Elevated Gaming Network

Im sorry yall.
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Author:  Mr. Habibi [ Thu Jan 19, 2017 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Im sorry yall.

I've noticed that i got demoted cuz of my language and complaints.
Im not salty, mad or crying over the higher ups decision, cuz what goes around, comes around. And i
deserved it.

Dear all..

First of all, im sorry.

I'm sorry if I have offended you, I'm sorry if I made you angry, im sorry if i turned your smile 180° - or otherwise been a problem for you.

You should all know that it has never been my intention to enter TS3, JB or anywhere else with a negative attitude, nor has it been my intention to talk disparagingly/disrespectfully to you, if it happened, then im sorry.
The times it unfortunately happens, some reasons were involved. Reasons which I have tried to put behind me.
If anyone of you guys meet me in real life, you would be surprised, cuz im never this "aggressive" irl, until someone crosses my line (Think we all have it in that way)
- I have always joined JB, MG, TS3 ... Anything with a good mood & a open heart. But as you guys see, problems attempts to find me for some reasons, some people would know.
(Im not saying im innocent, but im also not quilty. - I never start a fight, people do, if it's cuz of my accent, the way i talk.. I don't know, it's unknown.)

As you all know, I personally have it really difficult to keep my inner peace, when we talk, or are playing. You would hear me being loud, and talk shit, using the words "Fok you, bitch, slut" and much more.
- But there is a big difference on me when im serious?, and when it's just trash talk AKA a joke.
It has been like this since childhood. I was the person people were afraid off, I was the person people would call for support for a fight, I was the one who took the lead when my friends/family was in trouble.
I have NEVER been scared for a person, I have NEVER backed out of a fight, but this one right her?, will be the first I back out from.

I see it had some consequences for me, and im not sad cuz i lost my Elite rank, nor is it the reason why i type all this. The reason i do is because I dishonored those who gave me the opportunity to grow in this community by promoting me, and also because enough is enough.
All this means i'll try harder to keep this inner peace steady. I promise.

Yall deserve more from me, i can be better, i will be better.

Kciao :roll:

Author:  SilverStevie [ Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Im sorry yall.

This post offends me.

Author:  Link [ Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Im sorry yall.

SilverStevie wrote:
This post offends me.

Author:  Bourne [ Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Im sorry yall.

Link wrote:
SilverStevie wrote:
This post offends me.

You two offend me!

Habibi! You still awesome bro people just don't get you!

Author:  Mr. Simplistic [ Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Im sorry yall.

Whaat the fk, thats dumb as hell. This is the Internet say whatever the hell you want and mute the ppl u dont want to hear.

Since when was this a pc pussy hut? Yall need to grow up and meet Jesus. Smh so hard right now like really

Author:  nicholas9967 [ Thu Jan 19, 2017 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Im sorry yall.

Mr. Simplistic wrote:
Whaat the fk, thats dumb as hell. This is the Internet say whatever the hell you want and mute the ppl u dont want to hear.

Since when was this a pc pussy hut? Yall need to grow up and meet Jesus. Smh so hard right now like really

i still hate that you dont like poutine.

Author:  Kapitan [ Thu Jan 19, 2017 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Im sorry yall.

Mr. Simplistic wrote:
Whaat the fk, thats dumb as hell. This is the Internet say whatever the hell you want and mute the ppl u dont want to hear.

Since when was this a pc pussy hut? Yall need to grow up and meet Jesus. Smh so hard right now like really


Author:  xnyc [ Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Im sorry yall.

Mr. Simplistic wrote:
Whaat the fk, thats dumb as hell. This is the Internet say whatever the hell you want and mute the ppl u dont want to hear.

Since when was this a pc pussy hut? Yall need to grow up and meet Jesus. Smh so hard right now like really

when jimmah banned randy for talking about seizures. thats when

Author:  Lyriati [ Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Im sorry yall.


Author:  Mr.GoldGames [ Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Im sorry yall.

Mr. Simplistic wrote:
Whaat the fk, thats dumb as hell. This is the Internet say whatever the hell you want and mute the ppl u dont want to hear.

Since when was this a pc pussy hut? Yall need to grow up and meet Jesus. Smh so hard right now like really

Yeah, what happened to the old "It's EgN bro, what do you expect!" It's funny how a personal problem between two people/others becomes a demotable offense. I don't care what anyone says, this shit is totally not going to fly. So now, every time someone tells me to kill myself, I'll just ban them or report them for hurting my feelings. Better yet, I'll just go ahead and report everything people say that hurts my feelings.

Just ignore him if he's being mean, don't gotta go out of your way to make a big deal about it. If he's being an asshole, just kick him from the channel or tell him you don't wanna talk. If he keeps bothering you tell a staff plus.

I swear if this little bickering session on Habibi was the reason no one could go on Jailbreak that day, then I'll be super pissed. Tell them to work it out and talk about it, instead of getting offended. Put both of them into a channel, and work it out. Seriously, we really don't do that anymore. Instead of creating big problems, use your mouth and talk to them about it.

"Habibi, I didn't like it when you told me to go die in my sleep. Could you please tell me why you said that?"

There are so many ways people can work things out and get along. Shit Zach, Xync and myself had a huge problem with each other, but one day we talked it out and now I'm happy to be cool with them, and vise versa. If you just speak to one another about your beef with the other person, there would be less drama in this clan.

I'm sick of the constant drama that is going on in this clan. You all need to grow up, you guys aren't 5 anymore. Build a bridge, and get over it. Simple as that. If all you do is start drama, then leave. You aren't helping yourself, and the clan. I'm tired of the constant bickering between "groups" in the clan as well. This is supposed to be a community of gamers alike, not angsty pre-teens who want to sit around the gossip stone and jerk each other off. You wanna do that, go to Vitality, or to HOE.

Keep your comments to yourself, and shut the hell up. I assure you if you keep on this path, you won't see a bright future at all. All you will have in your life is regret and enemies. So cut the crap, play some stupid steam games, and shut up.


You don't have to make an apology to us, but mainly to the people who you said that stuff too. I get it, you want to be better, but don't apologize to the people that don't have a problem with you, it's just a waste of energy. Apologize to the people you hurt, and whom you know you've upsetted. Rock on dude, and keep being you. Some people just can't handle the crazy side of you.

Nuff said.

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