'd like to talk more about all this college stuff, feel free to hop on teamspeak and join my channel some time.

Author:  koolaid [ Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: what's your experience?

If you have ever done any drugs, or ever do, you can count yourself as disqualified to be a police officer, especially in a bigger department, just a heads up.

If you decide to go to school, I recommend going to community college and then transferring into a larger university to save money. When you transfer, find one that has a cadet program and also get a security job on the side.

Also if you aren't working out, start now.

Despite what most people think, police jobs are usually extremely competitive. You'll need to distinguish yourself from all the other applicants for the academy, and especially from all the former military. They get in first.

Author:  DazzlingDazzaD94 [ Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: what's your experience?

Well mate I've been studying at college for a long time and even though I've never had experience in either of those fields your referring to in terms of the direction you want to take , I can tell you college makes you look at yourself in a whole new light. From personal experience I have found over the years that college is all about finding and discovering the person you want to be in your future self. Believe me with college you get a lot more freedom and aren't as restricted as much as you are on High School grounds. College is a like a highway full of bumps along the way. Unlike school your choices are taken seriously here and even though mistakes will be made down the line as you make your way through whichever career path you perceive to take , it`s all about learning from those mistakes and being given the freedom to carve your own destiny.

For example when I first started college I have no clue what I wanted to do or what I wanted to be when I was older. The first year for me was more of an spin-off to high school in messing around however getting into my second and third years I started to look at my life choices more seriously. There were times when I made mistakes on going on courses that I thought I wanted to do in the future as a career and when I had a change of heart I thought long and hard over and over what is truly was I wanted to do in life and once I found that career goal , I set that as my goal to go out and accomplish it and in a few months time once I finish my last year here at college I will be obtaining that achievement that is the true career that I have been searching for. I guess what I'm trying to say is mate that when you start out at college you may be lost on what you would like to do but even if you have a change of heart in choosing a different career path halfway through one of your years , that is alright because what matters at the end of the day is what dream you truly want to make become a reality of your future self.

Few things to note though that College is far from being a High school playground. They don't treat you like kids over here and more or less treat you like grown up adults. At first I know what you thinking that it`ll be a scary transition leaving behind the friends you've made at high school but that's alright because usually when everyone leaves school the majority lose contact since everyone is heading in different career path directions and that's one of the first things you should keep in mind when heading into college. There`s plenty of room for new friends and I`m sure there`s a handy bunch of good ones waiting around the corner to meet you mate. I mean throughout my years I've seen the good , the bad , the ugly and all kinds of different people. Some who have became twats , some who took a back seat and let the attention seeing ones take , some who are down to earth canny nice get to know people and even those who have became like family to me. Despite that though you will find a diverse range of different personalities in the classes you take at college although most of the time I imagine they`ll be mature enough people to get along with since again this isn't a playground like high school to mess around in.

On a final note I will leave you with my summarize of college experience. To put this into a good perspective it`s about finding your strengths and weaknesses. If you like you can think of a college experience in between something like school work and your social life. It`s also important though to remember why your there whilst at the same time kicking back and having some fun to. Carve your own destiny mate and follow the person you really want to become in life. College allows you the freedom to make that choice without having to be something you don't want to be just because others tell you to. It`s being able to come out your shell and experience surprises college has to offer , the shockers , the tough times you`ll go through when deadlines get tight on you and most of all having a laugh with all the new friendships you make and experience everything together. I`ve had a blast over these last few years and I`m very grateful and thankful to the people I have met through each and every course. College experience is not only a more effective and better way to gain knowledge but I've also come to learn that it`s a better way at gaining life skills.

Take it from someone who has seven years of experience in college.

Author:  Reboobalar [ Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: what's your experience?

Hey man I have been in college for 3 years now. You can go into college with an undecided major. They have classes specifically to help you decide a major. plus There will be professors and academic advisors that have degrees in both those career fields so you can talk to them and get an idea of how they like it and get an idea of how they would impact you

Author:  Reboobalar [ Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: what's your experience?

also to add to this discussion... ya you might be in debt for a few years after college but it will pay off in the long run. In most circumstances going to college will allow you to advance much higher and faster in your career field, then someone who did not go to college. One more thing bud, I have many friends who went to college for a certain major and then switched there major after a couple semesters . This is no big deal at all, especially because your first two year will mostly be general classes (English,speech, basic math..ect).. I know its a big decision but don't sweat it as long as you are determined you will be fine man.

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